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Ozpin POV

I look outside my window at the storm hovering over the Emerald forest. The lightning strikes the trees, causing thunder. Close enough to be heard, but far enough that it's... comforting. Though, as I observe, a... peculiar phenomenon occurs. At the stroke of midnight, a flash of lightning strikes the forest. But it's red. Very poetic. As a man of great interest in such matters, I refer to my scroll and contact my right hand, Professor Goodwitch. The elevator in the front of my office "dings" and Goodwitch steps out.

Glynda: You called, Professor?
Me: Yes. I need you to investigate something for me.
Glynda: What is it?

I take a sip of coffee and explain the situation to her.

Me: A few moments ago, a strange phenomenon occurred within the storm above the Emerald forest. I need you to investigate a lightning strike for me.

She gives me a confused look.

Glynda: Sir, with all due respect, lightning strikes aren't exactly... strange.
Me: True. But then, they're not red either.

Now she gives me a look of slight surprise.

Glynda: Red lightning?
Me: Yes. It struck at midnight over the Emerald forest around...

I take out a map of the Emerald Forest and a pen. I circle the approximate location of the red lightning strike.

Me:... here.

She takes a look at the map, then back at me.

Glynda: I will investigate at once, sir.

She turns and enters the elevator. She presses a button, then the doors close. I look back at the Emerald forest. The storm has passed, revealing the stars and moon. What could have caused such an event? What did it do to the surrounding area? Will it pose a threat to Vale? To Remnant? The last question I asked myself spawns another that chills me to my very core. Did she send it? Perhaps my questions will be answered when Glynda reports back to me.

Time skip
Glynda POV

I'm searching the area of the forest that Professor Ozpin instructed me to investigate. It's been 5 hours, and I haven't found any trace of this red lightning that he had mentioned. I wonder what could've caused such an event? I walk westward for a bit until I come across a river. I head upstream for about an hour, then I hear rustling in the bushes.

Me: Come out!

Then a creature emerges from the bushes. At first I assumed it was a Beowulf, but when it shows itself, it turns out to be a small Ursa.

It swings its claws at me, but I dodge it before it can hit me. I swing Disciplinarian in its general direction, shooting purple bolts at it. Two go through it's chest, and the third goes through its head. It falls to the ground and begins to disintegrate. I turn to continue going upstream, but then four Beowulves appear out of nowhere. I hear footsteps crunching behind me. I turn to see four more. Three of them charge at me. I simply flick Disciplinarian and they fly miles away. Two more throw rocks at me. I stop them in mid-air, then send them back at the Grimm, killing them both. The last three, I summon a storm and shoot ice shards from it. With the Grimm disposed of, I turn to continue with my investigation. However, I hear rustling behind me again. When I turn, a large alpha Beowulf swings it's claws at me. They would've killed me. But the reason they don't is completely unexpected. A teenage boy with blond hair appears from seemingly out of nowhere and blocks the attack with his shield.

(A.N.: Master shield.)
The claws slide off of his shield, giving him an opening that he takes advantage of. He lunges his sword into the Grimm's chest, then drags the sword upward, splitting its head in half. It falls to the ground and disintegrates. The boy sheaths his sword, and puts his shield on his back.
He takes a moment to catch his breath. He sounds like he's been fighting for a while. I wonder what a boy his age is doing in the Emerald forest? And at this hour no less? He turns to me, but has a suspicious look in his eyes. Almost as if he doesn't trust me.

Me: What?

He narrows his eyes at me. Why would he not have reason to trust me? I don't even know who he is. Then his eyes go wide. He takes out his bow and an arrow and aims at me. He draws the arrow back and immediately releases it. The arrow flys over my shoulder and hits something behind me. I look at said something and find it's another Beowulf. The arrow was lodged in the middle of its head. It falls to the ground, dead. The boy walks over to the Grimm, lets it disintegrate, then picks up the Arrow.

Me: Maybe give a warning the next time you do that!?

He looks at me the same way.

Me: What!? What is it about me that is so suspicious and-

Then a thought occurs: What if he's suspicious of me because he knows something about the red lightning? And he suspects that I'm here to investigate? But the only reason to be suspicious of someone investigating this phenomenon is if... they worked for the one Ozpin warned us of. Now I'm as suspicious of him as he appears of me. But I need some sort of result from this, so perhaps I can take him back to Beacon to be questioned by Ozpin. But I would need proof that he knows something about it. Hmm. Ozpin said that those who work for her tend to have large egos, save for one whose name I can't recall at the moment. Perhaps asking him directly will provide a... somewhat positive outcome. He may be overconfident enough to think he can get away. Only one way to find out.

Me: You wouldn't happen to know anything about the bolt of red lightning earlier, would you?

He raises an eyebrow, but doesn't say anything. It's all I need. He knows what I'm talking about, but won't openly admit it.

Me: So you do know something about it?

The boy looks at me for a minute, then shrugs. This is irritating, but also useful. His arrogance is digging his own grave.

Me: You do realize by remaining silent, you only make matters worse for yourself?

He then looks away, visibly annoyed. But this time it doesn't look like it's directed at me.

Me: You will have to speak eventually.

He faces me and begins to say something. But before he does, his look of annoyance turns into a grimace from pain. Then he grabs his neck with his right hand. Hmm. Tried to say something, but expierenced pain in his neck before he could. I wonder...

Me: You can speak... can't you?

He begins to try to say something again, but this time he stops himself. Then he takes a minute, as though he's trying to think of what to say. Eventually, he lets out a sigh of defeat, then shakes his head.

Me: Is that "no, you can't speak"?

He nods his head in agreement. Great. A witness that can't speak. Maybe Ozpin can do something about it. But maybe I shouldn't mention Ozpin name. It might cause him to fight me. Assuming this boy works for her, that is.

Me: If you would, I have some questions that I would like you to answer in anyway you can. I know a... friend who may be able to help you communicate in other ways.

He narrows his eyes at me again. But then he he takes a breath of compliance, straps his bow around onto his back, and motions for me to lead the way. We start heading back to Beacon.

A teenage boy in the vicinity of the red lightning, has suspicious behavior, and can't speak.


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