Chapter 37....

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I know I have used this cover before but it just fits this chapter :) And I just love it so much! <3

Song above is... I wouldn't Mind by He Is We. (Not sure if I used this already or not) 

Happy reading!!! :3

Ethan's POV

"Babe you ready to go?" Amy yelled from the living room.

"Coming!" I yelled back as I slide on my brown boots to match my halloween outfit. It was the night of the Halloween party here on campus and beside the fact that everyone on campus will go Macey was literally forcing everyone in our little group to dress up.

I didn't want to dress up but with a kick to the balls by Mace and a glare from Amy I found myself agreeing. That is why I am currently pulling on boots to go with my Flynn Ryder costume. Amy decided that we should go as Disney people so she is dressed like Rapunzel and I am dressed as Flynn Ryder, because apparently I look like him.

I was reluctant as hell to put on the stupid outfit but not wanting to get kicked in the nuts again I readily agreed to wear it. I wasn't sure who anyone else was going as but I just prayed I didn't look like an idiot, although it could be worse.

Coming out of my bedroom I paused mid-step when I saw Amy standing there. She looked really beautiful in a pink hugging dress, the same dress that Rapunzel wears in the movie Tangled. Along with the dress she has her blonde hair braided down the side of her head. She really did fit Rapunzel perfectly.

When she smiled over at me I was struck with what made me fall for her in the first place. Beside the fact that she is really beautiful, she had more to her than others thought. Yes she was a cheerleader but she was incredibly smart and sweet.

The first time I really took notice of Amy Manson was one day after football practice. Coach had worked us for 3 hours straight so by time we were done I was covered in sweat and wanted nothing more than to shower and eat. As usual the cheerleaders would practice out on an empty field right in clear view of the football team, not a smart move I tell you.

Anyways I was heading towards the locker room when I saw her come around the corner dressed in a pair of small shorts and a tube top type thing. Her body was soaked with sweat which just made her look even hotter.

I am not going to lie, our relationship did start off as us using each other for sex. I wasn't sure why she was using me but whenever she would show up she would be very upset about something. Afterwards she would seem better but never wanted to talk to me about it. I of course was not going to pass up free sex. I am a guy after all.

After about a month of it going on I finally asked her what was going on. As much as I liked to have free sex I wasn't one for being used, I got that from enough people already. The conversation was awkward at first but after some talking we both decided we wanted to see where this would go. From then on we kind of just became a couple.

Things between us came naturally. I felt just as comfortable around her as she did with me. Amy seemed to get me unlike other girls I have encountered. She already knew about my family and the kind of shit I have to put up with. When I was with her I can block out some it which I liked.

My family wasn't a topic I normally talk about with anyone. Of course Luke, Carter, Macey and Amy know about my family. They know that they were never around when I was little and still aren't. Too busy running their empire to care about me.

My father is a business mogul like Luke and Carter's father but where as his comes home to make time for his family, my father does not. I can count on one hand how many times I have seen my father since I was 10 years old. He was always busy doing something for his company that he never had time for me. And when I did see him he spent most of his time telling me how I was going to take over after him and random shit about the company. My mother was the same way.

Both of them ran G&G. A business that did everything from roadwork to construction. If an interstate needed repaving you hired my parents company and they would do it. Same goes for building hotels or something, you need material the company provides it. Being in a big city like New York you can imagine how well they do when everything is always under construction.

When my parents want to be parents they can be pretty great. Like the summer before Sophomore year. They took me all around Europe for 3 months and it was amazing. We saw a lot and I never felt closer to my family even if they did work most of the time we were gone. The was the last trip I have gone on with my parents. Ever since then they have been too busy and I decided I was too. I pushed myself into all the sports high school offered and kept myself busy with girls and parties.

The last straw I had with my parents was my graduation. Unlike every bodies parents mine weren't there to congratulate me. Instead I had the Miller's there as my family. My so called parents suddenly had to jet off to Spain that morning so they couldn't be there. Of course though they said they were sorry with a brand new car for me.

