Galaxy AU - Face to Face Comic

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Oh boi

Oooh boi I got into this deep conversation with-what THE HELL-!

...Okay I'm following them now. I had a deep conversation with eridanamporascience8 (Earth) and we got so deep into the 'what if's my brain started leaking out of my ears. You'll find it on my message board if you want to see the angst.

I honestly want to see how a scene would be in the story, so guys:




Anyway, I drew a comic that shows Saturn landing on Neptune. Small talk that I don't have the words for so I just made small bubbles so you can imagine what they would be saying to each other.

I had so much fun with the expressions at the end, even though I sucked at 'bigger' expressions. Neptune is mostly a stone face, but I don't know Saturn well enough on how she would take a remark that would hit home.

Like I said before in my previous art book, Neptune probably is the most level-headed character and won't really get angry...unless you ask/pick on her rings or her dark spot that exists on her right calf. She will keep a slight stone face as she satisfyingly sucker punches the person. Unless it's Pluto. Pluto doesn't get a punch. A flick to the head maybe.

Anyway, here you go.


Neptune was waiting for her arrival. She knew Saturn was going to at least cross her to get to Moon and Sun, so she was prepared.

~Saturn feeling very confident when she lands. She'll get her way, she thinks. Saturn might, not sure.

~I can imagine Neptune saying something calmly here. She wouldn't want any unnecessary trouble. If something did happen, Neptune would be willing to protect Sun and Moon in a heartbeat.

~Saturn with a sassy response. Not that I think she'd do something like this as an action, but I do believe she would attack with words. Neptune's friends, her confidence, her insecurites; all to shut Neptune's mouth about her rings.

~Neptune shoots something strong as hell right back at her. A perfect mix of calm bitchiness and fierceness.

...Yes, TheFriendFryPotato, Pluto is in the back with those sassy shades.

You totally can't tell I'm just itching to read what happens.

Oh uh, dacatnextdoor14, please don't take my content and words as an obligation to rush and pump out chapter like a machine that you aren't. All I want is for you to not rush yourself and keep on with the amazing content you bring me, your close friends on Watt, and everyone that follows you. Yes, I can't wait for the fantastic book to continue, but no I don't want you to stress out too much. Writing is supposed to be fun, not a chore.

Requests closed for now.

Good vibes all around!

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