To lose and to be free

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Jesus had sat down at the large kitchen table and looked through in his backpack, spreading some medicine on the table in front of her.

Jodie sat across from him, now pointing a gun at him, the hunting rifle hanging on her back, watching him closely. Every move, every twitch.

He shouldn't get any ideas.

Jesus looked at her, smiling at her.

"You don't talk much, do you? "

Jodie raised her eyebrows up as if to say, "No kidding".

"I get it, it's probably not easy to trust a stranger. Neither before, or now, is it? "he asked empathetically.

Jodie just nodded; it was no secret what he was saying.

"You know, it would be easier if you told me what you needed," he said. Jodie made a move with one hand, as if she wanted to sew something and Jesus seemed to understand.

"Wait, I got something, "he pushed the necessary utensils at her and then looked at her critically.

"For what do you need that? Are you hurt? "

Jodie shook her head while she shoved her things into her pockets with one hand.

"Somebody else maybe? "

Jodie just looked at him emotionlessly. Why did he care?

"I see. Is it bad? "

Again, just a silent look.

"I'm sorry, take this too", he slipped two little bottles across the table.

"This is penicillin. That helps with wounds that need stiches" Jesus said, and Jodie hesitantly shoved it into her pocket. Then she hesitated, pulled a pen out of her pocket and wrote a single word on the table.


Jesus nodded in a friendly manner.

"It was a pleasure," he said, putting the rest of the medicine back in his backpack.

Then he looked at Jodie.

"Can I go now? Or would you rather go? "he asked.

She pointed at herself, took her backpack with one hand and put it back on, the other hand still holding the gun. Always keeping her focused on Jesus.

"Take care of yourself, girl," he said to her as she reached the kitchen door. She gave him a suspicious look, but nodded.

"Maybe we'll see each other again," Jesus smiled. Jodie's mouth twitched slightly and she smiled back.

Then she ran off.


Jodie knew she had no guarantee that this guy was following her. But to make sure, she ran to the next house, hid behind the corner of the house and waited. She looked around the corner a few times and listened. After about five minutes, she decided to move on and bring Daryl his medication.

When she arrived, she locked up all the entrances and exits, hoping that Jesus hadn't followed her. Then she ran to Daryl, who was still lying pale on the bed. For a moment, Jodie was afraid that she was too late and he was already dead, but Daryl was still breathing.

Jodie disinfected the wound again and the needle, when she removed the bandage. She threaded the thread and found that her fingers were shaking, and she breathed deeply and forced her hand to calm down.

"You can do it," she whispered to herself and then raised the needle.


To make it short, Jodie's sewing skills were certainly not a masterpiece, but it was enough. After the wound was stitched, Jodie took the syringe, filled half with penicillin, and gently injected it into Daryl's veins.

Daryl had jumped up a few times because Jodie had set the needle wrong and had hurt him more than he had saved, but eventually he was back on the bed half unconscious again. However, when she pressed the syringe into his flesh, he moaned.

"Sorry, "she whispered softly and gently stroked his arm, even though she knew he didn't really hear her.

She was surprised by herself. When people didn't consciously listen to her or weren't there, it was easier for her to speak again. Once when Cole slept with her in the woods and finally fell asleep, she thanked him for everything he did for her. Cole hadn't heard, but it worked.

Jodie knew that she had to learn to speak again, but it was like a kind of protective reflex. A protection to not get hurt again, and that kind of trauma. When Kelly died, she had buried the ability to speak with her.

Jodie put the syringe aside and ruffled her hair. She laid down next to Daryl, burring her face to his uninjured shoulder.

"You can't die, Daryl Dixon, you hear me? "she whispered in his ear, Daryl only hummed in his sleep.

Jodie wrapped an arm around him and finally fell asleep, her hand resting on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. And as she fell asleep, she hoped that she would still feel his heartbeat tomorrow.


Of course Jesus had followed the girl inconspicuously. He had watched from the window, in which house she had locked herself and when it got dark, had climbed on the canopy. She had locked everything, but a small look into the bedroom window was enough.

He had seen her there, lying next to a grown man in bed, cuddling up and sleeping. The man himself, was already as pale as death, although he had certainly otherwise defied death thanks to his muscles.

Jesus' gaze wandered again to the girl who wasn't older than fifteen. She was very confidently with the gun and mistrusted him all the time, which he could understand.

By now he had already met a lot of people. Good, honest people who just wanted to protect their family and friends, like this kid here. But there were also people of the bad sort, men who killed, plundered, raped, just took what they wanted.

No wonder the girl had been so suspicious, and Jesus was pretty sure that the girl had been through a lot.

Actually, he would have liked to ask her if she wanted to come with him. He had been alone for so long, but then he would have screwed up the little bit of trust that she had given him.

Besides, there was someone she had to take care of.

"Good night, little one, and take care of yourself, "Jesus muttered and then jumped from the canopy into the garden, and with a last glance at the house he disappeared.