I was beyond hurt and pissed that after that I wouldn't accept their calls unless I really needed too and I spent their money. If they weren't going to be my parents I was going to spend their money they are work so much for. It was fair trade to me.

The Miller's were more my family than my own. It was sad but I have gotten use to it. I couldn't have asked for a better family to take me in and treat me like their own kid. I owed them a lot especially Luke. He knew how much it hurt me that my parents basically abandoned me and always tried to cheer me up. He kept me occupied with sports and always made sure I was included in his family events. Every Christmas I would spend the night at their house so in the morning all of us could run downstairs on Christmas morning to see what Santa Clause brought us.

Even now at 21 I rarely heard from my parents, the only time they called was to apologize for missing my birthday or some holiday, coming up with a pathetic excuse as to why they couldn't come. Over the years I have come to expect that from them and most of the time I didn't even answer the call.

The day I really fell for Amy was the day my mom called me and went on about the company and how she wished I was there with them in London. She even said that she wanted to fly me out for the holidays to be with them. I knew what she was saying was jus formalities. What she really meant was 'your father and I are having a good time. While we do love you we don't want to be around you for the holidays so stay in New York please.'

That day I lost it and ended up throwing my cellphone at the wall. I was so angry and hurt that I practically ran to Amy's dorm room to see her. After sleeping with her she got me to open up about what was wrong. I spilled everything about my parents and how much I hated them. She never once judged me or told me I would regret what I was saying. Instead she let me go on about it and even threw in a few 'fuck them' as I talked. She didn't give me any sympathy and I liked that. I didn't want anyone's pity.

It was then that I noticed she amazing. She was someone I could actually see spending my life with. She didn't tip toe around my feelings and she knew what she wanted. That take charge attitude is what got me.

"You ready to go?" Amy broke my out of my thoughts, making me blink at her stupidly.

"Uh yeah. I'm ready." I cleared my throat. Before we left my dorm I pulled her into a deep kiss. Pulling away with a grin I grabbed her hand and tugged her after me.

We headed for Carter and Macey's dorm that was only a few buildings away from mine and Luke's. Mace wanted all of us to meet up first and head to the party together. I was interested in seeing what Macey got Luke to dress up as because last I heard Luke was getting the same treatment as I was about putting on a costume. Little did I know the girls had planned this whole thing out.

It didn't take long to reach their door. When I knocked we were yelled at to come in. The moment we entered the room I stared wide eyed at what was in front of me. Luke was running around the living room while Macey ran behind him yelling profanities. Off to the side was Carter and Gage.

"You are going to wear the stupid hat Luke!" Macey yelled. I looked over at Carter who just shrugged at me. I took in what she was wearing and a small smile appeared on my face. She was dressed up as Belle from Beauty and The Beast. A beautiful yellow grown fitted her body and her brown hair was curled around her face. She even had yellow lace gloves on her hands. She really did look like Belle. Next to her I looked at Gage and clenched my jaw.

He was dressed in a ripped white dress t-shirt and a pair of black pants. If he was suppose to be The Beast he didn't fit it at all. In fact he looked fucking stupid. As I glared at him, he glared right back. I watched as his arm tightened around Carter's waist and pulled her to him.

There was just something about Gage I didn't like. I don't know if it was all the rumors that went on around campus about him-such as he had a bet with his friend on how many girls he could sleep with. Or maybe it was the smug/cocky vibe he had about him. He did look vaguely familiar every time I see him but I can never put my finger on what it is. Every time I look at him I can't shake the feeling of familiarity with him. I was going to have to look more into Gage Harper.

When I learned Carter was going out with him I flipped. Car was too innocent and sweet to be with a guy like Gage Harper. He would just hurt her and she would come crying to her brother and me. I know he will destroy her and I did not want that. Carter was like a sister to me. I would hurt anyone who hurt her and same went with her brother.

