Error Taking Care Of The Other Survivors

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Error climbed through the hole and saw the others slightly glowing in the dark. He made sure they were all in the hammocks he made for them and laid down on the ground like a guard dog.


Error yawned and looked at the time. It was only 5:37, so he head enough time to grab food before he wakes them up.

Time Skip

After escaping Undertale with enough food, he climbed back up the strings hanging from the ceiling and squeezed through the small hole in the ceiling that was hidden in the strings. He had managed to avoid getting spotted and was quick when he bought the food. He woke every one of them up and watched them eat before pulling out a chocolate bar and shoved it into his mouth. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around. It was Andria.

"CaN i HeLp YoU?" He asked. Andria hugged him and Error didn't move. He just put an arm around her and smiled a bit."Do We HaVe A mEeTiNg SoOn?" Andria asked."YeS wE dO. cAn YoU hElP mE mAkE sUrE eVeRyOnE's HeRe?" Error asked. Andria nodded and ran back to the crowd of glitchy skeletons.

Small Time Skip

"AlRiGhT, sO wE'vE aLrEaDy ReViEwEd WhY wE'rE hErE, aNd We'Ve MaNaGeD tO fInD eAcH oThEr. We'Ve AlSo CoMe To A pLaN tHaT cOuLd WoRk, BuT oNlY iF tHiNgS gO aCcOrDiNgLy. If NoT, wE'lL rEsOrT tO pLaN b. DoEs AnYoNe HaVe AnY cOnCeRnS rEgArDiNg AnYtHiNg?" Error asked. Echo raised his hand and Error gestured him to go ahead."WhAt If InK fInDs Us FiRsT?" She asked."GoOd QuEsTiOn. AlInA?" Error asked as he turned to another skeleton. She was mostly red with orange. She has other marks that slightly resemble embers and smirked. Everyone knew that smirk meant Error was going to let her attack Ink. She's been wanting to torture him for so long and it's a real surprise that Error managed to make a deal with her. If Ink were to find them, Alina had full permission to fight him, as long as she lets him live, and only if he tries anything.

"AnYoNe ElSe?" Error asked. When no one answered, Error stood up and teleported away.

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