A New Day and New Friends

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( Okaybe Next Scene!!! OH not my pic, but This is actually Pretty close to How I imagine Lilly!! Here you go!! BTW: the words that are italized are sign language/ and the normal is talking/ the bolded is thoughts and other!!)

((Oh and yes It is Still Lilly's pov))

Me and Mikey were playing a few rounds of, actually I don't really know what game it was some cartoon, round up, shooting game. Team Force or something like that, anyways we were playing that when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and saw Donnie with a bright yellow canary jacket, I scrunched up my nose. I know that color was sooooo not going to look good on me. I stuck my tongue out, and Donnie gave me the It's-either-this-or-nothing look, I sighed and drapped it on the arm of the couch. When I looked back my character had died, I groaned and had to wait until me and Mikey could restart the game. we played a little longer until we both died again, except this time Mikey didn't restart it? I glanced over at him to see that he was looking towards the kitchen; that's when the smell of garlic and melted cheese his my nose, pizza! I felt my stomache grumble, Mikey looked over and bursted out laughing. I blushed knowing I had cause a huge noise.

I suddenly felt someone behind me, I looked up to find Raph. Raph rolled his eyes at his brother and then smirked at me, and ticked his head towards the kitchen. I nodded and went to get up when I was lifted up off the couch. I was startled by the sudden action and looked at Raph. He looked at me and saw my questioning face, he shrugged his shoulders. It was a little strange to be carried but it wasn't a bad strange it was kind of . . . nice. I felt my face heat up slightly at the thought and saw Raph smirk at me as he set me at the table. I quickly got rid of my blush and waited for the others to come in. the kitchen had cupboards and a counter top all the way around to the stairs that were leading up. the sink was close to the corner of the kitchen and a large fridge sat on the other side of the stairs. The table was centered in the middle with six chairs.

When they all came in and started to eat I sat there and watched them. It was fun to see how close they all were to eachother, they would all move and talk as a family and not as individials. They would laugh and joke, it was particularly funny when they would all roll their eyes at Mikeys crazy antics at the same time. When I was done with my ham and olive slice I turned to sensei, 'How do you guys tell the time?'

'We have a clock on the tv, donatellos computer and one above the fridge.'

I looked up at the fridge and saw that it was 7:30. 'When am I going home?'

'At 8:00 or when the boys are ready for patrol. Donatello told me you want to bury your friend in a grassy area, yes?'

'Yes but I don't know where . . .'

'Don't worry little flower,' I smiled at my pet name, and so did Splinter, 'I know a good place for the warrior to rest.'

'Thank you Master Splinter, you have been so kind to me, thank you.'

After that the guys got ready to go. I put the stupid color jacket on and at 8 we were ready to go. Raph and Leo being the strongest were handling Cocoa while Mikey and Donnie were In chorge of me. Sensei spoke to Leo, then came over to me. 'Be safe little flower; you are welcome here anytime.'

'Thank you Sensei, I will take your offer and see you soon!' We gave eachother a small bow and I rushed up and gave him a hug. I pulled away and smiled as me and the guys left.

Master Splinters place was a beautiful little garden area with a willow tree and a pond, that was were we burried Cocoa. Mikey and Donnie helped me find some colorful pebbles and wrote "Good Boy!" Mikey put an arm around me and gave me a smile, the tension I didn't know I was hold was realised and I hugged Mikey back, holding the tears in as best as I could. I turned back to the guys and said, "Thank you!" they nodded and then took me home. At the window of my 2-bedroom middle class apartment we said good bye and they gave me their numbers for when I get a new phone, my last one got squashed during the fight. Donnie gave me last minuet instructions to maintain my wound and Mikey gave me another hug and did our friend sign. After all of that I went to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

As I figured mom didn't even know I was gone, she had Saturdays and Sundays off of her waitress job, and Tuesdays and Thursdays off of her night guard duty. Today was Saturday so when I woke up, I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I changed my outfit and joined mom at the kitchen counter/bar. My mom's name was Katrinia, her friends and co-workers called her Nia though. I had her carmel hair but my dads grey-green eyes. Her hair was short as was her height, another thing I had gotten from her. Mom turned around and smiled when she saw me she had some freckles on her nose making her look younger, her blue eyes were shining and happy. I gave her a smile back. "Morning mom!"

