Sad Comics - Cancerous

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Here are some comics I just sank into. They're quite depressing, so be warned.

Let's start with the one that actually looks okay. It's a two panel.

Try to guess what the child is suffering from. If anything, I want to see what you guys come up with as a backstory for these two. What are they like together?

Mija in the second panel is pronounced me-ha. 'Me' as in referring to myself and 'ha' as in laughter. It's actually two Spanish words mashed together that means "my daughter".

The next one I really didn't try at all. It's a couple of panels and may be a little hard to decifer. I lile to think it's the same character from the above two-panel.

If you don't get it in the beginning, the last panel might help you out.

(She's holding a hair tie by the way...eheheh)

...her hair fell out and she doesn't want to believe it.

Commentary appreciated, as always.

Sooooo that was depressing. Have a photo about the Galaxy AU that made me laugh. Might cheer you up too. :v

dacatnextdoor14 maybe this moon really likes video games and is a complete star wars nerd. They fly around on space junk making the noises of the fighter ships that make the screeching noise that I forgot the name of at this second.

I giggled at this, but maybe kitten therapy might work too.

Good vibes all around!

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