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(Okaybe now We are going to Talk About Venus, Serina should Be coming up. . . Soon? Maybe. . . Idk But I know that She'll be here in the next few Chapters Okay, Here's the chapter!!! Enjoy!!)

Lilly's Pov

I woke up the next morning, Wednesday, and got up. I stumbled out of my room, sleep still holding me, I went to the kitchen and made some toast. I straightened my big pajama shirt over my shorts. I leaned on my elbow waiting for the toast and started to nod off when *SHINK* the toast popped up in front of my face making me jolt upright! (Has this Ever happened To you, It is the scariest thing ever! :D Okay now Back to the Story.)

I buttered and shoved one in my mouth, I was about to bite down when I was spun around to the face of a worried mother. 'Lilly Tara Connors what on earth happened to your ARM!!'

I looked down to the brace and back up, 'Oh that? I tripped on a skateboard and sprained it.' Her worried face grew more defined, 'But don't worry my friend Donnie had a brace and fixed me up, See all better!' I wiggled my fingers in front of her.

Mom furrowed her eyebrows and frowned, 'Who's Donnie?'

CRAP! I took in a breathe, "Well he's one of the brothers I told you about, he's kind of like the doctor of the family."

Mom leaned against the counter, "Oh and what of the other brothers?!"  She glared, "Spill it Lilly Tara, I have given you plenty of space and now I want to know about these 'friends' of yours." I sighed cause I knew she wasn't going to drop it. I just needed to be careful on how I tell her, so as not to raise to many questions.

I took a breathe and turned to her completely, "Well there are 4 brothers and their father, Mr. Hamato. The oldest—"

"How old are they?"

"All of them are almost twenty years old."

"All four of them?!"

"Um yeah, they were adopted." Mom nodded and feeling a little upset I continued, "The oldest is Leonardo."

"Like the artist?"

I huffed, "Yes like the artist their dad likes history. Now no more interruptions!" Mom raised and eyebrow but didn't say anything, "Any ways, Leo is the oldest and is kind of the teachers pet, but is such a gentle man. Then there's Raphael," I tried to keep my emotions in check as I told mom about him. "He's the Rebel and the Hot-head but is way loyal to his family. Donatello is the genius of the family, He's also the doctor and he's pretty patient kind of like the peacekeeper. Then there's Michelangelo the Goofball. He's so funny and was the first one to call me little sister."

I smiled up at my mom, "I really like them, they treat me like an actual person. Instead of someone who is broken and needs help. Like a charity case." I frowned bitterly.

 "You are not broken Lilly, you are so gifted! You have the ability to see the world the right way. You are smart and wonderful, I love you Lilly. I'm glad that your friends treat you good and that they are kind to you." We smiled at each other, She stood up to make her own breakfast, I finished my toast. "By the way, when can I met this Raphael?" I felt my face flare up, mom laughed, "My baby girl has a crush!"

"I do not!"

"Do to tomato face!" I groaned and ran out of there and into my room leaving her laughing. I got dressed in dark knee length jeans, with a lacy blue tank top I looked at the time and saw that it was almost 12, I had work until five today. I grabbed my stuff and waved to my mom, "Bye mom, I've got to go!"

Mom dried her hands on a towel and came over to me, "Hey I have work until 4 am so give me a big hug." I smirked but did so gladly.

 "Love you mom!" I waved good-bye smiling.

 "Love you too, Be careful." I left and got a cab to the Library. I worked until almost six thirty, it would usually close at five thirty but some kids decided to build a fort out of books. Me being the shelf keeper, I had to put them all away. I said good bye and left a little tired, thankfully I didn't have to work tomorrow.

I started to walk until I could find a cab, when I had gone a few blocks away I came to a store. I looked at the sign and smiled, It said, X-Treme Rollers. To The Max! was written under it. I saw that they didn't close until 8:00, Sweet! I walked in and my lenses chimed.

I wore my glasses every where except at home, mom would have been suspicious, and I didn't really talk that much in front of people, just in case. I turned around and looked at the various equipment until a girl came around the corner. I immediately recognized her, she was the girl that ran into me a while ago. Her hair was still dark brown but with her blue and purple highlight tips. she was wearing black shorts and a red tank top with a short sleeved jean jacket. The pockets on her pants were outlined orange, along with her socks and shoe laces on her blue sneakers.

"Sup. Welcome to X-Treme Sports." Her body language said that she didn't really care, as she snapped her gum. Her hat was flipped over her face, until she flicked it up and looked at me, "Do you— Hey I know you!!" Her brow furrowed until a light clicked on, "Oh My Gosh!! Your the girl I ran into on my board!!! I am SO sorry about that!!" I chuckled the cool girl attitude all gone from her, now it was all hyper and apologetic chick.