You see more and twice in the life, he thought, while he disappeared into the darkness.


"We have to find a community or a group, we can't move on forever! "Kelly said angrily.

Jodie's gaze flashed from Kelly to Melvin, and he looked at her irritated. They had been arguing about this topic for about two weeks. They moved from house to house, never staying longer than a few days.

Kelly was tired of it by now, and her baby would come in a few weeks, which is why she wasn't doing so well on foot.

But Melvin didn't want to enter a new community and always justified his view with the following words.

"We don't need a community, I can protect you, "he gave them the same answer.

But not only Kelly, but also Jodie knew better. Melvin couldn't even protect himself. Being separated from his daughter and Jodie's mom was too bad for him, and he still didn't trust anyone. Not even Kelly, at least not much. He would never get involved with new people, because then he would have no more control over the people around him.

However, he was already so fixated to keep going, to keep moving, to keep surviving, that he completely ignored Kelly and Jodie. He didn't realize that he was losing control of himself and the others. He was still the leader, but Kelly no longer would let anyone tell her what to do.

And Jodie had to agree, they wouldn't be able to move from house to house forever. Especially when they soon had another person to feed.

Of course it was a risk to get involved with a foreign group, but they couldn't survive like that forever.

Kelly seemed to have the same opinion, which is why she said what was on her mind.

"No, you, can't. You're so focused on yourself and so deep in your mind that you can't even take care of yourself. The wandering thing may have worked at first, but it can't go on like that. I can't walk around all day hoping for food and a safe place to stay, only to look the next place two days later. We need a place where we can stay longer. And it's not good for Jodie either. She's still growing and she's a kid. She can't keep walking like this with an empty stomach every day," Kelly hissed at him.

"She's old enough, and she's gonna have to learn one way or another that the world we know no longer exists. This is about survival and there is no more pity in this world. She is thirteen years old and finally need to realize this! ", Melvin yelled back.

"Still, we can't go on like this. I'm going to have a baby and Jodie needs a safe place! So if you don't do it for me, at least do it for her! "Kelly hissed.

"It's not my problem that you're pregnant, it's yours. You chose this, but now you have to face the consequences! "

"Oh really, do you think I fucking expected the end of the world?! "

"I don't care, we keep moving, and that's the end of it! "Melvin roared and turned his back on them, trembling with rage. Uncertainly, Jodie watched him. What if he would beat Kelly? Or maybe her too?

"Guys, don't be so loud, there could be infected around! "she said quietly.

"No, it's not the end of it. Maybe for you, but not for me and Jodie. "We can't go on like this and we need security," Kelly said, folding her arms in front of her chest.

"Kelly, shut up, "Melvin growled without turning to her.

"Think about your daughter, Melvin, she's thirteen years old and can't even survive alone! All you think about is you and your fucking life while we starve here! "Kelly roared.

"Kelly, don't be so loud, "Jodie whispered to her, pulling her bow out for safety and placing an arrow.

They were standing in the woods, and there were less walkers, but the danger was still there. Melvin trembled in rage. Still he hadn't turned around.

"Let me tell you something, Melvin! You think you're the great leader who protects us all, but you know what? No one believes you that! Neither I nor Jodie! She doesn't say it because she's afraid of you, but she thinks exactly like me! "Kelly said almost spitefully.

"Kelly, shut up! "Melvin growled over his shoulder.

"You're nothing, Melvin! A woman beating, controlling nobody! "

"Kelly, I'm warning you..."

"Jodie and I are gonna go now, and you're gonna figure it out all by yourself..."Kelly didn't get any further. A loud shot tore apart the almost peaceful silence in the forest.


Jodie was scared up from the bed. She saw Kelly again, she couldn't save her. She went through her dark hair and then looked down at Daryl, who was still sleeping peacefully.

She felt his forehead, it already felt better. Not quite as hot and feverish as yesterday and his face, wasn't as pale as before. She felt his pulse, which now seemed more regular to her. Smiling, she kissed him on the forehead.

He wouldn't die anymore, she would make sure of that.

She wrapped the bandage off and looked at the wound, which looked better. But he really needed a bath so that no dirt would come into the wound. Besides, Daryl always looked like he could use a shower.

Jodie went to the bathroom and tried the bathtub. In fact that the water worked there too and it even became lukewarm. As the water came in, she sat at the edge and the memories came back.

The memories of Kelly, the unborn baby and Melvin.


It was interesting how long a few seconds could take, how long it took to understand what had happened in a second.

Kelly was still standing there, her hand on her stomach.

Melvin had turned around, his hand clutching the gun that was still smoking.

Jodie looked at Kelly. Her lower lip was trembling, and then Jodie saw it, blood pouring out between her fingers on her stomach, becoming more rapidly. Kelly wavered and fell, Jodie half-catched her, so Kelly landed gently on her back on the forest floor. Jodie knelt down beside her, taking Kelly's hand off her stomach, seeing the bullet hole.

