2 ~ The Jaunty & the Emotionally Dead

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"You are late," Phantom says in his metallic, haunting voice. It could send shivers up anyone's spine, but unfortunately, Bane never had any reaction to it.

   "I was busy, was getting some, uh, work done," Bane replies, crossing his arms with his one silver eye hinting at his intentions.

   Phantom knew what his role was, and what Bane must have been doing extract information.

   "That is no excuse," Phantom clasps his hands behind his back, standing stiff.

   "Whatever, just tell me why I'm here."

   Phantom takes a few slow steps toward Bane, unnatural white pupils staring into him. "We must speak about your behaviour. You have been constantly disregarding my commands, you do it on purpose, do not act like you do not know--"

   "Well, I'm not exactly a fan of being told what to do all the time," Bane's brows furrowed.

   "Let me finish," Phantom glares at Bane though his face and muscles were calm, but still unreadable. "You barely follow what I call orders. You act as though you are not committed to your position. Every day for you is spring break."

   Bane rolls his eyes, or the one he had. The black pit for a right socket seemed like an abyss that gave the onlooker a glimpse into his dark mind.

   "If you're asking me to 'shut up, follow orders' I can't promise I'll do that. I'm my own person," he smirks defiantly.

   Phantom glowered. "No-- You are not!" Suddenly, Phantom snatches Bane's throat in one hand. His eyes widen. "You are here because of me, I am able to reverse that action."

   Bane smiles with madness, not caring about the fist wrapped around his airway.

   "Whatever you say, boss man."

   Phantom tossed Bane aside, though he landed perfectly fine.

"Remember your place," Phantom turns his back.

   "Mister mastermind, right?" Bane says in a mocking tone. "Always the smartest one. Logic over everything else, huh?"

 "Tread carefully, Bane," Phantom warns, voice low.

   "I think you're envious that I'm able to have fun and enjoy my time here, while you don't even bother to think about what you can do other than plan evil schemes!"

   Phantom whirls around, face deadly serious. "Enough, lowlife."

   "Still emotionless, huh, boss?" Bane walks up to Phantom, jabbing a sharp nailed finger into his white shirt. He leans close to Phantom's face, whispering. "Or are you going to finally do something about my 'behaviour'?"

   Phantom stares blankly, Bane smirks and removes his finger then turns to leave.

   Bane laughs under his breath, "Heh, all talk no action." But then he fell to one knee, gasping in pain white clutching the place where his heart should be. "What, what the hell is this?!"

   "'Action', Bane," Phantom replied, hand scrunched in a fist. "You are correct, I must take initiative." He walks around Bane's crumbled body, crouching down to meet his face. "I must eliminate the problem at its source."

   "Wait, what?!" Bane growls through the pain, voice becoming husky. "What do you mean?!"

   "If I get rid of the root of the issue, there will be no more messes to clean up."

   "Okay! Okay!" Bane complies. "Fine, I am sorry," Bane didn't make eye contact and said this with annoyance.

   "You do not sound like you mean it," Phantom said. For the first time, Bane saw him smile.

   Bane glares up at Phantom, breathing hitched with the intensifying pain. "I'm sorry. I will be better," he gasped quickly, "from now on!"

   Bane sags to the floor when the pain ceased. Phantom got up and walked back to his original place. "Alright. Now be productive."

   Bane secretly shoots a glare at him, but gets up and then exits the room. "Jerk," he muttered.

. . .

I suppose this'll give you some insight into their relationship, right? The goal today was to have a 500 word argument between two characters with traits you hate. I choose Phantom and Bane because they were already OC's I had, and they already don't get along, LOL. We were supposed to play around with dialogue, sentence fragments, italics to emphasis on certain words and use slang. All that stuff.

An option was to use "script" format, so like the whole...

Shaye: This type of sentence structure.

But I can't do that to myself XD . So I tried to keep the narration in small amounts, like we were told and keep dialogue interesting and stuff.

Whelp, that's it. As you can tell by the major difference in slang and speech, Phantom has the vocal patterns of a robot while Bane is a kid on "spring break", XD.

See ya.


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