Am I Important?

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( This chappy Reminded me of Dory, you Know the Part on Finding Nemo Where she Sings the Song that 90% of the World knows. . . "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming!" ;D)

I woke up to a Sunday and smiled as I remembered that I had today off of work. It would be officially four weeks that I have known the guys this Wednesday. They have been pretty nice weeks considering everything that has been going on. I met April and her fiance Casey, and found out why they looked so familiar was because they graduated from my school last year. I also learned about the 'enemies' of the guys, including the Foot, Kraang, and a few other weirdos that their names escape me. It was nice to have some friends and something solid in my life, well sort of.

I got dressed and went to the kitchen to find a note from my mom reminding me that she had a dental appointment and that she wouldn't be home until 3:00. I smiled and rushed back to my room to grab my blue bag. I loved my mom but she was very strict when it came to academics. She wanted me to go to collage and become a doctor or something like that but what I really loved doing was dancing, but she thought that any other activity would distract me from school and always told me no. So that is why I have a job not just to pay for collage but to also pay for my dance lessons.

I went out of my building excited and hauled a taxi, I handed the driver the address and went on my way to the center of the city. The lady at that owned the dance company was named Tiana Coline but she preferred Tiana. She was the only one that let me join her company, she treated me just like all of her other students, I liked that. the only way that I could practice was when most of the students were gone.

How does a deaf girl dance? Well by turning the volume up, that seems silly but it helps me because then I can feel the vibrations and the beat, so that way I stay on time. I could go there any day between the hours of 12-2 that is when she is the least busy. I walked into the studio and saw Tiana in the front desk. I waved to her as she smiled and leaped over the desk to hug me. Tiana was a little eccentric but was fun, like everybody's crazy aunt.

Tiana had curly bouncy blonde highlighted hair that was always in a ponytail. she was extremely tall and thin, but very flexible. She released me from the crushing hug and signed to me, ' LT it has been a week since you've been back and the dance is in a month and a half away! we need to get practicing! Come on the back room is free, I'll help you get set up, it's good to have you back!!'

I smiled as she pulled me to the back, the same silly Tiana. We started to practice, she wore ear plugs to protect her hearing and helped me get some moves down. At the end of July Tiana was doing a Swan Lake production, more like a charity dance and I got the part of Odeil; Rothbarts daughter or otherwise known as the black swan. I was so excited this was my first big part and I was determined to do my best at it! Tiana told me that I had to come at a different time now, now it was 5-8 during week days. We smiled cause that worked alot better then the current time.

Soon our time was up and I had to go home. I walked out of there and turned a corner when BAM! I was knocked over by someone, all I saw at first was blue purple and brown hair? A girl about my age had run into me, she had a smile on her face almost like she was trying hard not to laugh. As she got off me I saw that she had been riding a skateboard, her jeans were ripped up and she had a purple tank top and black gloves with grip. Her skin was tan with the sun and she had hazel eyes. Her hair had streaks of blue and purple on the ends.

She helped me up and said sorry before she was off again, hmm looks like she's in a hurry. I looked at the time on my phone 2:31 and now so am I! I hauled and taxi and hurried home. Once I got there I quickly change my clothes and read a text from my mom.

Mom: Hey I'll be home at 3:30 hope your chores are all done?!

LT: Of course they are mom!

Mom: Liar! you have until I get home. . .

Crap! I hurried around and quickly did them. The bathroom and both our rooms and the spare room, were on one side; the kitchen and the laundry room were on the other with the front door and living room in between. I did the bathroom, my room and the living room with five minuets to spare. Mom came in with grocery's, I rushed over and helped her with the load.

'Eww! what is that smell?' mom wrinkled her nose.

'what smell?'

'that sweat smell,' she grinned at me and passed me another cereal box. 'How hard were you working on those chores?'

'ha ha funny.' I rolled my eyes as she laughed, I should probably take a shower soon though.

Mom stretched and went over to the couch, 'wake me in a hour.' and with that she was out. I frowned at her sleeping body, she works too hard. I wish she didn't, we could get a smaller apartment for way cheaper but mom didn't want to leave our first home. So she worked and worked a lot. I sighed and put the box of cereal away, before going and getting a change of clothes and hitting the shower.

