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Day 1


"Nii-san?" A voice called out, as the demon was finally regaining consciousness. "Nii-san, can you hear me?"

The demon let out a deep breath, before he opened his eyes and found his younger brother looking down at him. The older twin now laying on his bed, back at the dorms, and covered in bandages.

"Nii-san, are you alright?" Yukio asked, as he looked down at him with a worried look in his eyes. "Does anything hurt?"

The demon opened his mouth to reply, but only ended with nothing coming out of his mouth. Rin sitting up in an instant, and totally ignoring the pain everywhere else, as he set a hand on his throat and Yukio gave him a worried look.

"Is something wrong with your neck?" The younger twin asked, as he gave the demon a weird look. "I swear I looked at it earlier, and I didn't see a thing."

"Oh! And there is a catch! You have to do all this without your voice."

Amaimon's words hit the older twin like a brick wall, as he looked down at his lap and hung his head. The demon wondering how in the hell he was supposed to communicate with anyone, if he didn't have his voice. Which the Earth King had now, and was probably prancing around with it, while Rin was suffering.

"Nii-san, did something happen to your voice?" Yukio asked, as he watched his older brother. "You haven't said a word."

All the demon could do was nod, as Yukio looked at him in shock and the older teen ignored his brother's look.

"how did this happen?" He asked, before he realized his mistake and grabbed the demon's cell phone; handing it to him. "How'd you end up like this?"

Rin hesitantly took the phone and flipped it open as he pulled up a notepad note and typed in his reply; showing his brother.

'Amaimon took it.'

"You fought Amaimon?" The demon gave him a nod. "How'd he take your voice?"


"How are you supposed to get it back, if he disappeared?"

'I have to play his game.'

"Game?" Yukio stared at the screen and gave the demon a weird look. "What game?"

'Another one of his stupid games.' Rin typed, before showing it to his brother and continuing.'There's three rules for it. One, I can't tell anyone what happened of what he did; only you. Second, I have fourteen days before it becomes permanent. And three, I have to make Bon fall in love with me and have sex with him.'

"Wait, what?" Yukio took the phone out of the demon's hand and reread the note. "You have to make Bon fall in love with you? That's not even possible. You're both guys, and you two hate each other!"

Rin looked at his brother for a moment, before he took his phone back and typed a reply.

'That last part isn't completely true. I don't hate him.'

"How do you not hate him? You two fight all the time!"

Rin let out a muted sigh and got out of bed. The demon dressing himself in his school uniform and texting his reply to his brother, as he headed out of the room.

'Just because I fight with him, doesn't mean I hate him.'

3:37 pm

"Okumura, where have you been?" Shura demanded, as the demon walked into the classroom and the woman turned away from the full classroom. "Class is almost over!"

Dreading the reply, Rin dug out his cell phone and typed out a reply. The teen getting several weird looks, before he walked over to the annoying woman and showed it to her.

'Got into a huge fight with a demon, yesterday. I lost my voice and didn't wake up, till awhile ago.'

The woman looked him over, to see if he was lying, and then gave him a nod of approval.

"Fine. Go sit down and open your book to page eighty-two." She ordered, as she grabbed her book off the desk.

The demon giving her a nod, as he walked to his seat and sat beside Shiemi. Rin taking out his text book and flipping to the page, as the girl next to him gave him a worried look. In which the older teen ignored and was forced to pay attention in class, as he set his phone on the desk. The thing being a lot more useful than it ever had been, as he was forced to use it to answer questions in class and tell his teachers what had happened. Till Cram School ended and the demon was free. Rin the first one out of his chair and out the door, before a hand grabbed his arm and turned him around. Leaving him face to face with Bon and his friends.

"What's with you? You haven't said a word the whole day." The brunette and blonde asked, letting go of the demon's arm.

'I lost my voice in a fight with a demon.' Rin typed out, before showing it to the teen.

"How the hell do you lose your voice fighting a demon?" Bon demanded, as he gave the younger teen a frown. "And how do you lose to a demon, if you have the Kurikara?"

'My sword got knocked away. It was an upper level demon.'

"That's pathetic, even for you."

'I'm leaving!' Rin angrily typed, before he turned his back on his classmate and headed down the hall.