She grinned and held out her hand, "I'm Teddi Styles, skater name Karebear. Yours?"

I shook her hand, "Lilly Tara Connors, and I don't have one yet." I smiled up at her. She pulled her hand away and held both of them behind her back. She was bouncing slightly on the balls of her feet now, "So Lilly what can I help you with?" she asked as she popped another bubble, the strawberry scent wafting up.

"Oh I need a plain colored skate board."

She grinned, "Right on! Come on, they're over here." We started to walk to the back, "So how long have you been skatin'?"

"Only for a day, my friend Mikey got me hooked though!" Teddi suddenly whipped around, making me almost run into her.

"Wait Mikey?! Is he tall and wears a ton of orange?" I nodded, "And does he have a slight surfers accent?!"

"Yes, what about him? And how do you know him?" I asked confused and wary.

"OH MY GOSH!!! I LOVE THAT GUY!!!" Teddi started to jump up and down, like it was Christmas or something! I jumped back startled at the funny girl.

"Oh, Mikey comes in here every once in a while! He's the one that gave me my skater name and taught me how to perfect the Ollie!" She stopped jumping and quirked an eyebrow, "Although he wears a lot of hoodies and sweats so I don't really know what he looks like, but I know that he has baby blue eyes." She gushed her pink cheeks growing pinker as we continued to walk.

"Mikestar is a genius when it comes to sports! He's so cool!" She gave a happy sigh. . . she looked Oh gosh! "Oh! wow!" I said grinning.

Teddi turned around again, "What?"

"Teddi?! Your totally crushing on Mikey!" She looked down and away trying to hide her rosey red cheeks behind her hat. "Am n-not! Don't b-be ridiculous."

She continued walking, "How c-could I? I b-barley know the guy?"

I smirked and walked next to her, "Sure Teddi, deny all you want but the truth will always be the truth."

She was fighting a smile, "Well even if I did like-like him, I barley see him and have no way of contacting him. . ."

I frowned and then smiled, "I could give you his number!"

Teddi stopped and looked at me, "Really?! Well I would love it but, I don't want to sound like some psychotic stalker or anythin. . ." She held her hand up to her face like a phone, " 'Hi Mikey, I just got your number and now I can text or call you with out permission, and invade your personal space too!!"

I chuckled, "How about you give me your number on a piece of paper and I can accidentally 'leave' it where he could maybe 'find' it."

Teddi's eyes went wide and she grinned, "You'd do that? For me?!"

"Sure! Anything for love." I sighed dramatically holding my hands together and fluttered my eyes up at her. Teddi Laughed and put an arm around my shoulders, "You're a riot L.T! Ah and here we are!" We came to a wall with tons of different skate boards of all kinds. I looked them over for a minuet before Teddi held one up, "Hey what about this one?" I looked over and saw her with a dark blue one that had with sparkles around it.

I smiled and took it from her, "Perfect, thanks Teddi!"

"Your welcome L.T. And the best part is that it's on sale! Come on I'll ring you up!" We went to the back to the front and to the register, as Teddi was ringing me up I saw something behind the counter that made me smile, "Teddi what are those?"

She looked behind her and lifted up the box, setting it on the counter. A pair of white and blue dusted rollerblades were inside it. There was a small scuff on the toe of the left one but they looked to be in great condition! "These are some rollerblades a customer brought back. They're out of season and used so I was supposed to take them to a donation center but if you want them you can have them."

"Really? I love to have them!"

Teddi smiled and slid them closer to me. I gave her the money and shoved the blades in my bag, "Thanks Teddi! I really appreciate this!"

"Sure thin', Oh here's my number," Teddi handed me a piece of paper with her number on it and a smiley face, I grinned and put it in my pocket. "L.T? I was wondering if you wanted to hang this Saturday, I have the day off and was goin' to the skate park. But it's no fun to go alone. . . want to come with?!"

I smiled, "Sounds like fun! What time?"

Teddi shrugged, "I don't know yet, just text me later so that way we can have each others number. It will probably around 5:00 ish." She tilted her hand from side to side unknowingly, "So I'll see you Saturday?!"

"For sure!"

"Hey maybe we can come up with your skater name before Mikestar can!" We laughed and said good-bye. I dropped my board, time to try this out and rode on home. I kicked it up when I got to the front door and ran in. I waved to Mr. Belle at the desk before going up to my apartment. I put my stuff down and looked at my phone to see a few text messages.

Mom: Hey flower, hope you have a good day at work! love you!

M: Dudette when are you coming over again?