'Good morning flower, how was your weekend?'

'okay I guess.'

'where's Cocoa?' I looked down, 'Flower? What's wrong?!'

'Cocoa died on Wensday mom. A few friends helped me out but. . .' Mom turned the stove off and hugged me and we both cried. She took me to the couch and said to take it easy the rest of the day.

Then she smiled and kissed my forehead, 'How about I make smore cookies?' (AN:These are actually really good and gooey, made with marshmellows and chocolate chunks in a graham cracker cookie dough!! delicious!!) I smiled back and went to find a movie to watch as she made them. Mom brought the cookies and milk over and we both sat on the couch with a blanket and movie. Mom chuckled, 'That silly dog, Cocoa loved marshmellows and chocolate!' I giggled remembering him stealing a bag of marshmellows and eating half of them before mom took them away. And then another one when we left our hot chocolate on the coffee table and he drank both of them! 'Our hot chocolate dog!' we smiled and laughed at the memories, it was nice to spend time with her.

We both just hung out with eachother until she had to get ready for work. she looked at me, 'Lilly Tara? where is your phone?'

'Oh um I dropped it and it got killed by a car.'

She rolled her eyes, 'Come one you I have time to get you one before my night shift.'

'Thanks mom!' I got a cool purple and blueish slide phone, yeah I know it's old school but they don't brake as easily, and I tend to drop my phone alot. It just slips out of my hand so not my fault. After saying good bye to mom I went home put all the other contacts in and then decided to text Mikey.

LT: Hey Mikey! I got my new phone!!

M: Way cool dudett!!!

LT: Whatcha doin?

M: Kicking the shell out of some computer players!They got nothing on the Mikestar! ;D

LT: Lol!!

M: Hey when r u comin back?! :\

LT: I could come tonight?

M: Shell YEAH!!!

LT: Want me to bring pizza?

M: I think Im in love <3

LT: haha! I'll take that as a yes. Think you could help me get there?

M: Sure dudett! c ya in 20!!

LT: see ya!!

I grabbed my purse and a jacket, not the silly one, and went out to a pizza place close by that was called circle cuisine. I got four different pizzas and went back to my apartment. When I got to the kitchen I packed 2 dozen of the cookies in a red bin, man mom sure made a ton! I didn't have to wait for too long before my new orange friend was knocking on the window. Grinning I opened it up and was immediately swallowed in a hug.

I gasped as my side inflamed with a pounding pain. He released me and looked a little scared. I took a breathe and gave him a smile trying not to show my pain. He smiled sheepishly, and I shook my head and lead him to the kitchen trying hard not to limp or wince. (Most people don't realize that when your side is hurt walking becomes a chore, just try it by putting your hand slightly above your hip and walk youll feel your skin move, and that in turn hurts. oh sorry back to the story!!) I gave Mikey the note and the pizza boxes. "Mikey, think you can take these and meet me in the alley by the build? It'll be faster if I went down the elevator instead of the fire escape:)"

Mikey nodde and went out the window. I headed out and down to the ground floor. I walked out and to the alley where Mikey already had the lid off to the sewers. He didn't have the pizza boxes either, they must already be down there. Mikeys head was cocked in confusion and he pionted to the red bin I was holding. I grinned and looked around before motioning him closer, he cautiously stepped closer as I opened the lid showing him the goodies. His smile grew huge and he started to jump up and down excited. I giggled and closed the lid again, and carefully climbed down.

