Another FGod Error Speech

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I might actually use this.

"If YoU aRe ThE gOoD gUyS aS yOu ClAiM, wHy DiD yOu Do ThIs? MaKiNg Me sUfFeR. mAkInG mE dO tHeSe ThInGs AnD tHeN cAlLiNg Me ThE bAd GuY." Error asked the large crowd."We didn't do anything! You're the one who went insane and started destroying AU's! Because of you, I lost what I worked hard on!! What did you loose?!" Ink yelled. Error went silent and stared in shock.

Ink scoffed."I'll give you one more chance to-" "nEaRlY eVeRyThInG." This finally caught Ink's attention."What?" He asked. Error started out quiet, but he was clearly mad."i LoSt My WoRlD. i LoSt My HoPe. I lOsT mY fReEdOm. I lOsT tHe OnLy BeInG wHo AcTuAlLy CaReD aBoUt Me BeCaUsE oF yOu. I bArLeY hAvE aNy MeMoRiEs Of ThOsE dAyS, oNlY rEmEmBeRiNg ThOsE wItH hIs ApPeArAnCe. I'm NoT eNtIrElY sUrE iF i ReAlLy HaVe AnY sAnItY lEfT, bUt I rEfUsE tO bReAk My PrOmIsE. i WiLl NoT lOoSe OnE oF tHe LaSt ThInGs I hAvE lEfT bEcAuSe ¥øÛ wÂñT tØ gØ øÛt ÂñD pŁâ¥ hĘrØ!!" Error yelled loudly at the end and his voice glitched more, scaring the crowd a bit.

"yOu'Re NoT hErOs. YoU'rE sImPlY tHe OnEs WhO sTaRtEd ThIs FiGhT." Error finished quietly.


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