D: Lilly I hate to do this but, could you please come over! Mikey won't leave me alone and my experiments are in danger! please text him or something!?

M: Lilly why aren't you texting me back :'(

And about five more from him, I rolled my eyes and texted him back.

LT: Sheesh Mikey I'm coming, I had work today and I just got home. I'll be over in 20!

I felt someone thud behind me, my training kicked in and I whirled around to kick the intruder. The person grabbed my leg, "Hey easy, It's just me!"

I looked up and saw Raph holding my foot, "Raph?! What the heck? You scared me, what are you doing here anyways?"

He let go of my foot and looked angry, "Lilly I need ya to come right now, if ya don't, then I swear Mike won't live ta see tamarrow!!"

I put my hands on my hips, how dare he order me around! "First of all Mikey can't be that bad; second don't swear; and third CHILL OUT!!" I stepped closer and poked his chest, "I just got home from an extra long day of work, I'm tired and hungry." I took a breathe and glared up at him, "Now give me a minuet to breathe!"

Raph glared back, but leaned against my window frame and crossed his arms, "Fine, just hurry up, will ya!" I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen to grab an apple. I shoved it in my mouth and went back to my room to change my shoes to sneakers. I had one on and could feel anger coming off Raph, "UGH! Hurry up woman!"

Enraged I shot him another glare, and tied my last shoe on. I slung my bag over my shoulder and kicked my board up. I snatched it up and took another bite from my apple, "There happy now Red?!" I climbed out with him and chucked my core over the edge.

"Yes! thank ya, Minx!"


"Yes Minx, now come on!" He strapped my board to his back strap, grabbed me, and held me close as he jumped down to the ground. He set me down roughly and shoved the lid away. I scrambled down before he could 'help' me down. We walked towards the lair the tension in the air growing heavier and heavier along with my anger. 'What the heck was wrong with him?! He was being so rough and rude! I understand anger, but this was insane!!'

Finally I couldn't take it anymore, "That is it!!!" I stomped my foot and stopped making Raph turn around, "What's going on Raph!?" He opened his mouth but I held up a finger stopping him, "And DON'T tell nothing cause I know something is wrong!"

Raph glared down at me, his fists shook by his sides. He was at least a head taller than me and a lot bigger, but I wasn't going to be intimidated by him. I glared back as he grunted, "Well too bad Minx, cause the only thin' wrong is Mikey."

"No it's not Raphael, " I saw him wince a little but brushed it off, "I understand anger and frustration but this. . . I've never seen you like this! Now tell me what's wrong, maybe I could help you?"

Raph swiftly turned away from me, "Nothin."

"Raph, what's wrong?" I jumped back as he jerked back to me furiously.

"Nothin'! Somethin'! I DON'T KNOW!! Why do ya even care?!"

I grabbed at my hair, "ARGH!! Fine! You know what forget it, if you don't want to tell me then don't! I was trying to be a good friend but. . . . . you know what, whatever." I softened and walked away from his anger.

I was about to go into the lair when I felt his hand on my shoulder, "Hey, I'm sorry aiight, I've just got a lot on my plate and I snapped at ya."

I let out a breathe, "Raph," I put my small hand over his and looked up at his upside down face. "I understand, need any help?"

"Nah, It's somethin that I have ta do myself."

"Okay, but the offer still stands okay?"

His scowl went away and smirked, "Yeah okay."

"Now," I straightened up, "Can I have my board back." He reached back and handed it back to me as we walked into the lair. My attention was caught by the bouncing turtle in front of the t.v. Mikey had just won a game. He jumped around and saw us by the door, His face lite up and he ran full steam at me, arms open for a hug.

 I had just enough time to drop my things down as I was engulfed in a huge spinning hug. "Ohmygosh!!!Littlesister!!Ihaven'tseenyouinforever!!AndIhavebeenwaitingjustaslong! Iwasgettingworriedwhenyoudidn'tshowuportextor-----" 

I clapped my one free hand over his mouth cutting off his ramblings, "Mikey I'm glad to see you too but---" 

Raph smacked his youngest brother, "Yer crushing her Nitwit!" before rolling his eyes and walking away. Mikey still grinning set me down gently, "Sorry sissy."

I chuckled, "That's okay Mikey but what has gotten you so excited?"

He started jumping again, "Because Venus is here!!"

"Vee-nus? Who's Venus?" 

"Oh that would be me." An arrow started to blink, I turned around and saw a girl turtle half way down the stairs. She had soft light green skin with baby blue leggings, arm sleeves and a mask with a long braid. She had two fan like weapons on her belt, and black tape on her hands and feet. She had a small smile that made her dark brown eyes look warm and calming, I immediately liked her. "My name is Venus de Milo, and I've come for a short visit. But Mikey, " She gave him a smile, "Insisted that I met his new 'little sister'."

