Fighting Over Me.

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I hear a door creak open very slightly. My eyes open and then in an instant I know where I am. I must have fallen asleep on the couch in my living room. The TV  it slightly lighting the room, I can make out figures of the lamps and sofa's in the room but I cant make out any detail. I sit up to see the front door open. I feel a cold breeze brush my cheeks. My heart starts pounding inside my chest as I sprint to the front door and close it. I quickly lock the door and turn on the light. I let my breathing steady and shake off the stupid feeling I just had. I'm so stupid, the door probably just blew open, its not the first time that has happen. I made my way to the kitchen, turning on the light, I filled up a class of water and started chugging it down. I look down at myself to see I'm wearing my silk shorts and a black tank top. This really is freaking me out because I don't remember changing last night. I notice a piece of paper laying on the island. I set my glass on the counter as I read the note.

"BETRAYER" is what the note said.

"So you decided to be on the stupid Jews side. You decided to trust that dirty rat over me." Cartman's words rung out from behind me. When I turned to see him, his clothes where covered in mud, so was his face. He was completely drenched in water and just looked miserable.

"Oh Eric you look terrible" I walked up to him but he put his hands out in front of him to stop me.

"No (y/n) you obviously made your choice." Cartman turned around so I couldn't see his face. I couldn't stand to see him like this, this wasn't the Eric Cartman I knew.

"Cartman, its just some silly game."

"NO! its not..." He seemed so heart broken, and especially uncomfortable. I looked at his feet, he had tracked mud all over the floor, if my parents were to wake up and see this. Or see a BOY in our house I would definitely be in huge trouble.

"Can I talk to my friend, instead of the Wizard right now?" I asked Cartman gently.

"It the Wizard King.... but yeah." Cartman sniffed his nose and wiped his eyes. He straightened his back and stared at me. I couldn't help but give a gentle laugh at this boys pride. I walked up to him and helped him take off his soaked jacket.

"Eric, do you wanna take a shower and get cleaned up? I don't mind if you stay here tonight. You look like you need a friend." I gave Cartman a warm smile as he nodded.

"ill have some clothes laid out for you on my bed. My room is right across form the bathroom." I showed him to the shower and got it running for him. I made my way to my closet and got out a big white T-shirt and my blue pj pants I had ordered offline that ended up being men sizes. Then I made my way back to the kitchen and cleaned up the muddy mess Cartman had made. When I finally made my way to my bedroom I noticed that Cartman was already out of the shower and in my room. I opened my door to find him passed out and snuggled on the floor with one of my pillows. I grabbed a blanket from my closet and laid it over top of him. Then I climbed in my bed and finally let myself fall asleep.

~Time Skip to Morning~

I could hear muffle voices coming from outside my room. My eye lids felt so heavy, it was almost impossible to open them.

"(Y/n)! Hey your parents left a few hours ago so we thought we would let ourselves in- "

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" I opened my eyes to see Kyle, Kenny and Stan staring at me. I began to yawn as I looked at them.

"What are guys yelling about?" I asked as I rolled over to see a shirtless, smirking Cartman in my bed. I screamed and pushed him away from me, accidentally pushing myself off the bed and on to the floor. I could feel all the fluffy blankets on top of me, and my hair was swept over my face so I couldn't see.

"CARTMAN WHAT THE FUCK?" I yelled struggling to break free of my comforter.

"What? You said I could stay the night?" Cartman smirked at me as I finally stood up, crossing my arms and staring at him.

"Yeah because you came over last night crying to me at like 2 in the morning! And I never said you could sleep next to me! In my bed! Naked!" I yelled freaked out about the picture I was seeing in front of me.

"Woah! okay first off I am not naked!" Cartman ripped off the sheet he was covered with to reval my blue pants I let him borrow.

"Second! I was not crying! And the floor hurts! It wasnt comfortable." Cartman stood up smiling while streaching his arms.

"Though It was the best night sleep of my life" He winked at me and I couldnt help but feel completely grossed out. Chubs slept next to me last night and I didn't even realize it. How freaking tired was I?

"You tricked her again didnt you!?"

"I don't understand what you mean Khal." Cartman stand mispronouncing Kyles name on purpose.

"You tricked her again just like you did at my house and at Wendys party!" Kyle got up in Cartmans face. Looking at the two of them I couldnt help but notice Kyles musles flexing underneath his white longsleave shirt. He was a few inches taller than Eric, and his shoulders where more broadened. I couldnt help but stare in trance.

"What? Cant stand the fact that I slept with (y/n) before you!?" Cartman's voice enhanced the word 'slept' to a deeper meaning than what it actually was.

"I've kicked your fat ass before and Ill do it again Cartman!" Kyles words where now being pushed through gritted teeth.

"I love it when you get like this Kyle. It just proves that I've won. It just shows how jelous you are of me, and how supierior I am to you." Cartman had a smirk permantly resting on his face. I saw Kyles finger tremble with Hatred before he relax. I didnt know what to say to make this stop, It all esculated so quickly, and I could feel the tears threating to escape my eyes, knowing I was causing all of this fighting.

"Go ahead hit me. I not afraid of you Kyle. See (y/n), Im stronger than he is. Im the bigger person, Im not revolving around violence." Cartman's words were directed toward me.

"Just stop guys! This is so stupid, you are literally fighting over me! Do you understand how stupid that is?" I ran in between them, facing Kyle I grabbed his hands.

"You dont have to keep beating up Cartman for me. Hes not hurting me, and this isnt worth it." As I spoke I could see Kyles eyes lighten up.

"Your right (y/n)" Kyle said as he turned to walk out of the room.

"Oh and Kyle I know you like (y/n)" Cartman took me by suprise. Kyle, likes me? I looked at Kyle to see him staring at Eric with his face completely red. I could feel my heart began to flutter with joy at the thought of Kyle actually liking me.

"Shut the fuck up Cartman. (y/n) is just my friend, I just don't want to see you pull your shit on her!" Kyle looked fierce into Cartman's eye, and I could feel my stomach turn. The sudden hope of Kyle liking me, and then them being ripped away by his own words were enough to make me puke.

"Is this why you are doing this shit to her!? Because you think I like her?" Kyles stare was shooting daggers through Cartman. He didnt respond to him he just stood there smirking.

"Well I dont, so stop harassing her." That was it. Those where the words Kyle said to send me running to the garbage can beside my bed and hurling up burning acid.

(Y/n)!? are you okay!?" Kyle said running over to me. He put his hand on my shoulder rubbing my arm to help comfort me but I just shoved his hand away.

"Kyle? Just remeber, no matter how close you two get. No matter how much you care for her, you can never change the fact that I will always be (y/n)'s first kiss. Not you." The room went silent for a few quick moments before Kyle left my side and ran over to Eric punching him in the face. Leaving him with a bloody nose. Stan and Kenny grabbed Kyle quickly before he could throw another punch, while Cartman just laid on the floor holding his bleeding nose.

"You are are so lucky I have a sore shoulder Kyle, or else I would of let you have it.."

"Cartman, just keep your mouth shut" Stan said as Kyle rushed out of my house.

"Get the fuck up Cartman and get the hell out of here" Kenny said shoving Cartman out of my room. I was sitting on my floor with my trash can between my legs and my head resting on the side of my bed. I didnt notice I was crying untill I tried to breath and my nose was clogged.

"Well that was a shitty way to wake up" I said as Stan picked me up off the floor and helped me stand up.

"Come on (y/n), lets get you in the shower." Stan said as he held me all the way to my bathroom.

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