The Movies

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I walked up my street to my house. Only to be taken back by a figure pacing outside my door. As I walked closer I recognized the figure almost instantly, it was Kyle.

"Kyle? What are you doing here?" My voice was the only thing that broke the silence between us. Kyle stood there, staring at me. Almost examining me like a school project. I began to feel anxious and could feel my cheeks heating up into an embarrassed blush. I stopped it by speaking up again.

"Kyle? Hello? Can you here me?" I waved my hand a bit. He shook his head and looked down at his feet embarrassed. I'm guessing it was about his spacing out.

"Oh uh, yeah. I came here to see how you where doing. But it looks like you are doing fine." Kyle smiled as he stuffed his hand into his coat pockets.

"Well since you are already out, do you wanna go do something? The guys are all busy with their families... and homework...and stuff." Kyle seemed to be searching his mind for every word he said. It was cute, he was so concerned for my well being last night. I owed him for that.

"Sure, what do you have in mind?" I started walking down the street back into town. Kyle quickened his step briefly, than slowed down so he was walking perfectly next to me.

"Well, actually a new movie just came out. Its a comedy with Terrance and Philipp. I asked the guys to go and that's when they all gave me their lame excuses. So I figured I could ask you out. W-well not out "out"... But you know? As friends. Like the guys. NOT THAT IM CALLING YOU A DUDE OR ANYTHING." Kyle started stressing out the more he talked, it began to make me laugh.

"Kyle, you're fine. I get you. And it sounds fun." Kyle smiled at me as I did my best to console him with a pat on the shoulder.

We made our way to the movie theatre. Kyle ended up paying for my ticket even though I had enough money to buy my own. He used the excuse that he wanted to be a gentlemen. I was starting to feel like I was on a date with Kyle, but his words from earlier kept playing through my head. 'But you know? As friends.' Even though they filled my head, my thoughts were absorbed with the dream I had last night every time I looked at him. I craved nothing more than to pull his hat off and run my fingers through his silk red curls... Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. I shook myself to get the thoughts out of my head as we walked into the theatre. As we stepped through the doors I saw Stan, Kenny, Craig and a boy I didn't know the name, of but recognized from my class sitting there.

"Um Kyle? I thought you said all your friends where busy?" I looked at Kyle as his face turned a shade of white.

"umm.." Kyle didn't get a single word out before Stan burst out yelling to Kyle.

"Kyle!? I thought you were going to talk to (y/n...).. Ohhh." As Stan's words, Kyle's face turned a deep shade of red.

"N-no! I told you I was gonna ask her to come." Kyle turned to face me.

"Surprise!" Kyle smiled as he made his way to a sit next to Stan. I sat next to Kyle when the strange boy I didn't know ran over to sit next to me.

"Hiya there (y/n). We haven't been properly introduced yet, I'm Butters." The blonde boy held out his hand to me as I shook it.

"Its very nice to meet you Butters" I smiled at the blonde kid as the movie began to roll on the big screen. As the movie played we all laughed hysterically. A few times Butters would whisper into my ear what he thought was funny about a certain scene. He also would elbow me every time he laughed which only made me laugh harder. As I sat there watching the movie I rested my hand on the arm rest, at the same time as Kyle. We both looked up at each other. I felt like I was stuck in this moment forever. The Screen from the movie barely lit Kyle's face. But I could see just enough to see a small smile placed on his lips. His fingers where so warm to the touch and they had this rough manly feel to them. The longer Kyle looked at me, the more my stomach twisted into knots. I pulled my hand away and placed them both in my lap. My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest, and my mind was running a mile per minute. I shouldn't have pulled my hand away. I should of left it there to see what his reaction would be. God Damn it (y/n)! Why do you do this to yourself. The movie stopped playing and the lights gradually turned on. We all stood up stretching a bit when Craig spoke up.

"Do you guys wanna go get some dinner at City Wok?" Craig held his stomach as everyone nodded with agreement. Following Butters out of the movie theatre, I tried my hardest not to look at Kyle, knowing that the moment I met his gaze my face would shoot up in flames. We all walked in a big group together down the side walk. It was later in the evening, and the day had started to heat up. I took off my jacket, folded it over my arm and kept on walking in front of everyone else. I was making pleasant small talk with Butters when I heard Kenny's muffled voice followed by a hard crack of someone falling. I looked behind me to see Kenny laying down on the side walk with Kyle standing over him. All of us stood there gaping at the sight.

"What the hell Kenny!?" Kyle said angrily as Kenny tried picking himself up off the sidewalk. Everyone including Butters must have understood what Kenny had said even though his voice was muffled, but I didn't. I was at a total lost.

"Well its true." Kenny said unzipping his parka revealing a smirk. He made eye contact with me before winking, which confused me and made me feel a bit uncomfortable about what ever he said. Feeling self conscious I folded my arms across my chest and tried to stop the blood from rushing to my head. After Kenny spoke Kyle pushed him down again.

"Seriously dude, can you stop?" Kenny said calmly while standing back up.

"Well you deserve it Kenny! Talking about (y/n)'s body parts like that!" Butters voice took me by surprise and I couldn't help the light pink shade that crossed my face.

"Well he does have a point." Craig said smirking at me while his eyes searched me up and down. The pink shade turned to crimson red real quick. Kyle gave Craig a death glare as Craig put up his hands, fake surrendering as if Kyle was a police officer.

"Oh stop it Kyle, I saw you look too." Stan said with a big grin plastered on his face. Kyle's anger was now focused toward Stan instead of Craig, but before he could speak I cleared my throat.

"Well I'm just gonna pretend this didn't happen." I said quickly turning around to hide my face that was as red as a cherry. Ignoring the recent conversation, I then started walking to the only Chinese restaurant in South Park. City Wok.

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