Basket Ball

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"Craig! I just went out back and saw (Y/n) and Kyle almost kissing!" Clyde's voice was frantic, he knew how much this girl meant to me, how much anyone has meant to me for a long time.

"Can you distract Kyle while I talk to (Y/n)?" I asked Clyde while I saw Kyle looking at (y/n) trying to yell over the music at her.

"yeah dude!" I saw Clyde make his way over to them wedging himself in between them.


"Hey Kyle! Can I talk to you for a minute?" asked him, obviously interrupting him and (y/n).

"Uh, can It wait till later dude?" He said trying to look around me and at (y/n) But I stood purposely in his way.

"It'll only take a second, Its just I'm thinking about trying out for the basketball team and I wanted some pointers" I could tell what I said had caught his attention slightly.

"Come on will talk in the Kitchen so I can here you" I said as I walked into the kitchen hoping he'd follow. He did.


I laughed as Kyle struggled with Clyde, but I was so disappointed that we where interrupted, I really didn't want Kyle over thinking about what he was saying to me. I mean what if he didn't really mean anything he just said and was only saying it because of what he heard me say on the bus. Gosh I'm such a wreck all the time.

"Hey gorgeous" Craig said while bumping his shoulder into me. He wasn't smiling like he has been the past few days. He almost seemed like his normal self, besides the fact of calling me gorgeous... But yet again he always used to drop slight hints about how I looked all the time. Oh well, I really wasn't in the mood to talk to him, or really talk to anyone, except Kyle. But It looked like Clyde was going to be keeping him for a while. I made my way up to Wendy's bedroom. The makeup they had put on me was really starting to get annoying. I searched her makeup drawers until I found some make up remover. I took off all my makeup and then went to my bag and pulled out my black pj pants. I took off my skirt and slipped them on. This felt so much better! When I turned around I saw Craig standing there with the door closed behind him.

"CRAIG! How long have you've been standing there!?" I yelled as my felt my face flushed red at the thought of him seeing me in my underwear.

"Don't worry I didn't see anything." He said walking up to me with his hands in his pockets.

"(y/n), you've been acting like something has been bothering you for the last couple of days, I mean I know you told me about being friend zoned and everything, but don't you think you should move on?" Craig's voice sounded so sincere. I didn't realize I was acting so different than what I normally did, but now nothing was wrong, not after the conversation I had with Kyle, well at least if he doesn't change his mind that is.

"I just hate seeing you like that, I like it when you smile." I couldn't help but smile at what Craig said. That was just too sweet. I should probably just tell him that I'm okay now, he doesn't need to be so worried about me.

"Craig-" he cut me off.

"See, you are so pretty when you smile (y/n), and you are so beautiful like this. No make up, in your pajamas. You are so beautiful to me." Craig made my heart sink, oh why was he so sweet.

"I really like you (y/n)" Craig said as he wrapped is arms around my waist.

"C-Craig, I think you are getting the wrong idea about this." I said pushing his arms away.

"Its because of Kyle isn't it?" He caught me off guard. I looked at the ground and nodded.

"(Y/n), you are the first girl to ever make me feel this way, but I'm not going to keep pestering you. You know what you want, but you cant blame a guy for trying!" Craig's soft laugh left me feeling reassured, I'm so glad he understood, and didn't get mad, I was truly scared there for a moment!

"Just know that I've fallen for you (y/n). Hard." Craig kissed me on the cheek.

"I love you, but I respect you.." He whispered into my ear before he left me in Wendy's room alone. Not long after Craig left the girls showed up.

"Why were you in here with Craig?.. alone?" Red said smirking at me.

"Ewwww! It better not have been on my bed!" Wendy Squealed!

"oh my god no! Nothing like that you sickos!!" I yelled

"Wait is the party over?" I asked in a panic. My thoughts returning to Kyle.

"Yup, everyone's gone." Bebe said wiping off her makeup.

"Even Kyle?" I asked disappointed

"Yeah I saw Clyde dragging him out of here going on and on about basket ball" Nicole said while laughing a bit.

"Why what's going on (y/n)?" Wendy asked. I then explained everything that had happened to all of them. They all got so excited talking about me and Kyle and saying how they couldn't believe Craig had said that to me. They where all so happy and funny. It was really nice to have friends like them!


I got home from Wendy's at about 9 o'clock in the morning, took a shower and got ready for my day. I put on some skinny jeans, a dark green blouse and my white winter coat. I did my normal hair and makeup routine and then walked out of my house. It was a nice day out. It was cold but there was some snow on the ground. I decided to walk to the park, just because the air felt nice and for once I wasn't mad about anything. When I made it to the park I saw Cartman, Stan, Kyle and Kenny playing Basket ball.

