Chapter 17

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"Harry, when you're feeling better we need to have a serious talk about schooling. I don't know how much of everything would have happened if you weren't at Hogwarts, but it might be better to try other wizarding schools." Remus said, it was definitely too early for the conversation yet, but he felt he needed to give Harry some warning the conversation was happening, but not give him no idea what the conversation would be about.

Harry looked at Remus with his eyes wide, looking almost like a deer caught in headlights, and held onto Draco tighter. It was obvious that Harry wanted to stay with Draco, but going to a different school didn't mean leaving Draco. If Harry decided that he wanted to go somewhere else they would try to convince Narcissa and Lucius to send Draco to the same wizarding school, it probably wouldn't be as well known as Hogwarts, but it may be safer.

"I'll go tell the healer what Harry said." Lucius said after a pause that felt a little heavy, getting up and walking out.

Sirius suddenly seemed to remember they had food as the silence became almost unbearable for all of them except Harry, who was more focused on the fact that he was safe and that Draco was there. Grabbing the bag of food off the table by Harry's bed, some grease was seeping into the bag, making Narcissa a little uncomfortable.

"Anyone want some?" Sirius asked, holding up the bag.

"What is it?" Narcissa asked, trying to not let her disgust show in her voice as she asked.

"Uhhhhh, Nando's, but there's some Leon teas in that bag." Sirius said, gesturing to the bag beside her.

"I'll have one of the teas." Narcissa said, pulling one of the glass bottles of a white peach tea and taking a sip, it being one of the few muggle items that she truly enjoyed.

"You?" Sirius asked, looking at the two boys.

Harry didn't respond, but Draco shook his head, his stomach was still churning too much from worry about Harry, besides, it hadn't been more than a few hours since he had eaten lunch, which was still a substantial meal even if they had left early.

"Can I come back in now?" The healer asked a little coldly, Lucius clearly having not managed to run into them.

"Yes, we just finished talking about what happened, Lucius went to look for you to fill you in." Narcissa said, hurriedly putting the tea down as though she was guilty of something.

"As I had said, he should be fine now, but I would like to keep him here for the next few days to make sure there are no complications." They said calmly, almost sounding bored.

"Harry?" Draco asked, shaking Harry slightly, as he hadn't moved or responded to anything for about a minute. He still didn't get any answer, though.

Draco was about to ask for Harry's attention again, but before he could the flames that had last encompassed Harry in the Hospital Wing at the end of last year once again burst from Harry, Narcissa's fast reaction to push the two boys apart the only reason Draco wasn't horribly burnt.

"Harry!!" Draco screamed, being held back from approaching the flames by Narcissa who looked at the tower of fire in shock. It was lasting a lot longer than it had last time, and the flames were a lot larger than the last time too.

"Has this happened before?" The healer asked, also shocked and almost scared as they looked at the tall flames burning their room badly, Narcissa's hand somewhat burnt, Sirius a little bruised after throwing himself away from the bed, and Remus in shock.

"He has a phoenix inheritance, this happened when it first came through, he had been hit with the killing curse and it took a while for the fire to start, but it was faster and less violent than this." Narcissa said, her eyes wide as she looked at the fire that hid Harry.

"Shit." The healer muttered under their breath, grabbing their wand and rushing towards the flames, causing water to pour down over the flames around Harry, as they pointed their wand at him, causing him to fall into a trance and the flames stop.

"What happened?" Remus asked as he started managing to calm himself down after the shock.

"I'm assume something happened with his familiar, as a phoenix his magic was trying to heal them and as they're extremely far apart, it caused this bad reaction here. The spell I used keeps him from overusing the self healing flames on himself, his eyes will become green again when his magic is alright with his familiar's condition." The healer said, only then did the others notice that Harry's eyes were currently golden.

"What will he feel like right now?" Draco asked, his voice trembling.

"Honestly, I don't know, maybe what His familiar is feeling. This may be a poor experience for him, but it's better than the alternative, and not just because the flames can damage things around him." The healer said, walking over to Narcissa to apply some first aid, they would fully heal it when Harry could be taken out of the trance.

"What's the alternative?" Remus asked.

"All phoenixes alive today were once people with the phoenix inheritance. With the overuse of their self healing ability it can eventually cause them to lose their humanity and become copies of the birds that gave them their abilities." The healer explained. "They will gain the ability to heal others with their tears after changing, but their memories of their human lives usually fade rather quickly."

"How do we stop that happening?" Sirius asked, his eyes looking almost crazed.

"Don't let him use the healing flames if possible. He will only be able to use them if he is dead or his familiar is in mortal peril. You have to let him use them if it's his life, but you can't let this happen again with his familiar." The healer said, their voice stern as they fixed everyone in the room with a look almost reminiscent of Minerva.

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