Chapter 10

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Harry was doing much better after waking up again, Draco still staying as close to him as humanly possible, a house elf bringing meals for the people staying their room. Harry wasn't always able to talk the whole time, and his chest would still hurt a lot.

Sirius and Remus were the ones who started it by bringing the scrapbooks filled with the moving pictures of Harry from when he was born to the Halloween after he turned 1. You could tell he was a firstborn by the number of pictures, but they were mostly cute. There were a lot of him zooming around on a toy broom with one of his parents chasing after him. Along with those there were two of him crying because either it broke, it crashed, or he fell off. Narcissa and Lucius then brought some of theirs for Draco.

"Whose that?" Harry asked, pointing to a child wearing a muggle dress with very long blonde hair who was playing with some multicoloured bubbles coming from Lucius' wand. They looked like Draco, but also looked more like a girl than he did.

"That was Draco before we figured out he was actually a boy." Narcissa said, things like this were no big deal in the wizarding world, and it was pretty simple to become what you really are.

"How did you guys find out? I only figured out my gender after coming to Hogwarts, and... Other things happened." Ven said, sitting on the bed beside Harry, Melissa was currently spending time with Rose, as Harry didn't really trust her yet so she shouldn't be in the room.

"Draco used to like playing pretend, and then he started always playing pretend as a boy, and then got disappointed if someone called him by female pronouns. We had a conversation and he tried out being a boy socially and he liked it, so he changed his body to match." Lucius explained.

"Makes sense, my parents weren't as happy about me realising I wasn't a boy or girl, but they're better with it now. I don't know if they were actually negative or I was just really sensitive." Ven said with a somewhat uncomfortable laugh.

"I'm sure they were probably just surprised." Narcissa said gently. "And if I'm wrong, then you can always come to us."

"How did you know?" Harry asked Draco.

"I mean, before I tried being a boy, being a girl was eh, but it was really disappointing after the joy I got from being addressed as a boy. Non binary terms were fine, but I felt happiest with male." Draco explained, honestly he didn't remember exactly how he felt, it had been years ago, nut he remembered he felt happy when called a guy.

"Oh." Harry said, he had never realised people were allowed to do things like that. He was a bit better than before, but he was still scared to ask a lot of questions, and it was a little confusing what the Dursleys had told him was true, and what wasn't.

"Do you want to try other pronouns?" Remus asked, his voice held no kind of negativity about it, only suggesting it. Harry deserved to explore himself, he was younger than Sirius was when he felt safe to, but he was still older than most children in the wizarding world.

"Okay." Harry said quietly. It was a word that for most people would suggest they don't really want to, but in cases like this it was more of Harry trying to not be a burden to them by making them do anything.

"Let us know if any of them make you feel uncomfortable." Draco said, hugging up closer to Harry's side, playing with Harry's hair.

"Honestly, I'm only surprised that Draco was wearing muggle clothes." Sirius laughed.

"That was Andromeda's suggestion. She used to do babysitting after being kicked out of the Black family, and told me that dresses are easier to get on small children than robes. She was right so we started to use them. By the time Draco figured out he was a boy and we found out dresses are normally worn by muggle girls, he was old enough to wear the robes without complaining, so it was fine." Narcissa said with a chuckle and smile.

"So you're still in contact with my favourite cousin?" Sirius asked, poking Narcissa in a joking manner.

"Unfortunately after we had to get involved in the war I lost contact with my favourite sister. I believe she's doing well with her husband, though." Narcissa said, pushing Sirius away.

"Didn't she have a kid?" Sirius asked, he had lost most contact with her when she got kicked out, and all contact they had left when he joined the Potters.

"Yeah, they don't like the name Andromeda and her husband gave them, so they go by their surname. I don't know their gender though." Narcissa said, knowing more about Andromeda and her relationships then Sirius due to her longer and better contact. "Last time we wrote she said she missed you, so if I get in contact with her again I'll pass how to contact her onto you."


"Hey, I'm back." Melissa announced as she entered the room again, it seemed like Rose had gone back to the Hufflepuff dorm seeing how she had come in again. "Are you feeling any better, Harry?"

Harry shrugged, once again shutting down, unable to talk. Everyone noticed it, but nobody commented, just went back to looking through pictures of him and Harry. The days were all pretty similar to this one, in the evenings everyone would leave, with Draco holding onto him tightly to lessen the pain he felt as the people helping stabilise him left one by one. Occasionally the forest elf from the forest around the Lupin cottage would visit with some gifts from the elves, and a few flower crown with different colours.

Nobody had found Predawn yet, so nobody knew what had happened to them. This didn't help Harry's condition in the slightest. A god sign was that Harry's condition wasn't deteriorating, it meant Predawn wasn't getting worse or dead, but they still had no idea what had caused the problem to start with.

Of course, like they needed more problems, there seemed to be blockages in the pipes, but as of yet whenever anyone tried to check them or clear them, nothing was there. Natasha had even made a deal with Myrtle to have her check the pipes if there was a blockage and she could get a nicer place to haunt, but there was still nothing found, except one when there was some kind of scale.

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