The First Meeting

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(Alrighty my First Tmnt fanfic!!!! Whoo hoo!!! Lets get This started!! Oh and This is A mixture Of the Different tmnt Cause I like The different Ideas in Each one. So keep That in Mind that This is Half mine And half Tmnt. Oh and Tell me If I Messed something Up please And thank You and Enjoy!!!!)

Lilly pov

I was walking back home with Cocoa from dance practice, I shouldn't have stayed there so long!! Now I was walking home in the dark, and who knows what is hiding in the shadows! I shivered to myself as Cocoa and I passed a black alleyway. It was the end of march and the cold this year decided to stay longer and colder. I had on my grey jacket and some sweats, my sneakers splashed through some slush of what once was snow that we had earlier this week.

Cocoa walked next to me not even bothered by the temperture, he was a black german shepard with dark brown fur under him. He was a very good dog, and never needed a leash, but because of certain people I had to have a leash with me at all times. Right now it was wrapped up in my hands, so that Cocoa could walk freely.

I smiled down at him as we walked, he was so calm that that helped to put me at ease. We were walking passed a bigger alleyway when Cocoa hunched down protectively, his hackles were raised and his teeth were bared as he barked at the alleyway. I looked up and stared at the alley until a man can out of the shadows. I took a step back and Cocoa wrapped himself around my legs protectively, still growling.

The man was huge! And it didn't help the fact that I was only 5' 2", this guy had to be at least 6' 8'' way bigger than me. He grinned at me, making my stomache turn his eyes looked hungry and violent. He started to talk to me, but I was deaf and so I couldn't hear him. He frowned when I didn't answer, maybe if I didn't say anything he'll let me go? That was just wishful thinking, as he grew angrier and angrier.

He shouted something and before I could blink me and Cocoa were surrounded by men with all kinds of weapons from baseball bats to daggers. I saw that they were all dressed the same and had a the purple dragon symbol on them! Crap! I untangled the leash from my hands and let the metal clip fall to the ground. I searched through the group of men and found the one I was looking for, the weak link. Now that I had something to do my fear diminshed, and I started to swing the leash back and forth. They got closer, swing forth, one more step, swing back, another step and thats when I swung the leash in a big circle before releasing it towards the skinny maniac looking man.

Whipping him right in the middle of his forehead, bulls eye!! As the men on his sides looked to him I yanked the leash behind me an hit another man with a goatee, in his ear. The goatee guy dropped his knife and held his ear, I was about to lash out again when my right arm was gradded by the giant.his arm was pulled back about to hit me when Cocoa jumped up and dug his fangs into his arm. Giant let me go and started to fight Cocoa, but because of the sizes Cocoa was winning.

Me and Cocoa tried to run away or make some sort of opening but for every guy down two more showed up in his place! Suddenly I felt sharp pain in my right side, I cried out and fell down clutching my side. It felt wet, before I could look a black boot came and kicked me up and into a dumpster. Cocoa ran to me and stood over my shaking body growling and barking.

My breathe was ragged from the kick and when I lifted my hand, red covered my fingers. I looked up and saw a gun in the skinny maniac that I had hit first, it was now aimed at Cocoa!! I screamed trying to pull Cocoa down.

Before he shot a man jumped down on him, stopping his progress. The light from the street lamp across the street shined on the new guys twin swords. Three more guys jumped down and were already fighting off the purple dragons. They did a bunch of tricks and fancy moves with different kinds of weapons, keeping the dragons away from Cocoa and I. I was surprised, but then the pain brought me back to the situation. It really hurt!! I thought the adreniline was suppose to numb the pain!?

Spots appeared in my vision as I started to feel myself loose consciousness. The dragons ran away, helping their gang members away. I breathed in as the four men came towards me and Cocoa. I saw that each of them had a certain color of fabric by their heads; red, blue, purple, orange and. . . Green?! And with that last thought my mind closed and I lost the will to stay awake.

(What did You think? Come on You can Tell me!? I love Feed back Oh and Have a Great day Little jewels!!!)

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