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The sky was a clear blue, the trees were a bright green. The sweet scent of flowers and the melodic chirping of the birds hung in the fresh and clean evening air. The scene made by the setting sun was distractingly beautiful.

But none of this mattered to the young man walking down the street.

The only thing that mattered to Kuroo Tetsurou was that Kenma Kozume was gone. The only beautiful thing in his life was gone.

Ever since he'd heard the words, his head had been buzzing, thoughts zipping around with a speed which made them hard to process. Only one of them stood out as clearly as the sky above;

He's gone. He's gone. He's gone.

He remebered their words, "It was a quick and painless death, the most you could've asked for."
The most Kuroo could've asked was for Kenma to be alive. Quick and painless? Such a horrible, horrible thing to say. As if those two simple words would quell the waves trying to drag him out to sea.

He wanted to scream, scream at anything and everything in that cruel, twisted world. He wanted to scream and get rid of the heavy feeling weighing down on him. He wanted to stop thinking about Kenma. His observant eyes, dyed blonde hair, small smile...everything.

Most of all, he wanted to forget.

Forget so that the stabbing pain would stop. So that he'd be able to breathe freely again. So that he'd be able to look at the world in the same way again.

Forget about the home that they shared together. Forget about all those things that they had planned together. Forget about their dreams and hopes. Forget the fact that he'd have to face reality very soon.

He'd been walking around town in a daze. Unaware of his surroundings, but painfully aware of his unwanted thoughts.

Only if he had spent more time with Kenma when he had the chance to.

Only if he had put in more efforts to show how much he loved him.

Only if he had taken more care of Kenma

Only if he had stopped him fr-

He jolted to a stop.

For the first time that day, his face showed something other than a hauntingly blank look. A look of surprise and confusion passed over his features as he saw what was blocking his path towards self destruction and inner turmoil.

A cat.

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