Why Do You Care?

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Part 2?

Ink heard a crash from outside and opened his door. He looked to the side of his house and saw Error gripping his skull tightly as if he was about to tear a part of it off."Error! What are you-!" Error flinched and started to run. That's when Ink finally noticed how beaten up Error looked.

"Wait! What happened?" Ink ran after Error and he only ran faster. Soon after, Error finally gave up and his legs collapsed under him as he almost struggled to catch his breath."Error? Are you okay?" Ink asked as he slowly came closer. Error could barley form words as he tried to calm himself."FuCk....... OfF......... yOu RaCiSt....... ReTaRd." Error said."I'm not racist!" Ink said angrily. Error pushed himself up and glared as he shook a lot."ThEn WhY..... dO yOu..... InSiSt On..... CaLlInG mE.... a FiLtHy GlItCh?" Error asked. Ink suddenly felt guilty."I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" Error cut him off.

"DiDn'T mEaN tO wHaT? mAkE fUn Of My SiTuAtIoN? yOu GeT a LiTtLe LaUgH aT mY mIsFoRtUnE, hUh?! Is ThAt It?! YoU tHiNk ThIs Is FuNnY?! tO mAkE mE sUfFeR aNd PrEtEnD tO bE nIcE?! cUt ThE cRaP, i KnOw YoU wAnT mE dEaD." Error said when he finally caught his breath."What? I don't want you dead, I just want you to stop."Ink said."i KnOw DaMn WeLl ThAt'S a LiE. iF yOu ReAlLy DiD wAnT pEaCe As YoU cLaIm, We NeVeR wOuLd'Ve FoUgHt." Error said."I'm not the one who destroys AU's!" Ink yelled."TeChNiCaLlY, yOu ArE, bEcAuSe YoU cReAtEd ToO mAnY aU's AnD iT rEsUlTeD iN mY aU gEtTiNg DeStRoYeD. tHeN, yOu WeNt ArOuNd SaYiNg ThAt I'm A dEmOn Of DeStRuCtIoN aNd ReFuSeD tO qUeStIoN wHy I dEsTrOy. YoU kEpT cReAtInG aU's JuSt To KeEp Us FrOm MaKiNg A tRuCe. So I wOuLd KeEp GeTtInG cRaCkS iN mY sOuL. yOu AsSuMeD tHaT pEoPlE aRe SiMpLy InSaNe AnD nOt In PaIn. I kNoW yOu WaNt ThE mUlTiVeRsE tO cOlLaPsE oN iTsElF. i KnOw YoU rEfUsE tO lIsTeN bEcAuSe YoU tHiNk YoU'rE rIgHt. AnD yEt YoU cAlL mE tHe BaD gUy?!" Error asked angrily.

Ink went silent."You.... lost your AU?" Ink asked. Error rolled his eye sockets."That means you were forced to destroy! Oh my god, I'm sorry, I didn't know!" Ink said."BûŁłŠhĮt!!!!" Error yelled.

"FoR a LoNg TiMe, I tHoUgHt YoU dIdN't KnOw AbOuT wHaT yOu'Re DoInG tO mE, bUt ThEn It DiDn'T sToP! i HoPeD tHaT yOu WeRe AcTuAlLy NiCe AnD tHaT yOu WoUlD aT lEaSt TaKe A bReAk LoNg EnOuGh To NoTiCe, BuT iT nEvEr HaPpEnEd!!" Error yelled."I'm sorry. I can try to fix this." Ink said with hope in his voice."YoU hAd PlEnTy Of TiMe To FiX tHiS, nOw ThErE's No HoPe ThAt ThInGs CaN bE bEtTeR. tHeRe'S nO pOiNt In TrYiNg To FiX tHiNgS. jUsT gIvE uP aNd GiVe InTo ThE fAcT tHaT iT's ToO lAtE tO fIx ThInGs. ThE oNlY tHiNg ThAt'S kEePiNg Me GoInG iS sImPlY rEfUsInG tO bReAk ThE pRoMiSe I mAdE." Error said quietly as he turned around to walk away. He grabbed his scarf and held it as if he was going to pull it up or down.

Before he disappeared into the darkness, he heard Ink say something. Something that made him freeze in his tracks."But I'll try!" Error began to remember. He remembered the times when he'd feel like giving up, but then he'd remind himself that he promise 404 to prevent the Multiverse from collapsing on itself. Ink noticed this and walked closer."Error?" Ink asked. Error turned a bit and Ink saw tear in the corners of his eye sockets."wHaT? aRe YoU sUrE yOu'Ll TrY?" Error asked. Ink nodded and smiled."gO aHeAd AnD tRy. AlL yOu HaVe To Do Is NoT cReAtE aNyThInG." Error said as he made a portal and left.

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