Chapter Thirty-Six

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Not one of the better chapters, but it needs to be here to link to the next chapter! Stay with me guys, the next chapter will be fast paced, and hopefully EPIC! I promise :D

 During that day, I drifted in and out of consciousness. I could stay awake for perhaps five minutes at a time, before the pain dragged me back under. I’d managed to search through Ceres and Moonstone’s supplied during a few minutes of being awake, and an unused shirt made do for a bandage. By the time I woke again, my blood had stained the white cotton red. Panicking, I’d created a different bandage. I had to do this several times, but the blood flow was lessening. I didn’t think I could have lost that much blood, as I was still alive. I was very lucky, and I kept telling myself that as I lay there all day. I would have been an easy target, but somehow, I couldn’t see anyone returning to the Cornocopia anytime soon. It was pretty much a tiny piece of wasteland. It had been a mistake going there, and I needed to get back. But for now, you rest I told myself.

 I was no longer passing out. I threw up once, but even the pain was subsiding a little. However, when I tried to move, a fresh pain threw me to the ground again, and the blood began to flow again. Fortunately, I stayed still and it stopped.

 I couldn’t help thinking about Logan. I didn’t know if he was even alive. The cannons could have gone off while I was unconscious. I couldn’t bear to think he could be dead. But when the Capitol seal appeared in the sky, his face did not appear. Moonstone’s glaring face was followed by the boy from 6, who I had no recollection of from my time during the Games. Then Ceres’ youthful features appeared, and I closed my eyes. I couldn’t have saved her, but I felt guilty for not helping her end her life. She was obviously in misery.

 I allowed myself to sleep then. When I awoke again, the morning sun was making its appearance. I managed to pull myself into a sitting position and watch the sunrise. To me, it was a symbol of hope. With great effort, I clambered to my feet. I stumbled a few steps, before stopping for breath. It was slow progress, but at least I was moving. I grimaced slightly, realising I needed to inspect my toes. My left leg felt twisted slightly, but I was certain it wasn’t broken. My toes, however, were a different story. I peeled off my socks and boots to examine the damage. My toes were bent out of place, purple and grotesque. Groaning, I tightly wrapped them in some of the cloth shirt, not knowing what else to do. It was painful, but I tried to remind myself that there wasn’t long to go. Six tributes remained. Roger. Both Careers from four. A boy from seven. And me and Logan.

 Whilst I was at it, I changed the makeshift bandage on my arm, and made a sort of sling to keep it in place. I felt a bit better, and continued to trudge away from the Cornocopia, nibbling on a piece of dried meat I had found in Moonstone’s tiny rucksack. There had been little else of use to me in either backpack, so I had left them behind. It was a good job too, as the rucksack I carried wasn’t helping me move faster. I reached the mouth of one of the tunnels and decided to stop. The effort of moving when I was in pain was too much. I slouched against the wall, humming to myself to keep my spirits up.

 In the distance, I could see something drifting from the sky. A parachute! Eagerly, I stumbled towards it, allowing it to land in my arms as I greeted it. Unfolding the silk covering carefully, I looked inside. There were three needles. A little piece of paper lay next to them.

 Raven, this is morphine. Take one shot a day, it will ease the pain considerably. It should get you to the end of the Games. However, I warn you. This is likely to be the last you hear from us. This was bought by a lot of sponsors, but as the Games come to a close, things become more expensive. Stay Strong. D&V.

 Smiling broadly, I injected the first shot. An instant relief made me sigh in content, and surge of new found strength allowed me to get to my feet. I collected my things hastily and set off through one of the tunnels, still hobbling slightly. I must have looked a sight, but the new optimism set in my soul kept me going. The end of the tunnel loomed and my heart sank. How had I been so stupid? I couldn’t manage the swim in my state. I stared at the open water, stuck, stranded by the Cornocopia. I allowed myself to scream in anger. I’d starve. There was no way for me to get food.

 In defeat, I crawled back to the Cornocopia. Leaning my back against the cold metal of the horn, I chewed the skin on the thumb of my good hand. I had no idea what I was going to do. I was getting a little hungry already, having not eaten properly since I set off from the shore to get to the Cornocopia.

 The sound of trumpets shocked me, and I almost banged my head on the Cornocopia. After the strange silence I’d grown used to over the previous few hours, it was a shock. But I sat up eagerly to listen. Claudius Templesmith, the announcer of the Games, cleared his throat on the voiceover.

 “Remaining tributes! It is my pleasure to announce that there will be a feast! It shall take place at the Cornocopia tomorrow at dusk. However, this isn’t an ordinary feast. The Gamemakers have decided to spice it up a little. I hope to see you all there…”

 All was quiet again. I smiled. Not only was this the opportunity to get food. But to get Roger too. I sat back and began to formulate my strategy.

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