Chapter 25

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Tom sat on the flooded floor, Harry unconscious and soaked beside him, but thankfully breathing fine. He had been shocked to see the small boy fall off the platform, he had wanted to intimidate the boy a bit, make him scared of him, not to drown or kill him. That being said, Tom wasn't sure why he had saved him, he had no reason to care about him, and if Harry died then Tom could just posses him and become a new person for another life.

Perhaps it was because Tom could relate to the fear in his eyes, perhaps it was because Tom knew the pain he was put through when in the muggle world? Tom saw most of his childhood when using legilimency, and he found out what Slughorn had done to Harry. Those memories were there, even if Harry couldn't remember them.

Slughorn had been a teacher since Tom joined Hogwarts, and he had a Slug-club then too, he had started teaching around the same time Tom had joined Hogwarts, and his eyes would linger on him for a while and after a month he started the Slug-club and Tom was one of the first people he invited. There were some holes in Tom's memories, or times when he thought he mush have been sleepwalking, but was that not the case? He wished he could have access to the memories of what happened later in his life, but he was as good as a memory himself as far as that was concerned, if he wanted to know anything that happened before he was separated, he would have to be told.

Now that he thought about it, Slughorn had been the one who told him that as a child born from a love potion, he would never be able to feel love. Was that even true? He believed he was born from a relationship based on a love potion, but why would that have any affect on him if it was his father who had been given the love potion and there being no reason for that to affect him. What did Slughorn think he was going to get from telling him that?

Suddenly Tom felt like he had been stabbed in the head, looking down he saw the slight physicality of his body burning away, his dear Hectane, his first horcrux, had been killed, and so this version of him was disappearing. He wasn't sure if memories he had gained while a separated piece of soul would be shared by the whole, but he was sure that he would see Harry again, so he put his memories from their short meeting into Harry's mind behind magical walls only Tom would be able to get through with the last of his magic.


"Can you look after Remus? He should be fine, he just passed out. I'm taking Predawn to get Harry back." Sirius whispered, the snake in question over his shoulders while He carried Remus in his arms, having burst through the fireplace in Malfoy Manor. Narcissa and Draco were still on the sofa, Narcissa playing with his hair as Draco lay on her lap, eyes closed.

"Of course, just let me call Axol to check him over, it was a dangerous situation." Narcissa whispered back, gently lifting Draco off her lap so he was resting on the sofa instead, clearly under the impression that he was sleeping, heading to the door. "Put him anywhere that's comfortable."

"Thank a million, Cissa." Sirius whispered, putting Remus down before disappearing through the fireplace again, heading back to Hogwarts.

"Harry, you better be okay." Draco said, pushing himself up at an awkward angle once he was alone in the room except for the unconscious Remus.


Sirius walked alone other than Predawn to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, it was rather awkward to get past the large corpse part way there, a few of its teeth having been confiscated by some of the Ministry personnel, and a few taken as mementos for some of the other people who had participated. Sirius himself had grabbed a few, but he wasn't sure what had possessed him to do so, he just felt like he should.

"You shouldn't be in here." Myrtle complained at Sirius from one of the cubicles, hiding in one of the toilets so only her eyes upwards were visible. "This is the girls' bathroom, and you're a boy and too old to attend Hogwarts."

"Weren't you told your bathroom was the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets? I'm sure you were informed there were going to be several people coming through here. Unfortunately things went wrong, so it's only me, and I'll be bringing a young boy with me as I leave." Sirius said, not turning to look at Myrtle as Predawn opened the doorway to the chamber, although it looked more like a giant sewage pipe than the entrance to a place as supposedly grand as the Chamber of Secrets.

Myrtle made a noise Sirius didn't really pay attention to, but it wasn't her usual wailing, screeching, and crying, it sounded more like a sound of pained realisation. Sirius cringed as he slid down the pipe, feeling gross as he tried not to think of what the sludge he was sliding through was.

When he reached the bottom of the giant pipe the floor was scattered with the bones of small animals, meaning that with every step Sirius took there was a loud crunch as their already broken bodies were crushed under his feet, Predawn now slithering beside him rather than being carried on his shoulders.

Predawn let out a quiet hiss Sirius almost missed due to the loud crunches from beneath his feet.

"Are we nearly there?" Sirius asked, heart seeming to beat in his throat, but he wasn't sure when it felt like it had moved. Obviously he got no response he could understand, but he picked up his pace feeling hopeful.

He quickly came face to face with another door, this one round, with several snakes around it. It was massive, but slightly above the ground, so Sirius would have to step awkwardly high to get through. Predawn hissed at the door and it opened to reveal a somewhat flooded room, Harry almost dead centre, the sleeping mask having disappeared somewhere, unmoving.

Sirius felt like his heart had stopped as he ran towards Harry, logically he knew Harry was a phoenix and couldn't die, and he knew the bodies of Lily and James he had seen all those years ago were fake, but he was terrified. Picking Harry up he was limp and cold to the touch, his wand a few feet away, becoming visible as the water drained from the room.

Harry's inheritance was clear to see, and a few small flames danced along his body, but it almost seemed like the flames themselves were dying, perhaps there was something in the water that was preventing him, or perhaps it was that he was too damp for the flames to properly start. Either way, it didn't matter, Harry needed to get out of here.

Hs vision a little blurred from tears he was purposely ignoring, Sirius picked Harry up, Predawn slithering up his leg to rest on Harry's chest, and ran out of there as fast as he could.

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