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"My god!" a paramedic shouted when they saw Peter. His now-unconscious body was mangled in such a gruesome way, that even the most experienced of them had a hard time looking.

"Quick! Please! Don't let my son die!" Tony pleaded as they lifted the boy up, placing him on a stretcher.

"We will try our best sir." a man replied before they carried the teen off to the helicopter.

Steve held his shaking husband in his arms, trying to calm him down. Tony tried to, he really did, but he just couldn't stand to be calm when his son, his innocent little boy, could possibly die.

"Tony!" A voice shouted through the comm. "It's Bruce. Get to the compound- they need us to help once they get there," Bruce stated. Tony immediately jumped up and walked into his iron man suit.

"I'm on my way."

Tony arrived at the Avengers compound just as the helicopter landed, quickly stepping out of his suit to help. They carried Peter down to the medical ward, placing him on an operating table. Bruce was already prepped, just finishing wheeling the tool cart to the bed.

"We need to cut the suit off," Bruce instructed. Tony nodded and grabbed some scissors, beginning to cut Peter's Spider-man suit from his waist. When they pulled the red and blue fabric back, Tony wanted to cry.

Peter's chest was covered in blood, scratches, and severe bruising, all the while some of his ribs were poking through his skin. There was a hole of some kind on his lower abdomen, but there was no exit wound on his backside- that meant there was something inside of him.

Tony cut the rest of the suit off with blurry eyes, unable to bring himself to look at the boy's lower half, but quickly forced himself to. Peter's legs were obviously broken by the looks of things, hell, probably even shattered.

Tony watched as Bruce placed a mask over Peter's face. "It's anesthesia- we can't have him waking up." the fellow scientist explained, Tony letting out a small nod.

"Well then, let's get to work."

Two and a half hours into the operation, Bruce and Tony were nearly above the halfway point. The two had successfully removed a three inch around cement chunk from Peter's stomach. They had set his dislocated shoulder into place, set both of his wrists, having to place metal plates and screws in them (five plates and three screws in the right, and two plates and eight screws in the left). And lastly, they had casted his right leg which was completely shattered and wrapped his left leg in bandages.

"Now we need to put his ribs back in his-" Bruce began, but was cut off by a loud gasp. The two scientists' heads swiveled down to see Peter, his chocolate eyes wide with fear and filled with tears.

"P-Peter!" Tony spluttered, immediately running his fingers through the teen's chestnut hair.

"Wh-Wha-at?" Peter mumbled, looking down at his chest. He squeaked when he saw the state he was in.

"Peter, you need to calm down," Bruce instructed calmly. "You'll have to stay awake for the rest of the operation; feel free to scream or bite into his towel." Peter slightly nodded and minutes later they were back to working on him.

For the next two hours, Peter's pained screams haunted everyone in the building, and his cries were sure to creep up in their nightmares. Everyone who was waiting in the common room pretty much figured that Peter wasn't sedated anymore, and they were terrified.

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