What was worse though is Luke didn't seem to mind Gage anymore. At first he was dead set on his sister dating him but lately he seems fine being around him. Because he is dating Car he has been around a lot, must to my displeasure. Luke even talks to him and includes him in conversations.

It just bugged me how he got everyone to like him and how he got Carter to date him. He had to be threatening her or something. It was just too weird that Car was dating him and so suddenly too.

I remember her last boyfriend, something with a Q I believe. I never liked him and for good reason. He was just using Carter to gain more popularity and to try and get in her pants. Her brother and I were beyond glad when they broke up. I never really found out why they did but I didn't care. The dude was an ass and he didn't deserve Carter. No one did.

As I was thinking about Carter and Gage I missed Macey forcing Luke to put on a small hat. It wasn't until I felt a nudge on my arm by Amy did I tune into the conversation.

"I look like a freak." Luke was saying.

"No you don't. You look fine."

"Why couldn't we have gone Marvel Theme! I wanted to be Deadpool!" He whined and I honestly couldn't agree more. Apparently all of us were going Disney style this year. I eyed Luke up and down and held back a laugh.

He was wearing a pair of what I guess is suppose to be genie pants or something. They were almost like sweats but a bright purple instead. He wore a black vest that was open and he didn't have a shirt on. On top of his head was a little red hat. I guess he kind of fit the look of Aladdin.

"Or we could have gone DC! We could have been Harley Quinn and The Joker." Luke said. His face lit up like a little kid when he thought about all the other costume ideas we could have done. I was with him on that one. Us guys should have choose this year.

"Okay lets go before Luke throws another fit." Carter interrupted and pushed away from the counter.

As we all trailed out of the apartment and stood in the hallway I was bumped by a shoulder hard. Glaring once more at Gage as he sent me a smug look. I glared after him as he held Carter's hand and lead her down the hallway.

Yes there was something weird about that guy and I was going to find out what.


Gage's Pov

We were a good hour into the party and it wasn't absolutely terrible. Sure I wanted to be somewhere else or do something else with Carter but I wasn't complaining. I was leaning against a wall with a beer in my hand as I watched my girlfriend talk with her friends.

It still felt weird saying the word 'girlfriend'. It wasn't because I didn't want Carter to be mine or anything like that. I just never had a seriously girlfriend so the word was foreign on my tongue.

As I watched her talk to her friends I couldn't help but smile. She looked beautiful in her Belle costume, which she told me was really just a yellow dress she had bought. I thought she looked beautiful in anything so I didn't care.

When Carter told me what we were dressing up as I was a little hesitant at first. I mean Disney, really? I was with Luke on this one, we should have done Marvel or DC themed. Seeing Carter in a Harley Quinn outfit would have been a fantastic sight to see.

When it came to my costume I was firm on not wearing some dumb ass mask so I would look like the Beast from the movie. And I wasn't going to have Carter put some makeup shit on my face to make me look like it either. So instead we settled on me wearing a ripped up white dress shirt that showed some of my chest, as well as some black trousers. Car said it was close to something in the movie which was fine by me. It wasn't the worst costume.

I had it easy compared to Luke or even Ethan. With Luke wearing baggy, genie type pants and a small tiny hat just like Aladdin, but it wasn't terrible. Ethan was stuck wearing what looked like actual pants that Flynn Ryder would wear along with a semi matching shirt.

Something was up with Galloway. Ever since he showed up he hasn't stopped staring at me or at Carter. The way he was looking at her made me want to keep her by my side forever. He was looking at her like she was his and that she belonged to him. Well he lost his chance and I wasn't giving her up, not without a fight either.

All these years Carter has been in love with him but he has been too blind to see it. He couldn't see what was right in front of him the entire time. Carter was incredible and knowing that she liked me made me feel like the lucky one in this relationship. It is not often you find a girl like Carter; someone who is smart, kind, funny, caring, and feisty. If Ethan was starting to realize he has feelings for her it was too late.