"Kelly," she whispered.

Kelly looked at her, gasping. Gasping for air, her gaze wandering towards the sky.

Only incidentally did Jodie notice Melvin stepping next to her.

"Jodie, come on, we have to go," he said strangely calmly, picking up Kelly's bag. Jodie didn't move. Normally, she would have obeyed Melvin long ago, but not now, he had gone too far.

"Jodie, come on. Get up, I'll finish it quickly, then she won't turn. You shouldn't see it," Melvin said again.

He was still so strangely quiet, like nothing ever happened, like none of this was his and Jodie's business.

"No, "Jodie whispered, stroking Kelly's hair. Kelly was reaching for her hand and putting it on her stomach. Like she wanted Jodie to feel her baby, her baby, the baby that would never see this new, cruel world.

Jodie swallowed hard and the tears began to run down her cheeks.

Jodie, come on, say goodbye and let's go. The shot could attract more infected," Melvin said impatiently.

He was controlling again, he wanted to put Jodie back under his control. He had just shot Kelly, how could he dare?! Cold rage rose in Jodie and slowly she reached for her bow that lay between her and Kelly, hidden by Melvin's gaze.

Jodie looked at him, with an empty look. "You murdered her," she whispered and was surprised how cold her voice sounded.

Melvin didn't say anything about it, he just looked at it as if he didn't care about anything.

It was as if a switch had been flipped in Jodie, and she took the arrow that was still in the tendon, drew the bow and pointed it at Melvin.

"You're not shooting me, Jodie. You don't have the..." he didn't get any further. The arrow snapped off the tendon and hit Melvin in the left side of the chest, and he stumbled back, screaming and then fell down and were just lying there.

Jodie looked at him in silence before turning back to Kelly, who breathed flat and looked at her.

"You did good, you freed yourself from him, "Kelly whispered softly to her, and every single word seemed to cause a lot of pain.

Jodie nodded, tears in her eyes, Kelly stroking her cheek.

"Stay strong, but don't stay alone, or you'll break down. Find a group, people you can trust, okay? "

"Yes, I promise, "Jodie whispered, nestling her cheek against her palm.

"Okay, "Kelly smiled faintly, then she looked up at the sky and whispered softly, "Sing."

"What? "Jodie looked at her almost confused.

"Please, sing something for me. It's the last thing I want to hear with my baby before I go, "Kelly whispered.

"O...okay," Jodie whispered and thought quietly before she started.

Talking away

I don't know what I'm to say

I'll say it anyway

Today is another day to find you

Shying away

I'll be coming for your love. OK?

Her singing was interrupted again and again by her own sobs, but Jodie kept on trying to sing. For Kelly, who still looked up to heaven. Her breathing was barely noticeable.

Take on me

Take me on

I'll be gone

In a day or two

Kelly's hands were lying beside her body and she looked like a rag doll that had been carelessly thrown to the floor. Jodie felt her pulse. Nothing more.

She knew Kelly couldn't hear her, but she had to keep singing, it was Kelly's last wish. And it was her favorite song. She had wanted to sing it to her baby herself as soon as it was there.

So needless to say

Of odds and ends

But I'll be stumbling away

Slowly learning that life is OK.

Say after me,

"It's no better to be safe than sorry."

Jodie took Kelly's hands, which were now very cold, and put them on her stomach, so she could always feel her baby and the baby could feel her. She put her fingers over Kelly's eyes and closed them gently. Kelly now looked almost peaceful, as if she had just fallen asleep. A sleep she would never wake up from.

Take on me

Take me on

I'll be gone

In a day or two

Jodie lifted Kelly's head slightly and rammed the knife in the back of her head, not wanting to destroy her face. Kelly was supposed to die the way she remembered her. Oddly enough, Jodie had now heard to cry, she was almost calm when she put Kelly down again and then sang the last verse.

Oh, things that you say. Yeah.

Is it life or just to play my worries away?

You're all the things I've got to remember

You're shying away

I'll be coming for you anyway

Take on me

Take me on

I'll be gone

In a day

Jodie knew the last line was true. She knew she had to leave, that her life went on, without Kelly, but also without Melvin. She had freed herself from him. Jodie smiled lightly.

She buried Kelly under a tree root and put some wildflowers on the grave. With every spade of earth falling over Kelly, Jodie had the feeling that something of her had died along with Kelly. She wanted to scream and she opened her mouth, but no sound came out.

And then Jodie realized that she couldn't use her voice again, because she had no one to talk to. She had buried her voice with along with it.

And now, you know, how Jodie lost her voice. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and if you like check out my new Story "The Winter makes Monsters". You can read the german Version on this profile or the english Version on my second Profile kissedbystories . If you liked this chapter fell free to leave a vote or a comment.

Love, Liz;)

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