Way To Ruin The Moment

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"I'm sorry, but if you don't stop, I'm going to have to end you. Any last words?" Ink asked. Error gave him a blank stare and stayed quiet for a moment."I jUsT nEeDeD tO cAlL sOmEoNe WiThOuT bEiNg DiStUrBeD." Error said.

"Oh. That's why you're here, then. Go ahead. And sorry." Ink said. Error pulled out his phone."HeLlO?" Error said.

"I'm OuT." "SwEaR." "I sWeAr. ThEy CoUlDn'T cAtCh MeHeHe!" Whatever the other person on the line must've been funny because Error started laughing, but it sounded like he was actually happy. Not a crazy laugh."Oh My GoD, bReAtH, oLd MaN." Error said."I jUsT rAn!" "In ThE vOiD, wE gOt OnE oF tHe StRoNgEsT iN tHe MuLtIvErSe!" "LoOk, ThEy ThOuGhT yOu WeRe BaD eNoUgH, i SaId 'WhErE's ViRuS aT?'!" Error started laughing again, but it was an octave higher."ThEy HaD mE lOcKeD uP iN tHaT cElL, i SaW sOmEbOdY, i WaS lIkE-" "JuSt QuIeT. yOu'Re MuTeD lIkE a Tv." "AnD wHeN tHeY gOt ClOsE, i SaId 'BoO!'."

Error laughed louder."I nEaRlY gOt ThAt GuY wHo CrEaTeD tHe AuS. HaHa! WhAt'S hIs NaMe? WhAt'S hIs NaMe?" 404 asked."Ink." Error replied. Error heard a yelp."WhAt HaPpEnEd?" He asked."I tHoUgHt ThAt WaS yOuR mOtHeR cOmInG tO hAuNt Me FoR lEaViNg YoU aLoNe." "Oh GoD. AhAhAhAhA!" Error laughed."HeY, hEy, DoN't TaLk ShIt AbOuT mY mOtHeR, tHoUgH. i WiLl ThRoW yOu RiGhT bAcK iNtO tHe VoId." Error said, surprising everyone."AlRiGhT. aNyWaYs, ImMa TeLePoRt To YoU aNd TaKe YoU bAcK tO tHe AnTi-VoId SiNcE i DoN't SeE yOu." "YoU dO tHaT, tHeN." Error said before hanging up.

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