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Wade sat nervously on the excessively comfy couch as Steve and Tony talked quietly to each other. His foot bounced up and down, as if it had its own mind. After what seemed like hours of waiting, but was really only sixty seconds, the two superheroes finally turned to look at Wade.

"So, you're dating our son?" Steve began, leaning foreword. He placed his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands. Wade nodded with a silent gulp.

"U-Uh, Yes s-sir," the mercenary stuttered anxiously. Steve nodded slowly at the response.

"How old are you?"


"Did you force him to be with you?" Tony asked. Wade shook his head frantically.

"No, no! I would never force Peter to do anything!"

"Uh-huh..." Tony glared. "How did you two meet again?"

Wade licked his dry lips. "Well, uh... we were both out as our, well, second selves, if that makes sense, and I found him sitting on a roof. So, b-being the curious person I am, well, I started a conversation. I quickly figured out he was, um, mute..." Wade paused, unsure if he should keep going.

"Go on..." Steve said seriously. Wade nodded and continued speaking.

"A-And I offered to help him, at first he was hesitant but then he just said yes, I guess? I honestly don't know what he was thinking, I mean why would a pure, innocent boy want anything to do with some mercenary who kills for money and who's life is completely fu-"

"You're rambling." Tony pointed out. Wade swallowed dryly.

"Um, s-sorry! As I was saying, we worked and worked until he got it, even if he could only pronounce his name and a few others, but he did it! Fast forewords a month-ish, and I finally asked him out on a date, and he said yes. So I made this adorable little rooftop bungalow type thing and he thought it was AMAZING like he was so, so happy!" Wade said. "Then, I asked him to my my boyfriend and yeah! Then when he left he got into a fight with you guys..."

"Wow... that was, interesting, to say the least..." Steve muttered. He was about to say something else when a scream came from where Peter was. Wade immediately jumped up (along with Peter's fathers, of course) and sprinted towards where his boyfriend lay.

"Peter! Are you okay?" Wade asked, sliding into the room to see Peter clutching his head.

"T-Turn it o-off!" he whimpered. Wade spun around in a circle before screwing it and shutting the lights and machines off, the room becoming eerily silent. Peter uncurled his hand from his ear and looked up with tears in his chocolate eyes.

"Baby, are you alright?" Wade whispered, kneeling down next to his boyfriend. Peter shook his head, letting his tears drip down his cheeks. Wade sighed and wiped them away, planting a soft kiss on the boy's lips.

Peter murmured something under his breath and pulled Wade closer so that the elder teen was laying on the hospital bed with him. Tony and Steve watched from the doorway, silently, taking in the situation.

Maybe this Wade kid wasn't so bad after all.

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