17 ~ Delusions

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Stop laughing, I tell myself. I drag my hands down my face, bringing them down to my neck in attempt to stop the choking chortling arising from my voice box.

My fingers squeeze, gags leave my throat. No air enters my lungs and this cuts off the sound immediately. It was like a flame; cut off its fuel supply and it won't last.

Hot water fills the bottom of my eyes, stinging like acid. I lean my head down to touch the floor, still keeping my windpipe restricted.

Why is this happening again? A mad smile grew across my face. Am I really that mentally unstable? Perhaps I'm not that far gone if I'm aware of the fact. Because you're malfunctioned. You are a flaw, a bug in a perfect program.

I gasp for air, releasing my neck as sobs stole away the air I desperately needed.
What's my purpose anyway? I have no function other than be another soul to command.
I switch. Glitches tear at my head for a short moment, my entire body convulses for a moment and I quickly sit up straight and stiff.

Because you are the one who will make them realize that they must embrace the madness. To understand who is really in control.

Streaks of water fell down my emotionless face as I stared ahead at the concrete wall. My head twitches with another glitch. I switch again.

No, it's because you have to help the weak and pathetic, they can't do it themselves, so someone must. Especially since none of the other self-indulgent embodiments will.

Phantom walks up in front of me, out of nowhere deeming. Simply being materialized out of nothingness. His cold eye behind his mask stares.

He's judging me, he must be.

He thinks he's so high and mighty. Above me, above everyone!

A smile slowly grows across my face, fangs gleaming with more and more teeth becoming visible.

Another painful tear through my body and soul. Another switch.

I don't stand a chance. He's the boss, I am here because of him. All I do is love to serve, nothing else.

"Are you... present?" Phantom asks, knowing what might have been happening in my overloaded head.

I couldn't bring myself to answer, more laughter erupts from my throat. I clutch my stomach, muscles already aching earlier from today's fits of hysterics, now it was becoming a form of torture.

"Present"? Did he mean I wasn't mentally functional? More glitches. I'm gone again. I can show him up whenever I want! He and Bane are nothing in my little game of chess if I choose to play.

Bane appears beside Phantom when I finally caught my breath. His stupid, distingusting permanent smile was not as bright as it often is.

"Ugh, why is he still alive again? He's a freak," Bane says to Phantom, as if I wasn't smart enough to understand his perfectly clear words. He spoke as if I wasn't even there, like a glass was between us.

I wanted to punch Bane's sharp teeth down his throat. No, they'll just grow back, I think as I glare at the one eyed "jackal". My smile creeps back again. Good, then that means I can do it as much as I want.

"Do not act that way, Bane," Phantom replies. A relief washes over me, expecting Phantom to explain how I am a valuable asset. Or at least scorn Bane about his overall demeanour. "We need someone with a mindset like his to frighten the rabble."

That was when my smile was wiped clean from my lips. I stare unblinkingly at the two. Then I yell out in pain as the dimension tears me apart and puts me back together. I twitch, body being pulled in different directions with each rip. Again. Switch.

That's all I am to you, isn't it? When the pain ceases, a low chuckle rises from my inside neck again. Nothing. You think I'm pathetic, useless, crazy, everything bad!

When I blinked, the two were gone. As if they were never even here to begin with.
I fold my arms over my stomach, rock my body back and forth, muttering to myself.
"I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy."

. . .

Yippe 😑✊🏼.

I tried writing more of Revenant again. You know, the craz(ier)y dude?


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