Chapter 41

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Harry had been wandering around the trees behind the cottage, he knew there were probably some elves amongst the trees, but he didn't know most of them, pretty much only Killian and occasionally one of his siblings or friends would come looking for Killian, but Harry didn't know them. He was supposed to be meeting up with Draco and Khadija, but he was avoiding the meet up again. He knew Sirius and Remus weren't judging him for it, but sometimes it felt like everything and everyone was judging him, and especially at times like that Harry couldn't deal with being around Khadija.

Harry liked the nippy breeze that made his cheeks flush and occasionally blew his lime green cloak open, it felt refreshing and calming. Harry was still wandering around when he came across a small, abandoned, old, damaged fridge that was sitting a decent ways off the worn path, but Harry had already been wandering around randomly rather than on the path, so he almost fell over it while looking up through the leaves at the sky.

"What's this?" Harry asked the air. He knew there wasn't going to be an elf hiding in there as it was far too small for one of them to be in, but he was curious about what would be in it.

Harry grabbed the handle and pulled it open, he wasn't really sure what he was expecting, but what came out was horrifying. 

Vernon Dursley.

But it wasn't just Vernon, the giant of a man was holding Draco by the neck. Draco's eyes were faded and there were several injuries covering Draco, blood soaking his robes, his arm clearly broken and one of his legs missing from below the knee. Draco's mouth was hanging open, and while his eyes were unseeing and looked dead, they were still fixed on Harry.

Harry couldn't move, he felt like he couldn't even breathe, Vernon was walking towards him, Draco swinging wildly, leering at him. Tears started to form in Harry's eyes as he fell backwards, his lungs suffering greatly as they tried to force air into them. Vernon was looming closer, seeming to get larger as he got closer to Harry, his face distorting to look more intimidating and terrifying.

Harry started scrambling away, until he could get his feet under him, running as fast as he could back to the cottage. He needed to find out if what he just saw was real, but he didn't know how he would handle it if it was true, he wouldn't be able to handle it.

Harry didn't notice the tears streaming down his cheeks, making his vision even blurrier than it already was thanks to the fear. He didn't even look back to see if Vernon was following him, he was too scared. Harry still felt like he couldn't breathe, his throat raw, and each breath tasted like blood.

Harry burst into the cottage, falling to his knees as soon as the door closed behind him, the tears which had already been streaming down his cheeks now falling faster. Remus and Sirius immediately rushed towards him, but he couldn't talk, breathing was hard enough anyway. Both men held him in their arms, wiping his tears away with constantly dampening sleeves, Sirius eventually transforming into the giant black dog of his animagus form, hoping being an animal could be a more comforting figure for Harry.

"D- Draco-" Harry got out through hiccups, and stifled sobs.

"You want to go to Draco now?" Remus asked gently, Sirius transforming back to his human form, Harry nodded, Remus having to take the now filthy cloak Harry was wearing to stop him from wiping his eyes on it.

"I'll take him." Sirius said, picking Harry up. "Can you tell us what happened first?"

Harry shook his head, pulling away from Sirius to run to the fire, he hated travelling by the flu network, but he knew it was a very fast and he needed to get to Draco now.

"Harry, you know that you have to stand still while we're travelling or you may end up in a random house which may or may not be safe." Sirius said, grabbing a handful of flu powder and throwing it in the fire before taking Harry's hand and pulling him with him into the fire, Harry squirming. "Malfoy Manor."

It was hot, and the few tears left on Harry's cheeks evaporating pretty quickly due to the heat of the fire, Sirius getting his elbows bashed harshly on a fair number of fireplaces as they rushed past as he tried to keep Harry still and stop him from rushing forwards into a random house.

When they finally stopped rushing through fireplaces and landed rather sloppily in Malfoy Manor, Harry immediately ran to Draco, Sirius walking out of the fire a little more slowly. Harry was already mucky, but now had soot on him as well, but Sirius knew he was the same.

Harry was clinging to Draco as tightly as he could, not listening to what was being said around him, Draco was alive, Draco was fine, his arms were fine, his legs were fine, his eyes were as bright as normal and wasn't misty. Harry was still trembling, hardly able to believe it.

Draco held Harry close, rubbing his back gently as Harry slowly calmed down, Draco whispering to him that everything was okay, Sirius sitting down on the chair that Khadija had vacated.

"Can you tell us what happened now?" Draco asked once Harry had stopped trembling, his voice still gentle and Harry still hiding his face in Draco's robes.

"I- you- he-" Harry started stuttering out, unable to form a full sentence yet, his knuckles still completely white from how hard he was gripping Draco's robes.

"Not yet?" Draco asked gently, still rubbing Harry's back, Harry nodding slightly. "Okay, we want to know what happens when you're ready to tell us. But could you eat or drink something? You must be tired and thirsty."

Harry choked down some now cold tea in the cup that had been put out for him since long before he came. He couldn't manage to eat anything, and continued to cling to Draco, but was now not hiding his face in Draco's robes, but he was still clinging onto him. Sirius was brought a cup of tea by the house elves before anyone had even asked.

It took a while while the room remained mostly quiet for Harry to be able to tell them what had happened, holding Draco tightly the whole time as though he was afraid he would disappear. Harry didn't go into too many details, he was too horrified and scared to, but even without them Draco held him closer, as though promising he was alright.

"What you saw was probably a boggart," Sirius said, his voice quieter than normal. "They're magical creatures that take the form of whatever the closest thing to them fears the most at that given time. I promise you it wasn't real Harry."

"Why don't you go back and deal with the boggart so Harry never has to deal with it again?" While Draco phrased it as a question, it was obvious he meant it as a command.

"Are you alright keeping Harry with you until we've dealt with it?" Sirius asked, getting up after he took the final mouthful of tea.

"What else would I do?" Draco asked, indignant.

"See you soon, Harry." Sirius said, placing a small kiss on Harry's forehead before leaving the way he came.

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