Nixenna - Dance AU

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Okay guys, listen to this song first with subtitles

Or to the original one if you like, but I like the male tone better personally.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Replace the him with her and everything just-

I couldn't get it out of my head. I drew the two as dancing partners.

I imagined the two to be in perfect sync when dancing and they'd perform at high class parties and suchlike.

But when Jenna gets sick and dies, Nixxon goes to where they first performed together the day after and just...dances to this song.

As he continues he gets more and more and more emotional, and with the final beats he collapses on the empty stage with the dark audience

I hurt myself drawing and imagining this-

OH AND IMAGINE ARTY WATCHING THIS AND CLAPPING AT THE END, CATCHING NIXXON'S ATTENTION. Arty would go up onto the stage and comfort Nixxon, even though she was just about to lock up the sound/light booth she offers to play as many songs as he wants to dance to if he needs it.


Layla coming from outside since she was waiting in the car in her dancing gear and joins Arty in the light booth to watch Nixxon flawlessly but very emotionally dance out his torment to songs he danced with Jenna to.

The two offer Nixxon a ride home.

Oh, totally send me songs they would totally dance to.

Requests closed for now.

Good vibes all around!

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