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    I wake up to blinding light, light I've never seen before. I've seen light before, of course, dappled light that dances across the floor. But this is blinding light, pouring into our den. Me and Current swipe at it, intrigued, but soon back into the corner for shade and to wait.
     Because Mother isn't here.
     Leaves and vines used to dangle in front of our den entrance, blocking the sunlight and rain. Now, however, the dense foliage has been sliced away by a human. Rumbling sounds echo outside, along with the crash and crack of ancient trees being slowly cut down, trees that have never seen the wrath of humans before. The sound, the noise, the pain of the forest is all amplified in our ears, and I flatten mine to my head to block out the sound. It failed to work.
    Current inches closer to my side, whimpering in fear. He senses something different, dangerous. I prick my ears and scan the den to detect it. I did not see anything, and for a moment I thought Current worried for Mother, until I heard the scraping sounds above our heads, the sense of something ripped away.
     I look up just as the giant oak tree, whose roots has supported our cave for our centuries, slowly wrench away with a last cry, the loose dirt dislodged from between the dark roots, the grand tree looming across the forest ground and thudding down with a last, final breath.
    Current whines and tugs at my tail. Rocks and dirt held back for centuries slowly patter down in our cave, then faster, then a whole downpour of huge rocks, accompanied by human glints of steel, burying our home. Our cave. The place where all our memories were kept.
     Current comes to his senses and charges at the entrance, barely avoiding a giant rock, smothered in dirt and darting worms. Suddenly a human sticks a steel blade in the entrance, filling it with more dirt. Current quails and backs away, but we are being buried alive. We cannot go out through the entrance. There is no other way out...

Unless there is.

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