She came over to both of us, I held my hand out for her as we shook hands, "Hi Venus, I'm Lilly Tara Connors! It's nice to met you!"

"Nice to met you too L.T." We both grinned at eachother.

"Hey Venus is it okay if I ask why we haven't met until today?"

"Oh," She rolled her eyes, "It's because I have to take care of certain objects that are a little. . . um touchy."

"She means that she has to keep the whole world safe from evil dragon demons from dark dimension." Mikey spoke up, as weird as it was I could tell they weren't lying.

"Whoo, really? Sheesh tough job."

"You have no idea." She sighed. 

"Well I'm glad we could met and that you could take a load off, how long are you staying?" I asked as Mikey over looked my new board.

"Unfortunately I have to leave tomorrow."

"Where do you live?"


"WHAT?! That far away!! Man that sucks!"

"You said it Little Lilly." I looked over the stairs again and saw Leo standing there, smiling at Venus. He walked over to us, and put his arm around Venus in a side hug. "Venus can only visit during a black moon or when there is no moon in the sky. The Mirror she guards doesn't work during that time. It 'sucks' but when she gets here all the good feelings follow."

"Ahh Leo!" Venus blushed and snuggled closer to him.

"Ahh so she only comes for one specific person I mean purpose right?!" The blue couple blushed smiling, "So why doesn't Venus live here?"

"The Mystical properties are a little difficult and need to be preformed in a certain way, and as soon as I learn what to do I'll be able to move closer to Leo. . . and the guys too." Venus blushed as Leo chuckled. Mikey waved me over to the living room, 

 I started to walk towards Mikey, "Just remember you two that I call Bridesmaid!" I winked at the now red couple before running over to Mikey and smacking his arm. "Dude! Is there anyone else I should know about?!"

"Huh?! Oh well there's April and Casey who go to college now, Venus who's Leo's girlfriend and Serina Lane who's Donnie's girlfriend. Serina is in the C.S.I!"

"Um not to be rude but is Serina human?"

"Eh mostly, she save Donnie from some mutagen and got mutated into a bunny; with ears, feet and a tail."

"How does the C.S.I not know about her?"

"Oh they do, well the 'big boss man' does and says shes a valuable asset to the team. She looks human too, she just has to wear long pants and her blonde ears already blend into her blonde hair, but she has to keep them pinned down. What's really funny is when she's about to sneeze, her nose starts twitching around like crazy!" Mikey chuckled and tried to demonstrate but couldn't, I tried to stifle a laugh that was threatening to burst. "We don't see her too much cause she's in training and when we do see her she's usually taking up the couch."

"Cool, and that's everybody right?"

"Yep! Now how do you want to do your board!!?"

I felt exhaustion creep up on me, "Well I *YAWN* have a few Ideas."

"You're tired already?! But you just got here." Mikey pouted, his bottom lip trembling and his brows scrunched together in the cutest way with puppy dog eyes.

"Mikey I've had a long week."

"But it's only Wednesday?"

I huffed, "Exactly my point." I shoved my hands in my pockets to feel a crumple of paper, perfect! "Huh? What's this?"

"What's what?" Mikey came closer and looked at the unfolded peice of paper.

"Oh yeah my new friend Teddi gave me her number. She's pretty cool!"

"Hey I know her!!! She's karebear!! she works at X-Treme Rollers!"

I smirked, "Would you like her number?"

"The number of the awesome chic named Teddi?! YEAH I WOULD!!" He snatched it from my hand and scurried out and to his room.

Score one for Lilly. I chuckled before plopping down on the couch and passing out.


I don't know how long I was asleep for, so I stretched yawning before opening my eyes to a pair of dark brown ones staring back at me. I bolted upright and scrambled to the opposite side, "Good Gravy Venus!! You nearly gave me a heart attack!!" She chuckled at me still leaning on the back of the couch, "What time is it anyways?"

"5:32 am"

"Shoot!" I quickly sent a text to my mom telling her that I was a Venus's house, even though she was probably asleep and didn't know I was gone. I glanced back up at Venus, "Good morning?"

She snickered, "Good morning." Before I could ask Venus said, "I have a plane to catch at 7." Well that was weird?  "Not at all." Her smirk grew as she watched my thoughts race around my brain. "Here I'll help you, I can read the minds of those closest to me."

It took me a moment to process what I had just read. At first I thought it was my imagination but when Venus snickered again I knew it wasn't, "Okay not to sound rude but, that's just a tad bit creepy." Venus just smiled, "Do you really have to leave today?"