"Hey (Y/n)! Wanna come play?" Stan shouted over to me which caused the other three to notice me. They where all sweating and I could see all four of their chest raising and dropping with their breath. I quickly shook my head and began walking away from them. I was terrible at sports. Especially basket ball. I couldn't play it for the life of me! No matter what sport I try to play I always end up being hit in the face! And there is no way I will let that happen in front of Kyle! I am already to nervous to be around him after last night! Let alone play a sport! I heard foot steps running up to me taking me away from my recent thoughts. 

"Come on (Y/n) come play with us!" Kyle said with such enthusiasm.

"Oh no Kyle I really cant, I'm the worst at sports, and the worst with people if you haven't noticed.." I said looking at the ground not making eye contact with him at all.

"What if we play one on one? I can teach you, and that way you wont be pressured by other people." Kyle said almost pleadingly

"I don't know Kyle, you cant just ditch them." I said looking up to meet his gaze.

"Watch me. Come on, I have a basket ball hoop in my drive way, I live right down the street form here." Kyle said as we started walking towards his house. I began to feel nervous, I really hate sports. I'm gonna make a total fool out of myself. I know Kyle loves Basketball so what am I gonna do? This is going to be so embarrassing.

"See told you Jews cant play basket ball!" Eric yelled loud enough for us to hear. Probably hoping to get a reaction out of Kyle. But he didn't react one bit, instead she just smiled down at me.

Once we got to Kyles house he went in his garage and got out a white and green basketball. I have to admit it was pretty cool looking. He bounce the ball at me and I caught it.

"Well you have good reflexes." Kyle said smirking. I chucked the ball at his face trying to wipe that smirk right off of him, but he caught it and started dribbling circles around me. He then made a perfect basket, it didn't even touch the rim.

"Show off" I laughed and chased after the ball before he could get it.

"Did you just call me a show off?" Kyle grinned at me as I nodded. I began dribbling the ball with two hands.

"You know you cant do that right?" He said smiling.

"I technically cant do a lot of things, but I do them anyways." I laughed

"I dare you to try and get the ball from me." I teased him as he ran after me. I didn't even dribble the ball, instead I held it with both arms as tight as possible and ran away with it. Kyle ran after me laughing hysterically.

"If your gonna make me play basketball we play my way!" I yelled while dodging Kyles every move.

"What ever you say (y/n)!" Kyle said as I turned to run away, Kyle caught me from behind and pulled me into a backwards hug. He then took his hand and punched the ball out of my arms. I watched it role into his lawn and away from me.

"I got it away from you" He said softly teasing me, his breath tickling the back of my neck. I turned around to face him, his arm never leaving my waist. I snuck my arms around the back of his head and smirked at him.

"Yeah but you still don't have it." He laughed at my words, and I began thinking of what else I could do to keep him entertained. I started laughing as a thought came into my head.

"What are you laughing at?" Kyle said smiling down at me. We were so close that I noticed my nose only reached his neck line.

"Well I thought about something that is much more special to you than a ball." His face grew puzzled as I reached up and grabbed his hat. Before he could realize what I was doing I scurried out of his grasp and ran into his back yard with his hat in my hands. He ran after me, and I quickly put his hat on my head. It was to big for me so I had to hold the ear flaps down to keep it from falling off. Just then Kyle tackled me to the ground. He laid on top of me, and I could feel his hat resting on the top of my head. His red curls hung over his eyes more than usual, and I couldn't help but look at him in awe. He was so handsome. His muscular arms where on each side of my head and I couldn't help but feel the weight of the lower half of his body on mine. I let my eyes take in every detail of him. His soft, slightly noticeable freckles on his nose. his sharp jaw line, his elegant green eyes. His chest looked so toned I couldn't help but rest my hand on it. When I did I felt His heart beating. It was fast, matching mine almost exactly. He's so perfect I cant stand it.

"Kyle, I swear you are the most handsome man I have ever seen." I let my words come out faintly as I let myself feel his heart beat. Kyle then rested on his forearm, bringing himself closer to me. He then takes his had and places it on my chest, feeling my heart beat just like I am his.

"And you are the most amazing, most beautiful.." Kyles words come to a whisper right over my own lips.

"Most unique woman I have ever met." I felt Kyles lips sweetly press into mine. I returned his kiss delicately and let my right hand get tangled in his hair. Kyles lips pressed more into mine giving our kiss this overwhelming passion. His lips where so soft, and his kiss only made me long for more of him. I don't know what this feeling was , but I think I am in love with Kyle Broflovski. He pulled away from my lips, searching my eyes as I searched his. We both grinned at each other not being able to control our smiles. He then kissed my forehead softly.

"You are everything (Y/n) (y/m/n) (l/n)." Kyle said smiling down at me.

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