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After School we all made our way to Kyles house. His house was bigger than average at least it was bigger than my own. The big green house was a bit intimidating seeing how I've never been to another persons house before and that my parents had no idea where I was, but I walked in anyway.

"Why hello there bubby, I see you brought your little friends, uh- who am I kidding you guys are all grown up now, haha well anywho, don't worry, your father and I wont be in the way, we have some errands to run around town, so you guys will have the place to yourself." Kyles face turned a deep red after his mother finished talking. I didn't mean to stare, but I was amazed at how quickly his face reddened. I wonder if that's how I blushed, does my whole face turn red like Kyles? As the rest of the guys ventured into the living room I had a clear view of Kyles parents. His mothers hair was just as red as Kyle's and she had it pulled into a big bee hive type shape on the top of her head. I could faintly see the bees buzzing around, crawling into her big head of hair. God, I hated how overactive my imagination is sometimes.The way she talked to Kyle was so mothering, she seemed very sweet. His dad on the other hand hadn't said a word. He was to absorbed into the news paper he was reading. Unlike Kyle and his mother, he had brunette hair, but Kyle obviously received his curly hair from his father. Placed on the top of his head was a kibbot, that was obviously hiding the bald spot that was starting to seep around the side of the Jewish cap.

"Oh and who is this? I haven't seen you around before?" Kyles mother gave me a welcoming smile as she nudged her husband to look up.

"Look Gerald, our little Kyle has brought a girl over! Oh isn't this exciting!" Gerald looked up making eye contact with me and smiled.

"Mom, dad this is (y/n). And she's just a friend!" Kyles face seemed to turn a bright pink as he flew his hands out in front of his self, trying to make his words sound more serious.

"Well its very nice to meet you (y/n). I'm so sorry we are leaving so soon after meeting but we are running on the clock. Come on Gerald let get going" The red headed lady grabbed her husbands hand before heading toward the doors.

"You boys behave now! Oh! and (Y/n)? Have a nice time" And with that both of Kyle's parents headed out the door.

"Sorry about that (Y/n), I didn't mean for this to be uncomfortable.." Kyle rubbed the back of his neck while gazing at the ground.

"Oh it wasn't uncomfortable at all. Your parents seem very nice. It seems like your the one that was uncomfortable" I let a small laugh escape my lips as Kyle gave me a teasingly dirty look. As I looked around his house I noticed they didn't have any pictures hanging on the wall. I remember the first time Kyle talked me, saying he's been through what I'm going through. I began wondering if he was a single child just like me, so I asked him.

"So Kyle are you a single child... like me?" I asked still looking around.

"Oh, uh- no. I have an adoptive little brother Ike. He isn't here right now though. He is usually off with his friends around this time, he wont be back until later. Ill introduce you to him sometime." Kyle gave me a warm smile as foot steps stomped across the ground.

"I'm a single child (y/n)" Cartman looked at me with a sad facial expression,

"I also never knew my father.." Cartman let a single tear cascade down his face. I felt my hands go to my heart by instinct.

"Cartman, don't be a manipulative asshole." Kyles words rung me by surprise as Cartman looked up and winked at me.

"Eh, its all true through. But I couldn't care less really." Cartman spoke with a side grin as I let my hands return to there sides, a bit annoyed that he had played me with such ease.

"Come on guys I wanna play video games." Cartman's words turned a bit forceful, unlike how we was talking earlier to win my sympathy. As he turned he beckoned both me and Kyle to follow him into the living room.

"Come on guys, we are playing call of duty. Usually (y/n), I wouldn't care if Kyle played or not, but right now I feel like kicking his sorry jew ass" Cartman smirked as he sat down grabbing a controller and a can of Diet Double Dew, kicking it back into his mouth.

"Oh you wish you could beat me fatass!" And with that the boys got into a very aggressive game of call of duty. A few hours later a cell phone started ringing nonstop. That's when Stan had pulled out his phone to read the several text messages he had received.

"Hey guys, how do you feel about going to a party tonight? Wendy's throwing one. She says we are all invited. Including (y/n)." I smiled as Stan read this off his phone. Everyone seemed like they wanted to go, probably because there was nothing better to do. All of us besides Cartman.

"Dude you only want to go because you still have feelings for Wendy. You dated her in the FOURTH GRADE. We shouldn't have to be dragged along just because you wanna get it in" Cartman never left his eyes off the Tv while dissing Stan.

"Why don't you just shut the fuck up Cartman. I don't even like her like that. She's just a friend. And besides (y/n) never been to one of her parties, I think we should bring her." Stan looked at me making sure that I wanted to go to the party. I nodded.

"Ugh, Just because the bitch hasn't gone? Really Stan, don't use (y/n) as an excuse." Cartman words took me by surprise. I didn't expect him to use such vulgar language to describe me, but he made his decision when his eyes locked with mine. Without a word it felt as if he said 'I didn't mean it like that' just by a simple glance that lasted only for a second before he rolled his eyes at Stan. He turned off the game counsel. We all made it for the door, and I followed them to Wendy's house.

Once we made it to Wendy's door step I could here loud music pumping through the door and multi colored lights seeping out of the curtain covered windows. Stan knocked forcefully on the door making sure it was heard through out the house. Not a second later we where greeted by Wendy. Her hair was curled and she wore a cute strapless, purple dress. Seeing her made me feel a bit self-conscious about myself, knowing how I was still wearing the same black dress I had worn to school earlier that day.

"Hey guys! Come in and make yourself at home!" Wendy greeted us as she smiled pleasantly at Stan. As I walked in the music grew louder to my ears as I felt the vibrations of the beat tumbling through the floor.

"Hey you must be (y/n)!" Wendy shouted through the music.

"Uh yeah, Its nice to meet you Wendy. You look like you are throwing one hell of a party!" I shouted back to her as I looked at the intertwined bodies dancing around her spacious living room.

"Oh the party hasn't even begun! Come on, let me properly introduce you too some of my friends!" And with that, Wendy grabbed me by the hand and lead me into the kitchen. The lights where on, and the music was slightly drowned out. A bunch of girls where chatting and getting out refreshments for the rest of the guest.

"Hey guys, this is (y/n) from class. (y/n) this is Bebe, Red, and Nicole." Wendy pointed to each girl as she said there name. It was different actually being introduced to the girls I have seen from a distance in class. Actually gazing upon there faces made me realize that they where actual people, and not just some barrier in my way through out the school day.

"Girl, its nice to actually see you socializing finally." Bebe said giving me a glass of fruit punch.

"Yeah, well I had to break out of my shell at some point." All the girls laughed at my words.

"You know (y/n) you should definitely come hang out with just a girls sometime." Nicole's words took me by shock. She was actually inviting me to hang out with them.

"Yeah! You can join us on girls night! Its always a blast, we make food and watch movies and talk about boooysss" Red emphasized the word "boys" as she held both of her hands together. We all started laughing.

"Oh and Wendy makes a killer cherry milkshake!" Bebe added while nudging her arm.

"So what do you say (y/n)? Do you want to join us next Friday?" Wendy look at me with a welcoming smile while I looked at all the girls, pondering of what I should say.

"I promise you wont regret it" Bebe said as she made her way to stand next to me.

"Of course I will! You guys sound like a blast" I said as I felt my smile grow brighter with my words.

"Here lets exchange numbers!" Red said handing me her phone. I made my way to each of the girls giving them my phone number.

"Alright girls lets go enjoy my party!" Wendy shouted raising her hands above her head as we all made our ways back into the living room with the loud pumping music.

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