"Yeah I do."

"Sad day, well we can still stay in touch." I held up my phone and we quickly exchanged numbers, "Well," I said stretching, "Now there's only one thing left to do."

"Oh and what's that?" 

I grinned, "Breakfast!! I need to get some ingredients want to come with me?"

"Um sure but the guys already have food. . . " I stopped her.

"Oh-no I mean a good 'hot' breakfast, kind of as a going away/see you next time gift."

"That's very nice of you L.T., let me just grab my coat." We left the lair and found a 24 hour mini mart, I went inside as Venus stayed out in the fading shadows with her baggy hoodie. I grabbed all the bags and headed out. 

"Need any help." She snickered as I tried to hold all of the bags together.

"Nooo I just like carrying big heavy grocery bags." I rolled my eyes at her as she grabbed a few from me. We walked in silence towards the lair before I decided to ask her, "So you and Leo, How long has that been going on?"

Her face turned all dreamy and dorky looking, "A year and two months, I just wish. . . "

We went through the door and put the bags on the counters, "Hey don't worry, you just watch in no time you'll be living right here in New York City, with the coolest people in the world!"

Venus giggled, "I can't wait for that day, thanks L.T."

"No biggie, Now let's get cooking!!" I was flipping a pancake and making scrambled eggs with bacon, as Venus set the table and made the orange juice. I was almost done with the bacon and eggs when, "AHH! Leo?!" I turned around and saw Leo holding Venus from behind, a small spill of orange juice from the pitcher that Venus held.

"Morning beautiful." Leo said before nuzzling her neck cause her to giggle and blush. 

I pointed my spatula at the pair, "Alright you two no flirting while I'm cooking, you'll make me gag." I gave them a playful smile, as Leo leaned down and gave Venus a peck on the cheek.

"I hope that doesn't count." He grinned back.

I pretended to give it some thought before answering, "No actually that was pretty cute."

"Don't encourage him!" Venus mocked playing along, I giggled and returned to breakfast.

"Oi Leo! come and get the bacon and eggs."

"Okay, hey why are we having a big breakfast anyways?"

"It's a see-you-next-time gift for Venus." He grinned and took the bowl of food over to the table. I stacked the last of the pancakes and followed Leo. "Alright why don't you two get started."

"You're not going to eat L.T?" Venus asked as Leo helped her in her seat, so cute!

"Oh I will but I'm going to tidy up a little first. And before you can ask no, you can't help!" We smirked at each other. Before I turned around I gave Leo a wink as he nodded grateful for some time with his girlfriend. I took my glasses off and set them down on the table to give them some privacy, then I went and started to clean up the dishes and the stove top.

When that was all done and saw that they were done eating as well; I grabbed a banana and headed back to the table. *Green Flash* as I put my glasses back on, "This was really nice L.T thank you." Venus smiled.

"Oh it was my pleasure to serve the Lady Venus and Sir Blue." Leo chuckled at the little joke I made. 

Venus gave us a confused look, "Lady Venus and Sir Blue?"

I smirked as I cut my banana, "Well I could call you Lady Blue if you wanted."

Leo grinned, "I like the sound of that."

I snorted "You would!" I placed the banana slices on the pancake and grabbed the chocolate sauce.

"So If you call Leo 'Sir Blue', what does he call you?" Venus quirked

"Little Lady Lilly." Leo grinned.

 I huffed and waved a hand at him, "And I always have to remind him that I'm not little I'm just fun size!"

Venus snickered at me and Leo's banterings', changing the subject I asked, "So what did you guys think of the pancakes?"

"They were really good! I have never had pancakes before today." Venus smiled.

"Cool, I'm glad I was able to introduce you to them!"

"Is that how you eat your's? With chocolate and bananas?"

"Yep! You can eat them really any way you want to but this is my favorite."

"I'll have to try that next time." She sighed as the clock said 6:34, "It's time I've headed out, thank you so much for the breakfast L.T."

"You're very welcome." I stood up, and Leo leaned over and held Venus's hand pulling her gently up and then kissing her hand. Venus giggled with one hand in a fist by her blushing face. "Aww how cute!" Leo smirked and put an arm around her shoulders as she held his waist.

"It was nice to meet you L.T! I'll see you later!!"

I waved and to the leaving couple, "Bye Venus I'll text you soon!"

(How did you Guys Think of that chappy? What do you Think of Venus? I thought she was pretty Cool and the Picture ((If It shows up)) was a Cute one Of her! Well there you Go My little Jewels!! Have a Great Sunny Day!!!!!)

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