I pulled the crew top baby blue shirt on that showed shoulders, some old boot cut and ripped jeans with an white belt and a thick white headband. I walked into my multi colored room and put my clothes in the hamper. The colors were all light and soft leaving my room with a calm feeling. I had a twin bed with an night stand and a desk all were a light shade of grey with blue designs running through them that mom had done. The window was on the left side of my bed and I had a mirror on the back of my blue door, dads favorite color.

The time said 4:03 guess I had to wake up mom. I got up from my desk and away from my dreadful government homework. Mom left at 4:30 I saw her to the door, 'I have to work an extra hour tonight so I won't be back until 6.'

'Okay Mom just be safe!'

She smiled and gave me a hug, 'I will, I love you little flower, don't stay up too late! Oh and there's some money on the counter for pizza!'

'Thanks mom! love you too!!'

Pizza reminded me of my green friends, I smiled. Now which one to text? I flipped through and clicked on one randomly, Raph. I shrugged and began to text him as I got my stuff ready.

LT: Hey Raph!

R: Sup

LT: I was wondering if I could come over?

R: I don't care, why ya asking me?

LT: ouch Raph that hurt, what would it take to make you care?

R: I don't know.

I rolled my eyes, what a stick in the mud: What if I brought pizza?

R: Eh, It's a start.

LT: I'll take it! so what's you favorite?

R: Favorite what?

LT: Pizza flavor!

R: As long as there is meat I don't care.

LT: Ahh your a Lover-boy!


LT: That is just what the pizza people call people who love meat, lovers.

R: Why?!

LT: You'll find out later.

R: Fine just hurry up!

LT: Sheesh Raph, chill! I just got out of the elevator if you want me to go faster why not meat me at my alley in 20min.

R: That wasn't a typo was it.

LT: Give the man a prize!

R: Ha ha funny! Just hurry it up!

LT: All good things come to those who wait, patience my ninja friend!

R: That sounds like what Master Splinter would say.

LT: Actually I think that is from a movie I saw ;p

R: Whatever just hurry up!

LT: Geeze what are you late for a date or something?

R: Was that a Disney reference?

LT: Wow the Great tough guy Raph knows about Disney?!

R: Shut up, and not one word to the others!

LT: My lips are sealed ;)

R: Just go get the pizza.

I laughed to myself and got four large pizza's. I walked back to my alleyway and set the boxes down on a crate, and waited for Raph. A smell hit my nose and I whipped around to see a group of five guys coming towards me, they were all drunk! I looked around and saw a broken broom stick, I grabbed it and held it defensively. They were laughing and pointing at me, one of them walked forward grinning maliciously. That was his mistake, I twirled and using my momentum swung hard and hit the man knocking him into his other friends.

He jerked up angry and all five started to circle me getting closer and closer. I couldn't get pinned or else they'd win! I feinted left and then went right in between 2 of them, I jabbed and hit the guy on the right making him fall over and hit his head, he went to sleep. Lefty tried to grab me but I danced out of the way and dodged a blow from the first man. I went to run away but was grabbed from behind. The big man yanked the broom away from me and held me by my hands, I kicked my feet everywhere but that didn't do anything!

The leader jumped up from were he landed when he tried to jump me and flicked his hand out to reveal a knife. My eyes widened as he stalked towards me, the moonlight glinting off of the life taking weapon. I closed my eyes and screamed.

I was dropped and hit the ground on my knees, I scrambled away and pressed myself to a brick wall and watched as Raph fought them off. It wasn't a fair fight, for the drunks they didn't even get one hit on him and soon they were all running away. Raph huffed and sheathed his Seis, he turned and walked over to me.

(Alrighty let's Try something Different Shall we?! Tell me if it's Good Bad weird whatever)


Raph Pov

I sneered and beat those morons like nothing, It wasn't even a good fight! "Idiots." I huffed and sheathed my Sei. I turned around and grew angrier as I saw Lilly curled in a ball shaking, her long hair covering half of her face but I could still see her terrified face. Those punks, what the heck did they do to her! I took a breathe and walked over to her. She looked up at me, her soft green eyes and her face relaxing as she looked at me. I knelt by her and asked, "You Okay?"

Lilly bit her lip and closing her eyes set her head against my chest. Her hair tickling me slightly. I felt my face heat up slightly, no girl has done this to me, heck not even Venus and Serina touch me. (You'll find out about them later!!) As gently as I could I put my hand on her back and rubbed up and down.

