Error's Human Sister

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Maybe more to the Vengeful Destruction.

Vanessa, or Vanny as Error called her, was Error's friend and eventually, sister. Her parents were very strict, abusive, and "traditional", but were soon arrested for child abuse when Vanessa was 15. She was granted permission by the judge to live with Error and 404 when Error was only 17. They were both very happy and definitely the best siblings. Always giving each other some space when they need it, listening to each other's problems, and didn't really keep secrets from each other. They could practically read each other's minds and didn't have to speak at all to have an entire conversation.

Since Vanny still went to public school while Error was homeschooled by 404, he started going to the campus every morning and afternoon to see Vanny and make sure there weren't any boys flirting with her. Whenever they'd fight, this is how it'd go down.

Error: I'm MaD aT yOu.

Vanessa: And I'm mad at you.

Error: *slightly frustrated sigh* LeT's GiVe EaCh OtHeR sOmE sPaCe.

Vanessa: Good idea.

Also Vanessa: *gets off the couch and sits on the other side of the room to play a game*

Error: *joins her in the game*

404: I'm NoT sUrE iF i ShOuLd Be CoNfUsEd Or PrOuD, bUt I'm FeElInG bOtH.

They also had nicknames for each other. As I mentioned earlier, Vanny is Vanessa's nickname given by Error. Vanny sometimes calls Error "Glitch-Bitch", which he doesn't really mad. Both of them only let certain people call them these names and prefer it to be each other. Here's a video of one of their everyday activities.

"You ready?" Vanessa asked."I'm ScArEd." Error said as their fingers intertwined. Vanessa climbed up and put her weight on Error's hands."I dOn'T wAnNa DrOp YoU!" Error said while laughing nervously."You better not." Vanessa said."Alright. One. Two. Three!" She did a handstand with her hands on Error's as he held her above his head."I'm So ScArEd! FoR bOtH oUr SaKeS, dOn'T dO aNyThInG sTuPiD." Error said. After a while, Vanessa got down and Error hugged her."That was exciting." Vanessa said. Error nodded in agreement and let go.

Another thing they'd do is go outside while everyone else is inside. If there's a serious downpour or a thunderstorm, heck, maybe even a hurricane, they'd go outside and have some fun. 404 does know about this and doesn't want them to, but they somehow manage to get past him. Here's another video filmed by Error.

It was raining hard and the wind was really bad from the looks of it outside the window. The streets started to flood a tiny bit, but that only added to the excitement for Error and Vanessa. The camera turned to Vanessa, who was wearing a jacket and black jeans. She had a trash can tipped onto it's side and flipped it over so the top was automatically pulled down and closed by itself. She had duct tape in her hand and there were two objects next to her as she knelt down in front of the trash can, a white blanket, and a strong rope.

"Alright, Glitch-Bitch, I'm going to be sitting on top of it. That means it's time for you to go back to your natural habitat." She said as she opened the lid."AcTuAlLy, My NaTuRaL hAbItAt Is WhErE i'M hApPy." Error said. He climbed in and it was dark before the camera faced the entrance, which was wide open with the lid as a little balcony or cover. The lid was duct taped to a rope and it held it up. Vanessa grabbed the trash can and dragged it out onto the street before quickly hopping on and using the white blanket as a sail.

That's got to be the best pirate I've ever seen.

So it would seem.

*Pirates Of The Caribbean Earrape intensifies as Vanessa and Error are cheering loudly while going down the street and a security camera catches them in the act.*

But she didn't survive the wipeout Ink caused. Only Error and 404, and they were both devastated by this, so they started to see if there was a way to at least bring her back, but when 404 went to go get supplies... you've already read what happened. This isn't my head cannon for this storyline yet, but I think it'll work. Maybe.

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