His emotions every which way and threatening to spill over, as the demon reached the door he used to get here and used his key. The demon pulling open the door and taking the key out, only to find Amaimon waiting for him. Rin jumping in alarm and almost slamming the door in the Earth King's face, but held it back when he heard voices from around the corner. The teen having no choice but to walk out of Cram School and shut the door, the younger demon now standing by the older.

'What do you want?' Rin typed out in rage, before thrusting the phone into Amaimon's face.

"I came to see how you were doing, Brother." The older demon spoke in amusement. "You do realize you don't have to type out your reply, either. Demons have telepathy for a reason."

'I like taking my anger out on the keyboard. So suck it up and deal with it.'

"I take it your first attempt failed?"

'I didn't even try.'

"And why not, Brother? This isn't a fun game, if you don't play."

'You saw my memories, you asshole! There's no way I can ever face him, after having my love letter tacked up for the whole school to read!'

"Then do you want to call this game to a end, and forfeit your voice?" Amaimon asked, leaning against the wall behind him. "I was hoping we'd get to play a little longer, but it seems like you've turned into a pathetic mess."

Without a second thought, Rin punched the older demon in the face and glared at him. Anger in his gaze and adrenaline running through his veins, as he watched the Earth King stand up and give him a warning look.

"I'm taking that as a no, then."

'Go to hell.'

"Are you still on that subject?"

'Just leave me alone.' Rin typed, as he started walking away.

"What if I could help you out a little?" Amaimon asked, making Rin stop.


"I give your friend a little push, and you save him."

'From what?'

"You'll see." Amaimon spoke, a small smirk on his face. "You have five minutes to get to the courtyard, before it attacks."

'You're a prick.'

"You now have four minutes."

Rin let out a growl and gave a glare to the demon, before he took off toward the courtyard. The demon wanting to actually think everything through, for once, but wasn't even given a choice because of the lack of time. There was always a chance Amaimon was lying, but he couldn't risk it. Not if Bon's safety was at stake. Yes, he couldn't actually face the guy; because of the whole letter ordeal, but he couldn't let the teen get hurt. Rin would never forgive himself if that happened.

Screams and yells came from up ahead and the demon let out a curse as he picked up the pace. The teen making it to the courtyard moments later, and coming to a halt at the scene before him. A huge group of hobgoblins running rampant, and harassing the fleeing students, as Bon, Shima; and Miwa were trying to fend them off. Shima protecting the other two, with his staff, as on and Miwa were reciting an incantation.

"Rin, we could use some help!" Shima called out to him, as he hit one of the demons away and another latched onto his staff.

Rin giving them a nod and pulling his sword out of his case, as he unsheathed it and went for the nearest hobgoblin. His flames branching out with is blow and catching a few in its hold, as a huge thud sounded behind him. Shima and the others looking behind him in worry, as Bon yelled out at him.

"Okumura, move it!"

The demon turning his head just in time to see a huge paw catch him on the hip and rip open his side. The teen flying a few feet and landing on his uninjured side, and let out a mute groan. As the demon gripped his sword tighter and struggled to sit up. The huge hobgoblin that hit him walking over to him, before he picked up the injured teen and Miwa finished the hymn. All the hobgoblins disenagrating around him, before the huge one disappeared and the demon fell to the concrete.


The demon let out a mute groan in pain, and didn't realize anyone was beside him, till Bon lifted him into his arms. His classmate's face laced with worry, as he eyed Rin's bleeding hip and held the demon close to him. The older teen giving out orders to his friends, before he looked down at the younger teen and brushed the hair out of the teen's eyes.

"Hey, Okumura, are you alright?" He asked, grabbing the demon's hand when he reached out to get his cell phone. "Just shake your head yes or no."

The demon gave him a no and Bon's gaze became even more worried as the fatigue and blood loss started getting to the younger teen.

"Hey, just look at me." Bon spoke in panic, as he shook the demon. "Help is coming."

Rin gave him another shake of the head and the teen pulled him closer, so the demon's head was resting against his chest. Pain erupting from his hip, as the older teen holding him put pressure on the wound. The younger teen wanting to scream out in pain, but knew it'd be on good, as he buried his face into his classmate's shirt and his body shook.

"Just relax. I'm trying to stop you from bleeding out."

All the demon could do was shake his head, before he lost consciousness.


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