×Chapter Two×

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Kai's POV
As soon as I got home, I immediately ran upstairs. I hid Nya's present under my bed. Put my phone on the charger, took my sweater and shoes off. I threw myself on my bed, and shut my eyes.

"Kai! Mind if you come downstairs! We're discussing our plans for tomorrow!" Cole yelled, I groaned in annoyance.

"I just wanted to sleep." I mumbled to myself. I got out of bed, grabbed my shoes and ran downstairs.

"Kai, are you ok?" Jay asked, I tilted my head in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked, Jay cleared his throat.

"You're sweating... A lot." Jay said, I blinked. I looked at myself in the mirror. Jay was right, I was sweating.

"I think so. I didn't even know I was sweating." I responded, Jay only nodded.

"Brothers, we need Nya out of the house tomorrow." Zane said, Alex sat down next to Cole.

"I could call the girls and tell them we could take Nya shopping." Alex suggested, that wasn't a bad idea.

"Good idea, we'll use that." Zane said, Alex smiled.

"Cole and Lloyd, you're in charge of the inviting." Zane said, Cole and Lloyd nodded.

"Jay, you'll make sure Nya's presents are in the table." Zane said, Jay smiled and nodded.

"Kai, you and I will be on kitchen duty." Zane said, I only nodded. Alex and  Lloyd started to snicker.

"What's so funny?" Jay asked, Alex and Lloyd both snickered.

"You said Duty." Lloyd said, Alex started to laugh. Cole wrapped his arm around Alex.

"So childish." Cole said, he kissed Alex's forehead.

"Alright, you guys are free to go." Zane said, I immediately ran upstairs.... Again...

I opened my door, threw my shoes off, threw myself on my bed... Again.

My stomach started to rumble. I clutched it as it kept rumbling.

Maybe I should get some Tylenol...

I rolled out of bed, again. Ran downstairs to the kitchen. Zane was in the kitchen.

"Stomach ache?" Zane asked, I nodded.

"I think, it's rumbling and it hurts... So... Yeah?" I guess it was a question. Zane only chuckled, I stared at him.

"What?" I asked, Zane pointed outside. Lloyd and Alex were outside and Lloyd fell on his face.

"I'll see you later." I said, I ran yo the stairs, and ran in my room.

I took the medicine, I threw myself on my bed again, I grabbed my blanket and put it on me.

I shut my eyes, my head felt hot, my body felt hot, my breath felt hot.

"Kai!!!! Are you going to eat?!" Nya yelled, I groaned.

"Yes!" I yelled, I sat up.

"Dinner will be ready in a few!" Nya yelled, I did a trust fall on my bed.

I'm so tired, my stomach hurts, I really just want to sleep...

I laid there on my bed, I didn't move a muscle... My eyes felt heavy, I let my eyes win the battle...
I'm so sorry that I haven't been publishing my books! Please forgive me! I've been getting new ideas about other books... 😂

More will be published later on today or tomorrow! Please vote and comment! Thanks! Bye!
~Nae Nae

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