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Current nudges me, telling me to get up, let's go, danger is near. I want to stay here forever, on this tangled bracken, to mourn for our once-safe den. I want to find an excuse. How can Mother find us, then, when she returns? Current looks at me with sad eyes, and in that moment, I understood. We were on our own now. I struggle to my paws, stumbling into the thickets. We tumble blindly through the underbrush, tearing through brambles and finally skidding to a stop in a small clearing.
Grass and flowers dotted the ground, and three fallen trees were kneeled on top of each other. I slowly sniff it, exhausted by our short dash through the woods. Pine needles had carpeted the ground, and the top of the den was also smothered by pine needles. It smelled faintly of another animal, but it had been long gone. A whole winter, maybe. Current creeps up next to me, coughing constantly. I look at him in concern, but he shakes his head. He is fine.
I look around, drinking in all the scents and sights around me. I never knew pine needles grew in such quantity, or saw such vibrant flowers. I gaze upward, seeing the sky for the first time- at least, in its full glory. Puffy white clouds moved lazily across a brilliant blue sky. The sun blazes down from directly overhead, a blinding ball of light. I cannot stop sniffing the green sprouts, or watching a butterfly flit from flower to flower. I pounce on it, but it flies daintily away, into the bright sky.
I watch in disappointment, and turn around to complain to Mother. But where she should have been was empty air, no silver-grey fur or friendly black eyes. The short run, the new sights and smells, they all pushed mothers loss to the back of my head. But now, I missed snuggling into her fur, and the cozy, low den in which I had always grew up in.
The sky flares red, setting the trees on fire. The sun slowly sinks as night overcomes day. I suddenly feel very tired, and without any other ado, me and Current fall asleep in the small den, snuggled together tightly but missing the larger presence of Mother.

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