Chapter 47

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Harry didn't know what it was like to kiss someone, he had never kissed anyone before, but after Hermione had mentioned kissing, Harry started to think about kissing, specifically kissing Draco. Harry now couldn't even look at Draco without blushing darkly, and he started to feel embarrassed whenever he looked at the other boy, so he started hanging out with Khadija and Hermione without him, or Pansy and Blaise if Draco was with the other pair.

"I feel like he's avoiding me, did I do something wrong?" Draco asked Melissa and Ven, slumping on Ven's bed. It seemed like their dorm had become the place to find the group or the place they spent time, it was annoying sometimes.

"Where is he now?" Melissa asked, looking at Ven, who looked a little frustrated.

"He said he was going to the library with Hermione." Draco said into Ven's duvet.

"So he's still talking to you?" Melissa asked, Draco nodding, as she tried not to laugh. "That means it's probably not that you've done anything wrong, maybe he's just trying to not cling to you so much."

"But that went really badly at King Arthur's." Draco said, his voice heavily muffled by the duvet.

"Then why don't you tell us what happened before he started hanging around with the others rather than you?" Melissa said, pushing Ven gently when they rolled their eyes at Draco.

Draco tilted his head to the side so that he could be heard better, or at least be easier to understand. "We were outside with the others, and I started trying to braid his hair and Hermione said something embarrassing him, and after that he's been acting odd."

"What did Granger say that was so embarrassing?" Ven asked with a sigh.

"Um, well, she.. She said to stop flirting and... K- kiss... already..." Draco stuttered, his cheeks flushed and he was clearly flustered just by thinking about what Hermione had said, Melissa raising her eyebrows at Ven knowingly.

"And how did you respond to that?" Melissa asked, already grabbing one of Ven's pillows to hide her face in to scream, it seemed unlikely that Draco had answered that he wanted to, and if he had Draco would have already apologised, but he may have overreacted in his denial.

"I said we weren't flirting and didn't want to kiss each other, we're just best friends." Draco said, looking into Melissa's eyes, his cheeks reducing a little in their redness, he seemed to be calming himself down.

"Were you flirting with him? Or do you want to kiss him?" Melissa asked.

"Wh- wh- what? N- no! Why would we be f-fl-flirting?" Draco stuttered, looking almost more flustered than he was repeating what Hermione had said.

"Do you want to kiss him?" Ven asked.

"He's my best friend!" Draco said loudly, sitting straight up, his face very red and his eyes were closed. He was more expressive than normal, but then again he was in private.

"That doesn't mean you don't want to kiss him," Melissa said with a shrug, "you two are very close. Ven and I used to be best friends, and now we're in a relationship, and I wanted to kiss them even when we were friends. It's pretty normal."

"Anyway, it doesn't matter if I want to kiss him or not, because there's no way he would want to kiss me!" Draco said, flopping back down onto Ven's bed.

"So you do want to kiss him." Ven said, poking Draco's head at his crown.

"Like I said, it doesn't matter unless both people want to kiss and I know he won't." Draco said angrily, his voice muffled.

"Do you think there's anyone else Harry might want to kiss?" Melissa asked with a sigh, readjusting her sitting position.

"How should I know about his preferences, we don't talk about that. Maybe Predawn would know." Draco said, glaring at the vague texture he could see in the darkness caused by his face being in the duvet.

"Do you want us to talk to him about it? Or are you going to talk to Harry about it yourself?" Melissa asked, flopping down next to Draco, only slightly more dramatically.

"You're not going to-" (Draco)

"We won't tell him that you want to kiss him, nor will we tell you what he said, but after we talk to him you two need to talk." Ven answered Draco's hardly started question.

"Yeah, any conversations with us are private, except maybe from Rose, but other than that we won't tell any- ow!" Melissa said, crying out in pain as Ven untied her ponytail, the elastic she had been using to tie it up getting several strands of her hair wrapped around it, making Ven's action pull her hair rather painfully.

"Sorry, I was just trying to do your hair for you." Ven said, holding up the Slytherin green hair elastic with long strands of Melissa's strawberry blonde hair that was veering more towards a pale ginger than a blonde as Melissa sat up, pouting indignantly.

"Don't tell him I said anything." Draco said, pushing himself back up from Ven's bed, but still looking down at the duvet rather than up at either of the older Slytherins.

"Of course not." Melissa said with a smile that Draco didn't see, patting the top of Draco's head.

"I'm going to go now." Draco said, swatting Melissa's hand away and smoothing his hair back down before slinking his way out of the room and back into the common room.

"And why did you volunteer both of us to help deal with this situation?" Ven asked with a sigh, gesturing for Melissa to turn around so they could do her hair.

"You could always just choose to not take part." Melissa said with a small shrug, hoping Ven didn't pull her hair too much when trying to do her hair nicely.

"You would be using my room though." Ven pointed out.

"Well, yes, but you could spend some time with Rose in the Hufflepuff common room or somewhere else." Melissa suggested.

"Rose isn't my girlfriend." Ven said, starting on one of the Dutch braids, having finally split her hair.

"Did I say she was? You two don't have to be dating each other to be friends, and you at least like her a little. You don't have to spend time with her either, it was just a suggestion." Melissa said, rolling her eyes, and letting out a yelp as a chunk of her hair clung onto Ven's hand.

"Okay, I just feel like my room isn't really my space anymore." Ven said with a sigh.

"Once this is dealt with I'll look for somewhere else for us all to be, is that better?" Melissa asked, annoyed she couldn't look at Ven as they did her hair.

"Yes, thank you." Ven said.

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