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"H-He..." Wanda stuttered out, barely able to form words. Steve grabbed her shoulders and lightly shook the young sorceress. Wanda sniffed and looked away from Spider-man.

"Wanda, you need to tell us what's wrong," Steve cooed, trying to get something out of the girl. Wanda shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest after wiping away a stray tear. "Wanda-"

"Stop pestering her..." Bucky ordered groggily, cutting off his friend. Steve immediately rushed to his bedside.

"Bucky! Are you alright?" said man asked, checking Bucky over for injuries. The metal-armed super soldier groaned and lightly slapped Steve's hand.

"Yes, you big idiot. Now let me see P- I mean
Spider-man." he replied. Bucky easily yanked the wires from his body and stood up, slowly making his way to the red and blue clad vigilante's bed. He patted the boy's head lightly before sighing.

"Wanda, what did you see?" Bucky asked, looking over to the girl. "And I want to know; though I do have an idea. Did it involve needles of any sort?"

Wanda's face went from horrified to confused, then back to horrified. "H-How did you know that?" she asked, quickly going over to the super soldier. Bucky smiled.

"I was probably there- HYDRA's a real bit-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!" Steve butted in, making everyone chuckle. Bucky sighed, but kept a small smirk on his lips.

"Fine. HYDRA's a real menace. I had to watch over him."

Everyone fell silent whilst they stared at Bucky. They watched how he was running his fingers down Spider-man's shoulder.

All of a sudden, Spider-man jolted up with a gasp. He looked around frantically, but when his gaze landed on Bucky, he instantly calmed down. "Hey, you're alright," Bucky whispered, making the vigilante nod.

Peter motioned with his eyes for Bucky to look down at his hands, which were signing a message. "HYDRA's in the building. Evacuate everyone. I'll hold them off," it said. Bucky nodded.

"Guys, we need to get out of here. HYDRA's in the building."

While Bucky relayed the message, he was undoing Spider-man's restraints, even though the vigilante could easily break them. Spider-man jumped up and immediately looked up into the air vents, noticing a small, glowing dot. He jumped up and latched onto the ceiling before ripping the air vent off, grabbing the orb and smashing it to pieces.

The avengers (besides Bucky, of course) all stared at the red and blue clad man, clearly confused by his actions. "Go!" Bucky shouted at them, beginning to push them out of the room.

They all got the message and we're soon sprinting down halls and towards the exits, basically flying out of them.

Whilst they were running for their lives, Peter made his way to the main floor, where he assumed the agents were hiding out. His assumptions were correct when he collided with a black clad man whom was heavily armed.

"I finally found you..." the man seethed, reaching out to grab Peter. The teen instantly dodged and sweeped the man's legs out from under him before quickly webbing him to the floor.

The commotion alerted many other agents, who were quick to get to the scene. Peter absent-mindedly was able to take them all out without breaking a sweat.

That's when he heard it. The faint, slow ticking of a clock. Peter looked over to the main coffee table to see a big, black bomb stuck to it. It was wrapped in many other explosives, like firecrackers and grenades.







...and that's when the tower went boom.

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