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"W-What's going on?" a weak voice asked. All heads swiveled towards Steve, who's eyes were half open and his head going back and forth. "Tony? What happened?"

Tony breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at his husband. "You got knocked out for a while," he replied, ruffling Steve's blonde hair.

The super soldier groaned and slowly stood up, swaying slightly but keeping his ground. "Is the fight over? W-Wait, what's Wilson doing here?" Steve asked, cocking his head to the side.

"I came to save my boyfriend from being man handled by Legolas, over here!" Wade said defensively, pulling Spider-man closer to him. Said vigilante groaned loudly and punched Wade in the shoulder.

"I-I was-wasn't being man-man handled-ed!" Spider-man protested, earning and pat on the head.

"Well, it seemed as if Mr. Archer dude here was!"

"Wait, Bucky was touching Spider-man, too!" Clint whined, followed by a chuckle from the said super soldier. Wade smiled through his mask and shook his head.

"Yeah, but, I actually like Bucky! Isn't that right; boo boo bear?" Wade replied. Bucky groaned and smacked his forehead.

"Never call me that again, or I will stab your heart a thousand times over," said man said with humor in his voice.

"So... can we go home now?" Steve asked, gaining everyone's attention. "I feel like I'm going to pass out."

Tony nodded, and went back to his suit. "I'll fly you home, hun. Everyone else, apprehend the spider and bring him to the tower."

With that, Tony picked Steve up in his arms and flew off towards Stark tower. Once they were gone, everyone turned towards Spider-man, clearly uncomfortable with taking on the vigilante.

Spider-man sighed quietly and held his hands out in surrender. "That means to take him, if you didn't know!" Wade burst in. Bucky nodded and carefully grabbed Spider-man and carried him to the quinjet, everyone following behind in confusion.

Spider-man sat down against the wall, his knees against his chest and his head slouched. Bucky ushered everyone to the opposite corner before sitting down next to the red and blue clad vigilante.

"Peter, it's not your fault..." Bucky whispered. Peter shook his head, feeling the tears coming.

"No, it is! I could've held back my strength even more than I had!" Peter discreetly signed. Bucky placed a hand on the teen's shoulder.

No one had expected Bucky to pull the supposed vigilante in for a hug, and no one expected said vigilante to break down in a fit of sobs. Natasha looked at Clint with her lips pressed in a thin line.

Clint knew what she was thinking, for he was thinking the same thing, By the sound of Spider-man's voice from earlier, they could both tell it was a child, a child that could've been experimented on and tortured.

Little did they know that they were right.

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