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Jiddle: who wants to go first?

Simoné: I don't mind

Simoné: I know I'm a twig, shut up

Jiddle: nah, you look good bro <3

Simoné: Thanks JJ
Simoné: I take back the hairline comments

Toblerone: You're not a twig, you're fine lol

StarBoy: You play football?

Simoné: Yeah, sometimes
Simoné: Who's next?

Daddy: I'll go

Daddy: I'm all about to playing to the camera

Jiddle: fair enough mate

BehzyBoo: Nice beard lmao

Toblerone: Why're you sat on the floor??

Daddy: There was good lighting stfu

StarBoy: That lighting is kinda tasty ngl

Freezy: Vikk, are you good? Lmaoooooo
Freezy: Imma take the liberty of going next, thank you very much

Dinho: oh ffs
Dinho: why does this complete asshole have to be so fucking hot
Dinho: the world isn't fair

Freezy: I'm gonna take that as a compliment, Guernsey Boy

Dinho: stop calling me that

Freezy: As you wish, darling

Dinho: please stop, I beg

BehzyBoo: Jesus Christ Cal, you're such a flirt

Freezy: Only for that absolute delight of a human being ;)

Dinho: fuck you

BehzyBoo: I'm gonna send my pic to end whatever this is

Jiddle: love your tats man

BehzyBoo: Thanks mate
BehzyBoo: You have some too, don't you?

Jiddle: yeah. that's a pic for another time tho

Toblerone: Them shins be lookin kinda peng...
Toblerone: No homo

BehzyBoo: Weird flex but okay

Toblerone: 'Aight, my turn

StarBoy: You're so handsome wtf

Toblerone: Thanks Vikk :)

BehzyBoo: Vikk's right, jeeeeeez man

Daddy: What were you all suited up for?

Toblerone: Just a night out
Toblerone: I love wearing suits lol

Daddy: Fair lmao

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