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Cole watched Jodie sit in her cell, and she was excited about the block and the pens he'd brought her. She had received it with a grateful smile, put it aside and hugged him carefully. Cole felt always insecure about her hugs. If she hugged him so carefully, he didn't know whether she was just trying to express her gratitude or whether he was also allowed to hug her back. Before they had gone to prison, there had been days when she had embraced him and he had been able to hold her and hug her. But then there were moments when she had hugged him, but immediately pushed him away, when he had tried to hug her back. So he just stroked her hair for a second and she let him go.

"Hey, Beth asked when you were going to celebrate your birthday, after all, you're probably 14 now! he said smiling. She just shook her head.

"Come on, Jodie, you deserve some presents, and you're only fourteen. You're still a kid, and you should at least get some of that. "

Jodie shrugged her shoulders.

"You get a gift, whether you like it or not, young lady," he threatened her with laughter and she chuckled as an answer. He tousled her hair again and smiled.

Cole decided to go see Carol because Jodie used to work with her a lot, and they seemed to get along. She was talking to Michonne when he met her.

"Hi Carol," he smiled, and she smiled back.

"Cole, how can I help you? "

„I'd like to get Jodie something for her birthday. She works so hard, and it's really not easy for her here, so she should have some fun, you know? "he said.

"Is it her birthday? "Carol asked him by surprise.

„Honestly, I'm don't know. She was thirteen when all this shit started and I met her, but now so much time has passed, I think she should be fourteen by now," Cole said.

"And you want to celebrate her birthday? "

"Well, I'd like to give her something. As I said, it's not easy for her here, and I would like to cheer her up," said Cole and Carol nodding, understanding.

"Okay, what do you have in mind? "

"To be honest, I don't know what 14-year-old girls are interested in, but I was hoping you might."

"I had an idea," Michonne said, and smiled.

"But for this, we have to ask Daryl," and then she continued with a mysterious smile.


Daryl was sitting on the guard tower when Cole came up to him. It was already dawn, and the sun sank and sent its last warm rays to the bald guard tower, as if to lend something warm to the grey concrete. It got pretty chilly there at night because the grey concrete walls hardly gave off any heat. No one liked to keep watch there at night, because of the smell, because somehow it always smelled musty and stale. Still, someone had to take over the guard there every day.

"I am taking over now."

"It's Maggie's turn," he said astonished.

"I am taking over for her today," Cole answered with a smile. Daryl hummed in agreement and turning to the stairs.

"Hey, can I ask you something? "

Daryl turned around and his eyes fixed upon Cole.

"What?" He wasn't in the mood for small talk, in general, he didn't like small talk. He liked to get straight to the point and not talk big.

"The crossbow down in the armory, it's yours, isn't it? "Cole asked.

Daryl just hummed in agreement and shrugged his shoulders.

"Do you still use it? "

"Nah, I got a better one now," Daryl just mumbled.

"If you didn't need it anymore, would you mind if someone else got it? "Cole asked cautiously.

Daryl pulled his eyebrows together and looked at him questioning.

„Why? "

"I know someone who is very interested in this crossbow and would like to have it," Cole started out cautiously.

"And who is this someone?"


"The Girl who doesn't speak? "It was more a statement than a question.

Cole shrugged his shoulders and nodded.


"Does she know how to shoot it? "Daryl asked.

"She says she practiced it with her grandfather, but not very often, and it's been a while."

"Hmm, do you think it's such a good idea? "Daryl asked him thoughtfully.

"You're pretty god at it, you could practice with her," Cole suggested.

Daryl shook his head. "I'm not a fucking teacher, I'm not doing this!" he immediately resisted. He'd already noticed that Jodie was watching him a lot, and he didn't want to have her attention any more.

"Also", he added "learning to shoot a crossbow, it would be the least of her problems," he said.

He was already aware of the teasing's of the other children. He wondered that Jodie, who had put up with everything and did nothing about it. He had recently remembered some action movie he'd seen with Merle. Hot Shots, where one of the main characters threatened some dude with a hernia. If Roderick had just once tried something or shouted at him, Daryl would have warned him, but would have immediately ensured that Roderick had suffered a hernia.

"You mean because of the other kids? "Cole asked now.

"Hm," Daryl hummed in agreement.

"It's not easy for her here She's unhappy, but she promised to try for me," Cole said, and it almost sounded guilty.

"Jodie likes to be alone, she doesn't need a lot of people, but now she has no one but me. I, on the other hand, like to be in the company of others," said Cole, who was almost apologetic and smiling.

"I noticed that," Daryl hummed and raised his mouth slightly upwards, suggesting a smile.

Cole was actually someone who liked having other people around. He talked to everyone, was friendly and open-minded, and he was often seen flirting with the women.

He was charming too, but no one resented him for that, since he was being a good member of society. He was already on tours, often taking over the guard and taking good care of Jodie. Besides, even if it was the end of the world, some needs and habits didn't change.

„I asked Jodie if we could try a new community, even if we weren't so lucky in the last group. I know it's hard for her to get used to living with a lot of other people and to be behind walls. But she promised she'd try for me, she'd rather be alone and she doesn't need a lot of people around. But I do," Cole said, he looked away guilty.

Daryl didn't know what to say, and he nodded, and then he said," What happened to your last group?

"We had to flee," Cole responded very briefly, avoiding eye contact with Daryl. It was obvious to him that Cole didn't want to talk about the subject anymore. Daryl did not ask further. Who knew what had happened in his old group, maybe it was better if he didn't know?

For a moment, the two remained silent, looking down at the courtyard where the other inhabitants were. Jodie was on one of the stairs where she just seemed to paint something on a sketch pad. Most people were in groups together or the kids were playing together, but Jodie wasn't. She was always alone. That only made her an outsider even more.

"She's not gonna make it easier for herself if she's not talking," Daryl mumbled.

„Tell me about it. I tried a lot to get her to talk again, but she doesn't want it, or at least not mentally. At some point, I've come to terms with it, just like the others did."

"Children don't do it, at least they think she's an outsider."

"I know, but what can I do? I can't make her."

Daryl looked at the young man next to him. He was worried about the little one, but couldn't help her. There was something inside Daryl wanting to help him, wanting to help the girl. At the same time, however, he also didn't want the girl to be attached to his heels and made herself dependent on him.

"I won't give her lessons, but if she wants to, she can have the crossbow," he hummed.

Cole looked at him surprised.

"And one more thing. She better not shoots with that thing at anyone until she learns it, or she'll end up shooting herself in the leg or something. And if anything goes wrong because of that, it's on you and her, right? "Daryl just grumbled roughly.

Cole nodded.

Daryl nodded as well, it was like they had made a pact in silence, and he turned to walk away.

"Thanks," he heard Cole shouting after him. Hopefully, this stupid helping syndrome, which was inside of him, was calming down once Jodie had something to do. After that he probably wouldn't see her that much, and he won't have to think about her. And probably feel less sorry for her.

And merry christmas to all of you. Have a nice celebration and quit days, where you can rest. I am really happy, that you guys gave me already over 100 reads. I would be even more happier, if you would write some comments, so I know, how you like the story. See you in new year.

Love liz;)

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