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[Toblerone added Jiddle and Simoné to "Just A Bunch Of Wankers"]

Freezy: Welcome back lads!!

BehzyBoo: Yeeee

Jiddle: good to be back

Daddy: Now, we hear you might have some news?
Daddy: Maybe?

Jiddle: we might do
Jiddle: maybe

Simoné: Depends what you think it is

CalluxTPD: Come on lads, we all just wanna know what happened

StarBoy: Yeah

Jiddle: aight aight, calm down
Jiddle: I'm over at simon's rn
Jiddle: and he wants to say it

Simoné: Yep
Simoné: So, JJ and I are gonna try dating

BehzyBoo: Whoooooooooooo

Daddy: Congrats lads

StarBoy: The first couple in the chat!

Freezy: Me and you next @Dinho, what do you say?

Dinho: you wish
Dinho: and well done boys

CalluxTPD: Well this is cool, good job

Toblerone: Happy for you guys :)

Jiddle: thanks lads
Jiddle: si can't stop smiling
Jiddle: it's so cute

Simoné: Shut up, you're smiling too

Jiddle: yeah, why wouldn't i be?
Jiddle: i'm now dating the hottest guy in the chat
Jiddle: other than me of course

Simoné: You're so full of yourself

Jiddle: you'll be full of me too at some point, if i have any say in the mattter.... ;) ;)

Daddy: Okay, there's a line there, please don't cross it lmao

StarBoy: Don't be gross JJ

Jiddle: ah yes, i forgot that vikk was here
Jiddle: we must protect the innocent smol boi
Jiddle: from now on, no sexting in the group chat

Freezy: You're assuming any of us (other than yourself) would be dumb enough to try and sext in a fucking group chat lmaoooooo

Jiddle: i mean, you probably are

Freezy: Stfu >:(

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