She took in a breathe and let it out, letting it whisper down my chest; I stiffened. She looked up at me, My sharp green eyes meeting her soft ones. I cocked my head to the side and raised an eyebrow. Slowly Lilly nodded and whispered softly, "Fine." She got up and walked over to a create that had three pizza boxes on it, the forth was smashed into the ground.

Lilly sighed and picked up the ruined pizza and went to throw it away. I picked up the rest and walked over to the sewer entrance. I watched her, her body language still telling me that she was scared. It was weird to see her scared, usually she was laughing and joking around. I smirked slightly, for a deaf girl she was really loud.

Lilly went to go get the rest of the pizza's but turned back to me when she saw that they weren't there. I jumped down and waited for her to climb down, when she was down I handed her the pizza's and closed the lid before taking them back. We walked to the lair and out of the corner of my eye I could still see her shaking. She held her arms firmly across her chest, I knew why, It was to stop her hands from shaking.

I had the strangest urge to wrap an arm around her small delicate frame, did I really just think that?! I shook my head trying to get rid of the mushy thought. We arrived at the door and stood there, I turned to Lilly her head was bowed.

I balanced the pizza's with one hand and put my other on her exposed shoulder. Her skin was so soft and cool under my fingers, I felt my face heat up slightly. She looked up at me, I smirked hiding my pink face, "Your Okay." I ruffled her hair when she smiled and then we went into the lair.


(Lilly's Pov)

I had only taken two steps before I was grabbed into a huge hug from Mikey. I giggled and hugged him back as he spun me in a circle before setting me down and dragging me to the kitchen for dinner. The remaining boxes were labeled: Pepperoni, Ham and Olive, and the last one was Meat Lovers.

I looked up at Raph as he read the labels, He sighed and rolled his eyes before taking four of them. After dinner Mikey challenged Raph to play a few video games. I sat on a bean bag and watched them, every once in awhile I would cheer on Mikey and then switched to cheering for Raph when he was getting angry, which wasn't as often while playing video games.

Then the guys had to go on patrol, I waved them off and laid down on the couch looking up at the ceiling. I thought through my day and shuttered at the sill vivid memory. I could see the knife glinting dangerously closer and closer. I flipped around and buried my head into a nearby pillow trying to block out the horrible memory. I saw the evil man and his sneer, he was ready to . . . to . . .I just shuttered again.

Suddenly a hand clamped down on my shoulder! I bolted up and screamed, jumping away from the surprised Master Splinter. 'Is everything okay little flower?!' I bowed my head and let a few tears fall. I felt Master Splinter come and wrap his strong firm arms around me. I clung to him feeling a safeness that I haven't felt since my dad was alive. I breathed in his smell of jasmine and sandle wood, calming down quickly.

I pulled away and pressed my hands to my face wiping away all evidence of tears. I hated to show others any form of weakness, especially those who were close to me. 'What happened little flower?'

"Before I came here I was attacked by a group of men. They were drunk. I was about to get away when I was pinned." I took a breathe. "He pulled . . . a knife out and he. . he. . ." I looked at Splinters wise warm eyes, why couldn't be people be that understanding!? I grew angry now, those stupid drunks!! who did they think they were!!? I felt hot angry tears replace my scared ones.

"He was going to kill me!! Why does this keep happening to me!?" I started to pace a habit me and my dad had shared. "Am I that messed up that the whole world just decided to be done with me! First the accident! Then I became deaf! Which I just fine with, But NOO!! It was a bad thing and that made me a bad and broken person! I'm Not broken!!!" I thought about the fight, "UGH!!! WHY AM I SO FREAKIN' USELESS!!!!"

Master Splinter grabbed me, stopping my pacing. He shook me slightly and started to sign, "You are not useless. You are needed. Your mother needs you and so does the future, whatever it may hold. Do you understand, you are important Lilly Tara Conners; as a Daughter, as a Friend, as a Sister."

He must have seen my confusion at the word sister and smiled, "Even though you can't hear him Michelangelo calls you little sister. Donatello and Leonardo talk about you fondly, including Raphael." I started to smile. "There we go little flower, There is no more need for tears, only smiles."

I smiled up at the man, "Thank you Master Splinter." I bowed to him, and when I got up he asked me something that made my night!

(Alrighty, Now i Guess that you're going to have to Guess what Made Her night!! See ya Next time Little Jewels!!)

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