My Heart... It Just Exploded❤️

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America finished working and walked out of his office. He opened the door to his bedroom and saw Texas, Alaska, and Florida waiting for him, but they fell asleep on his bed. He didn't want to risk waking them up, so he just smiled to himself and shut the door after turning the light off. He then went to one of the living rooms and saw that the states were also on the couches, so he can't sleep there either."Welp. Looks like I'm camping on the carpet." He said before laying down. The carpet was really soft and a little warm, plus, America could fall asleep anywhere, so he was alright.


America woke up and immediately noticed the change in temperature before he even opened his eyes. Once he did, he saw that he was on one of the couches and two states laying with him. He had Hawaii and NASA on his chest and Oklahoma was laying on the other side of the couch. He had his head against a pillow on the arm rest and one of NASA's blankets covering the entire couch."How did I get up here?" He wondered out loud."We pushed you up." Oklahoma replied. America looked over at him."Did I wake you up?" He asked."No, but Tennessee woke up to get a drink, but then she saw you sleeping on the carpet. She woke us all up and we helped you onto the couch." Oklahoma replied.

"Heh. You kids are so nice." America said as he smiled softly."That's because we all love you." Oklahoma said as he smiled back."And I love you all, too. Goodnight." America said."Goodnight." Was all Oklahoma said before falling asleep. America chuckled and soon followed.

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