Chapter 34

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Harry was really hurt by Khadija's insult, even more so that she had been the one who started insulting him, she wasn't following anyone else, and she laughed along with the others. He thought she was his friend, he had trusted her enough to talk to her, and she turned around and hurt him, in some ways worse than he had been hurt by the Dursleys, at least he hadn't trusted them not to.

Not that he had to do much, but Harry did his best to not make any more friends, none of his class liked him anyway. Harry's eyes never had any lights in them and always looked empty and dark.

Harry had shut down, he had gotten used to shutting off his emotions when living with the Dursleys in order to make sure that he wasn't hurt worse for expressing something he shouldn't. He didn't want anyone in this school finding out how he felt, and he never wanted to let them see if he was in pain.

What Harry didn't know was that his magic and emotions were deeply tied together, so shutting them away also shut away most of his magic. He would only let his emotions and magic out in his room, making his magic almost completely destroy his room. The parts that were already damaged, or only being held together by duct tape were completely destroyed, his window was completely destroyed, his bed was broken, and the mattress was destroyed to the point that barely the springs remained. The only parts of his room that were untouched were the gifts he had gotten.

Harry stopped going to Draco's room, part scared Harry was making Draco's situation worse, and part he was too exhausted at the end of the day to sneak down to Draco's room. He knew Draco couldn't come to his room, but he wanted to have someone come to him to comfort him, rather than having to seek it out for himself.

Harry got worse as time went on, and also started eating less, losing his appetite. He was hoping that Draco missed him to be honest, but he also wanted to not be cumbersome to him. His room was almost entirely destroyed, even the walls having cracks large enough to be seen from outside. Of course, instead of the teachers fixing it, they simply cast a charm so that, from the outside, it looked like nothing was wrong.

It was still freezing in Harry's room, but he rarely noticed.


Draco was staying up late as he was every night, hoping against hope that Harry would finally come to his room again. It was around 11 pm at this point, and there was a knock at Draco's door. Draco's heart leapt into his chest, believing it was Harry who was at the door, finally coming to visit him again, finally.

"Harry!" Draco said, excitedly as he ran to the door, eyes bright with excitement, but when he looked outside his door he couldn't see anyone. "Hello?"

"Dragon, it's us, can you let us in to talk?" Draco heard his mother's voice, making him jump a little.

"Uh, yeah." Draco said awkwardly, sagging a little when it was obviously wasn't Harry and moving aside to let his mother and whoever else was there into his room.

"Dragon, how are you?" Narcissa asked once they were all in the room, the door was closed, and the disillusionment charms on the group were removed.

"I-" Draco started, his voice breaking. "I hate it here, mum, I want to go home. The lessons are terrible, the students are worse, the food is hardly edible and I can't see Harry. I'm scared, Harry hasn't even come to see me for weeks and I can't go to him."

Draco had broken down in tears, Narcissa immediately pulling him into a hug and Lucius joining the hug from the other side. Draco rarely cried, especially not in front of people, not having reason to and not wanting to have people he didn't like know he was emotional. In respect Remus and Sirius stayed back, not drawing attention to themselves and starting to pack Draco's things neatly.

"It's okay, Draco, we're here, everything will be fine." Narcissa whispered to him, stroking his soft hair and pressing kisses to his forehead. "We're taking you home, we're going home tonight."

"Do you know where Harry's room is?" Lucius asked once Draco had calmed down, he and Narcissa still hugging Draco tightly.

"Mhm." Draco said with a sniff as he wiped his eyes. "He said he's the top floor, furthest from the door on the left, but they won't let me up there at all. When I try and they can't get me to go down on their own they get Professor Wilkins and I end up going back to my room, but I don't ever remember why,"

"We'll go get him together, and if we're all under the disillusionment charm then it's unlikely they'll even notice." Narcissa said, stroking Draco's hair back again.

"When we have him Remus and I will apparate him to Malfoy Manor and then in a few days we'll go home." Sirius said, from by Draco's bed.

"What about my stuff?" Draco asked.

"We'll come back down here and finish packing and then we'll apparate home." Lucius explained, his voice unusually soft, but not in a way that made anyone uncomfortable.

The feeling of the disillusionment charm was like a raw egg was cracked over Draco's head, Draco shuddering as it felt like cold, thick liquid was trickling down his neck. It was a little exciting to be walking around completely invisible, and it was true that the teachers on watch didn't notice them now they were invisible.

Harry's door wasn't locked, and it swung open easily with a loud creek when Sirius pushed it gently. The room was cold, extremely cold, and Harry was lying on the bed, if it could even be called that, not even with a blanket over him.

"Harry?" Sirius asked, his voice higher pitched than normal, slowly walking into the room.

Harry flinched, slowly sitting up and looking at the door where everyone stood. Draco almost started crying again seeing his dead eyes, but they still widened in shock when he registered that they were there.

"Padfoot?" Harry mumbled, his voice weak.

"Yes, Harry, we're here." Sirius said, approaching Harry and kneeling down in front of him by the bed.

Harry hiccupped, throwing his arms around Sirius' neck, tears starting to pour down his cheeks. His magic swirled dangerously around them, making the room feel hot, but Sirius deliberately didn't acknowledge it, focusing on comforting Harry.

From their work with Rita they knew Harry was having a rough time here, but he wasn't expecting Harry to be this emotional. By the time Harry had stopped crying, he was exhausted and almost immediately fell asleep against Sirius, his eyes red and puffy.

Remus flicked his wand, all of the unbroken things in Harry's room flying into his suitcase, it ending up being far less full than it had been when they came. Remus picked up the suitcase, and Sirius carefully lifted Harry, his head resting on Sirius' shoulder.

"We'll get going, don't worry, Draco, Harry will be fine. Axol is already there, right?" Sirius said, turning to Narcissa for the last part.

"Yes, they're there and waiting, we'll be there soon." She replied softly, pulling Draco into a half hug.

Sirius and Remus both spun on the spot, disappearing with a loud crack.

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