Seeing Car looking over at me silently asking if I was okay made me smile. She knew I didn't have any other friends beside her and Dylan and it was sweet that she was making sure I was okay.

This scene didn't bother me. In fact before Carter I use to attend plenty of parties here on campus. It was a good way to just forget about classes and the bullshit of life. I could easily score girls at parties which was just another reason to come.

The thing is I am not this loser, unpopular guy. Everyone around campus knew who I was because of stupid rumors and because girls would always brag about sleeping with me, most I never slept with. I just became the schools 'bad boy'. The title seemed to get everyones attention and before I knew it I was being invited to parties, getting asked by girls to dance or go somewhere quieter. It was like they were obligated to invite me because I was somehow cool.

I don't mind because I don't give a fuck about what people think of me. People can say what they want. There is always going to be people that hate me or like me. I can't change that and I am not going to change myself to get someone to like me.

It has only been since I hung out around Carter have I been concerned about my reputation here on campus. I didn't want her to hear the bullshit lies. Lies about me being with every girl out there, that I was some sort of player that didn't care (well that was partly true a while ago), or something stupid like that. Out of everyone I did not want her to see me in a different way. I wanted her to see the real me and not the lies people spread.

Being with Carter just made me feel better. I didn't feel as lonely as I am or that I had to keep this persona up twenty-four seven. Around her I was myself. When we first met I knew something was different about her. Even though it was the middle of the night and couldn't see her face, I knew she would end up changing my life. And I was correct. Ever since that night I can't keep her out of my mind and now I don't want to. She is the last thing I think about when I go to bed and the first thing I think about when I get up in the morning.

The reason I was so cruel to her at first was because I was afraid of what I could be when I am around her. I would find myself smiling or being nice. I have learned over the years that people hurt you and will always let you down. I thought Carter would be like every other girl and make assumptions without getting to know me. I was not going to do something stupid and end up getting hurt. So being mean was what I chose to do.

Now of course I take it all back. Carter was not who I thought she would be. She didn't immediately judge someone. She didn't just care about herself or money. Yes she still held the power to destroy me but I didn't mind so much.

I think the moment I really saw a different side to Carter Miller was the night of the party months back. When she bumped into me while crying I saw something that I could not ignore. She looked so broken and helpless I had immediately grabbed her and took her out of that house.

Taking her to that empty field was just a spur of the moment thing and I am still glad I did. I was able to see her in a different light and in some way get to know her a bit better. It was at midnight on that night when we were looking up at the stars that I knew I couldn't stay away from her.

The rest is history. Now we are dating and so far it has been great. We were both so new to it that neither of us minded if we took things slow and I was glad. I was still getting use to having someone I can talk to on a regularly beside Dylan or my grandmother. It was a nice change though. The both of us were slowly melding into each other lives.

"Gage Harper." A sudden voice said beside me. I glanced over to my right and saw some guy standing there holding a red cup. I raised an eyebrow at him silently asking who he is. He did seem slightly familiar but not enough for me to remember.

"Don't remember me? I am Jason Perkins? I am in your Math, Social Studies and English class?" I slowly started to recognize him. "We hung out at a party a few months back." I nodded remembering now. We did hang out at a party I went to a few months ago. We ended up sitting around talking for a while.

"I remember now. What's up?" I took another sip of my beer.

"Just trying to find my girlfriend but when I saw you thought I would say hi." I looked him up and down. All he was wearing was a toga type thing that looked absolutely ridiculous.

"What are you wearing?"

"My girlfriend wanted to be original and have us go as a Greek God and Goddess. Don't ask." He raised his hand stopping my comment. I held back a chuckle. Seemed I wasn't the only one getting roped into dressing like a freak.

"Are you here with your girlfriend?" He asked changing the subject.

"Yeah." I nodded towards Carter who was laughing at something Macey said. I smiled as I watched her tilt her head back. There was nothing better than watching her laugh. She did it so freely like she didn't care who heard.