Mikey had the pizza balanced on a few bricks that were jutting out like a shelf that he then took after jumping down. Mikey lead me towards the lair and after the first few turns I got lost so I was glad that he was there. Soon we came to a wall with pipes, and Mikey punched the code in. Mikey yelled, probably pizza or something as we went into the kitchen. the guys came in and said hi with Sensei coming in last, 'Hello Sensei!'

He gave me a soft smile, 'Hello Little flower, it is nice to see you back.'

I felt a tap and turned to find Leo. He pointed to the box in my arms, I held it away protectively and turned to sensei signing, 'Sensei, can you tell Leo Dinnner FIRST and then desert.'

Master Splinter chuckled and told Leo and the boys. Raph smirked while the others chuckled and started to eat. Me and Sensei shared a smile before joining them. As we finished I looked up to find a impatient Mikey and laughed as he was bouncing in his seat, which threatened to tip over any second now. He looked at me expectingly, I nodded. He whooped and opened the box grabbing a cookie and shoving it in his mouth.

His eyes widened and he smiled revealing chocolate and marshmellow covered teeth. I giggled and turned to Sensei, 'these are called smore cookies, there are mine and Cocoa's favorite! and now they are thank you cookies!' I touched Cocoa's tag and smiled. Sensei told the boys, Leo, Mikey and Donnie started to eat them while Raph just looked at the one on his plate suspiciously. Curious I asked Master splinter about it, he looked over and then signed to me, 'Raphael is very protective of his family and is slow to trust others.'

I smirked and got up asking Splinter to translate. I walked over to Raph and cocked my head, 'What's wrong Raph?' He looked at me weird as I sat on the table next to him and kept signing, 'did you forget how to eat a cookie?' His brothers smirked and chuckled, Raph scowled. I gave a huge sigh and shook my head pitifully at him, 'Here I'll show you.' I reached over and took one from the box and exaggrated my eating, not braking eye contact with Raph, Bright green eyes meeting my soft grey-green ones. Poor Mikey couldn't take it and fell over laughing, Leo and Donnie laughed as well. Raphs scowl deepened as he glared at them, I grinned and handed Raph one of his cookies. He huffed and took a bite, his eyes soften but his scowl stayed. I got down and patted his shoulder in congrats, 'Don't worry Raph I understand.' I winked and went back to my chair by Splinter and Leo, grabbing two more cookies on my way back.

Raph shook his head and finishing his cookie he got up fro the table. As he was leaving he wacked Mikey upside the head causing him to pout. But that pout turned into a smile as he ate another cookie. Donnie left after Raph and smiled his thanks before going to his lab. 'I hope that was okay Master Splinter, I didn't mean any harm by-' He raise a hand and stopped me, 'Everything is well, Raphael can take a playful joke.' He smiled and left.

I got up and started to put the pizza boxes together, but Leo stopped me and started to clean up instead, what a gentleman! Suddenly I was spun around and faced an excited Mikey who pointed to the T.V. where Mariokart (which I don't own either. oh and the game cube version, or the first one, whatever.) was playing. I smiled and we went to play in a all cup tornament, we were on the last race before rainbow road when it was paused? I looked up to see the brothers gathering. Mikey turned to me and started to talk, I gave him a 'Really Dude?!' look and he stopped looking sheepish. He mouthed sorry and took out his phone, M: It's time 4 patrol, we can take u home?

I looked at the time, 10:10pm. LT: When will you guys be back?

M: Not til almost 2

LT: I can wait, got to finish Rainbow Road! ;D

M: U sure?

LT: Yes, now go Mikey, Raphs' getting impatient. ;P

Mikey looked behind him to where I could almost feel Raph scowling at him, Mikey grinned and went to his brothers. I waved them off and started to flip through the channels, the only ones that had captions was a drama or a nature show. Umm Duh! Nature show, drama was too dramatic for me. Even so I still fell asleep only 10 minuets into it.

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