Fell Ink, Fell Error, and Mr Error

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Ink managed to capture Fell Error and told Error (mr, I'm just referring to him as Error) to stay out of the cellar. Still, Error knew there was something down there that he HAD to get to.


"Finally, I'm back." Ink said. He looked over at the couch where Error was almost 24/7, but he was gone. He looked around, but couldn't find him.'Wait, why am I worried? The kid is gone, nothing to worry about.' Ink told himself, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to help."I hate my life." He said before heading down to the cellar to check if he was there. When he got down there, he saw something he wasn't going to forget any time soon.

Fell Error was sitting down and talking to Error in some kind of language while Error was hugging him. Error spoke and looked down, and something in Ink's nonexistent soul pinged."No FuE mUy AmAbLe, PeRo Al MeNoS nO mE mAtÓ. SuPoNgO qUe SoLo Le EsToY mOlEsTaNdO." (He wasn't really nice, but at least he didn't kill me. I guess I'm just annoying to him.) He said. Fell Error's sockets widened and he looked at Error with a serious expression."AlRiGhT, kId, I dOn'T gIvE a DaMn AbOuT wHaT oThEr PeOpLe ThInK, yOu ArE f*cKiNg AmAzInG, aNd If I hErE oNe MoRe ThInG aBoUt YoU bEiNg A sO-cAlLeD mIsTaKe, I'm CaLlInG tHe WhOlE fAm, AnD wE bOtH kNoW wHaT wOuLd HaPpEn If ViRuS fInDs OuT." Fell Error said.

"OkAy, OkAy!" Error said. Ink opened the cellar door and Error finally noticed him. He began to glitch faster and faster. All the things Ink has done is a joke for him, what's going to happen to him now that he's mad? Fell Error stood up and growled."WhAt Do YoU wAnT?" He growled."Error back. Now hand him over." Ink said. Fell Error moved Error behind him and glared."LiKe I'm GiViNg My BrOtHeR aWaY tO a MoNsTeR lIkE yOu." Fell Error said. Ink was shocked. He's been hurting His enemies LITTLE BROTHER?!"What?" He asked.

"NoW tHaT aNoThEr MeMbEr Is SaFe, We'Re OnE sTeP cLoSeR tO fUfIlLiNg OuR gOaL." Fell Error said as Error summoned his old jacket. Fell Error made a portal to a dark space and ran through with Error."No!!" Ink yelled as he ran after them, but they were already gone.

Why did he feel regret? Did he do something wrong? Were all the jokes he played taken seriously? Was he really being cruel?

Why wasn't he nicer?

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