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You'd think pax prime is a magical experience. Meeting you tubers , buying merch, being happy but no this year was different it changed everything for the world around us . I should probably explain what Im talking about so back to the beginning.

It was a the Sunday of pax the last day also the day of the big panel . me and my friend akane had front row seats so we could see everything. The people at this panel were
Nearly all of mine and Akane's favorite YouTuber's!. We were ecstatic waiting for the panel to start in ours seats.
A bit into the panel they were starting questions and me and akane were picked to ask our questions but just when we went to speak the doors burst open and their they stood the monsterious creatures we call the slugs. Their skin peeling off no longer a normal skin color but a mint green , their eyes glazed and empty no sign of any brain activity , but then they were walking well limping around grabbing people biting them but also eating them , tearing them apart.

Screams erupted through the room as everyone scrambled to get to the exits . whilst I stood there in shock staring , it had to be some joke right?. Wrong it was no joke , those were real screams real monsters and real dead people.

I felt someone grab my arm yanking me towards the exit I saw Akane she looked terrified but also determined. She's strange that way she was only twenty but acted like an elder with tons of life experience at times.

We ran through the exit doors to the outside and let's just say chaos everywhere , people dead and torn apart , those things , people running screaming . This was the end of the end of the world .

I felt my knees shake as me and akane ran . we ran in hopes we would find shelter , we ran but it was no use. They were everywhere. We ran ourselves into a corner , akane and I clung to each other for dear life crying thinking this is how we die ...

Until we heard gunshots the monsters dropped dead bullets in their heads . we saw a guy with messy blue dyed hair and a Tokyo ghoul kanaki mask on he pointed the gun at us "have you been biten!?" He asked his voice was familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it . I shook my head no and hugged akane tighter she was simpering her face in my shoulder , she was sobbing I've never is seen her so scared.

The guy put his gun down and rushed over to our side "i-im so sorry I scared you, i-i was just scared and w-wanted to make sure you weren't bit" he rushed his words out. I instantly recognized him ,Ethan .

"I-its Ok we understand , you had to check " I said my voice shaky. He nodded "hey would you guys want to come join my group its a big group so we'd be protected " he asked us . I looked to akane and she looked up at me and we nodded at each other.

I turned back to Ethan he had now pulled his kanaki mask down and was smiling sheepishly . I nodded "sure the more people the better"

And that's what's happened up until this point . pretty crazy right well that's pax for ya , and also the end of the modern world but yeah . so now to survive this horrid new slug filled world. And try and find a cure.... And maybe new friends , you never know .

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