"I still can't believe you got Carter Miller to go out with you." Jason whistled. His words made me pause and look over at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Everyone knows she has been in love with Ethan Galloway for years. I for sure thought one day they would end up together." He explained. I stared at him letting his words since in. "She's always been his girl but hey now she is with you." He shoved me in the shoulder.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I bit out clenching my jaw. I didn't like what he was saying. Carter was not Ethan's girl and he never will be. She was mine now.

"Nothing dude." He held his hands up. "I like her better with you anyways. You guys fit better." His words somewhat calmed me down but I still wasn't happy.

"I...I'm just going to go." He trailed off before turning and walking away. I stared after him wondering what he really meant about that. Did everyone think Carter was going to end up with Ethan? It pained me to even think about the two of them together. They just didn't go.

"Hey! You okay?" Carter's voice spoke through my haze. I blinked before turning to face her. She was now standing in front of me with a concerned look on her face.

"I'm good." I yelled over the music to her.

"You sure?" She asked stepping closer to me and leaning forward so she didn't have to yell. Having her close to me made me feel better. Breathing in her intoxicating smell calmed whatever I was feeling inside.

"I am now." I grinned a toothy grin at her as I wrapped one hand around her waist and pulled her tight to me.

"Caveman." She muttered but she had a wide grin on her face as well. "I don't think I said this but I like you in your costume." I felt her eyes move over my upper body and taking care to look long at my exposed skin. I smiled wider seeing that.

"I think it is you that looks good in your costume. You look ravishing in yellow." I smirked. I saw her blue eyes widen and darken a little. Even though it was dark in here I could see a slight blush to her cheeks.

"Dance with me." Carter breathed out before taking a step back from me. Even though I wasn't one for dancing I grabbed her hand with my own and let her lead me to the dance floor.

With her looking over her shoulder I knew she didn't like Ethan anymore. She was with me. Seeing the smile let me know. But as she lead me through the crowd of people I couldn't push the thought away of her still being in love with Ethan Galloway. 


I updated yay! Seems like forever for some reason. I did have a hard time coming up with what to write for this chapter, as most of you know by my snap. Everything I was writing I hated and I just couldn't figure out if I wanted an Ethan pov or not. But thank the lord I got inspiration and was able to write. I figured it was time to give you a little background information on Ethan and maybe get you guys to like him a little more. He does mean well. And I thought a Gage pov would be a nice surprise for you as well :)

**I WANT TO TELL YOU RIGHT NOW THAT THINGS ARE GOING TO START PICKING UP FROM NOW ON. By that I mean weeks are going to start passing in each chapter. I am thinking like next chapter it will be 2 weeks later and things are going to start happening. Gone are the filler, getting to the know the characters and love them. Now is the real stuff (aka drama). I figured that now is the time to start bringing in the climax of the story. I thought I would let you know because I know a few of you are commenting that this story is moving too slow and what now. I did have this planned ahead of time so it isn't new that I am now speeding things up. ***

I want to thank you guys for suggesting Halloween Outfits for Carter and Gage. It was so hard to pick one and I was going to do Harley Quinn and The Joker (Most suggested) but I figured it is already over done for this upcoming halloween and thought doing Disney would kind of bring it in full circle. They are the disney characters that were chosen when they went bowling together, although I did change Macey and Luke because how are they suppose to be Mulan and Shang?! So instead they were Aladdin and Jasmine. 

ALSO HUGE THANK YOU FOR THOSE WHO WENT OUT AND BOUGHT MY SECOND BOOK! You guys are incredible and I can't thank you enough for buying yourself a copy, whether it was a kindle or physical copy. I love you! If you have yet to get yourself a copy of my book, you can head to Amazon and get a copy! All the information about that is in the chapter previous to this one :) Let me know if you do buy it!!! I want to thank you personally!

Anyways...I hope you enjoyed this! As always, 


<3 <3 <3 


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