Could Become An Actual Story If I Come Up With A Good Plot

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"I just wish we could see what's outside the Dome. The stars sound really nice from what I've read, and so does everything else." BBH said. The other two, George and Sapnap, nodded in agreement. The Dome was basically what it sounded like and everyone stayed inside it. The only deaths here are from a sickness, old age, or injuries from falling or getting in some other accident. Those are the only ways they know of when it comes to the death of the citizens inside the Dome. Not many animals are here. Just cows, pigs, sheep, and chickens, but the old books BBH found say that there are more.

The next day

The trio was walking near the edge of the Dome, which was allowed since they're adults, and Sspnap noticed something."Guys, look!" He pointed at a small hole in the Dome wall and they all were shocked."Let's go!" Sapnap said. He bent down to crawl through, but George stopped him."Wait, are you sure that's okay? Or even safe?" He asked. Bad placed a hand on his shoulder."I'm sure we'll be fine. I don't think anyone else knows, and there's no law saying we're not allowed to explore." He said. George thought for a moment before nodding and following Sapnap through, as well as BBH. They all looked around in amazement.

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