Epilogue Part 2...

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Love the cover sent to me! I got so many and I cannot thank you enough! 

Song above is...Perfect by Ed Sheeran. His new album is just amazing!! I just had to add it.

This is another song that fits this chapter. It is...Endlessly by The Cab. This is Gage so much. If you have not heard this song before you have too!!!!! 



Happy Reading! Enjoy the last chapter <3 :)

3 Years Later... (Carter is 27, Gage 29)

"These are breathtaking."

"They are really beautiful."

I smiled at their comments. I was happy they liked the photos so much. They were definitely one of the best wedding photographs I have taken yet. Their wedding was gorgeous.

"I am glad you like them." I gathered up all the photos as well as the big book filled with all of their wedding pictures. I made sure to make an entire portfolio for them to take home.

"Here are all the photos that were taken at your wedding. If you want any of them bigger or anything, feel free to call me and I can make do it." I handed them the huge binder that held all their photos. I watched as the bride's eyes widened. She clearly didn't think she would be so many photos.

When I opened my own photography business/shop I made sure that everyone got what they wanted and more; especially wedding photos. I did a lot of different things when it came to taking pictures but I didn't mind. As long as I took pictures I was fine.

The business was surprisingly going well I must say. I was slightly worried I wouldn't get any customers but after taking Macey and Luke's engagement photos not too long ago, people seemed to come and want me to take their pictures for any event. Their engagement photo was put in the newspaper and of course with the help of everyone, they got word out about my shop.

Along with my photography shop I still painted and had more than a dozen paintings in multiple art galleries around the city. I literally was living the dream. Not every artist or photographer can make it after college, and in New York City for that matter. Somehow I've been lucky enough to do this for a living.

"Thank you so much!" The woman said, smiling widely at me. After thanking and congratulating her, they left. I smiled happy she was satisfied with the pictures. If one person liked my stuff then they would tell others, and soon even more will come.

Truth be told, I didn't have to work. With what I was pulling in from my art being sold at galleries, Gage being CEO of a huge company and the gym, I didn't have to do anything else. But I was not the type to just sit around and let my husband do all the work, and it kept me busy.

I was busy putting away all other photographs to notice my best friend, Macey Miller, walking through the door.

"Hey, Car!" I jerked up at the sound of the voice and wide smile broke out across my face. Seeing my best friend for the first time in two weeks I practically launched myself at her.

My arms were tight around her small frame, as I hugged her hard. We held onto one another for a few minutes. This was only like the second time we have spent more than a day apart.

"How was your honeymoon?" I asked, finally pulling away. I noticed she looked nice and tan and she was basically glowing.

"It was...incredible." She gushed. It was crazy to think my best friend and brother just got married. For two weeks they have been off on their honeymoon in Greece. It felt like yesterday I found out they were seeing each other.

"How about we go get some lunch and talk about it?" I suggested. I was done for the day anyways.

"Sounds good to me." After telling my assistant I was done for the day and to lock up in a bit, Macey and I left.

It took Macey and Luke a bit longer to get married than I did. I'm not even sure why my brother waited so long to propose to her but I knew he was busy with the family company and helping Gage with the gym. And Macey was busy developing things that could save the planet. But clearly Macey didn't care that he waited so long to propose, because she still married him.

We left my car in the parking lot and took Macey's to get something to eat. We had so much to talk about that the entire ride was filled with conversation. One of us barely paused and the other was talking. You never get in the way of two girls talking.

When Macey pulled into a familiar parking lot I turned to smile at her. The old diner we went to in college. I think it surprised us both coming here to eat out of all the places we can go. I didn't question it though as I opened the door and got out.

The diner looked the exact same as it did all those years ago. I was surprised it was still open but with it being so close to campus the college kids kept it going. I smiled as we walked through the doors, old memories coming forward. This and 95 Degrees was our hang out years ago; it felt nice to be back.

Once we were seated in a corner booth I looked right at Macey.

"So...how was the honeymoon? What did you do? Is Greece really pretty?" I shot one question off after another. "I want to know everything." I hesitated for a second, "well almost everything." There were some things I didn't need to know about.

"Car it was...gorgeous! Bright blue sea, great food, the people were so nice. If I could speak the language I would live there." Never having been to Greece I hung on her every word.

"What did you guys do there?"

"We went snorkeling and saw tons of beautiful fish and even saw a shark! Although they told us they are pretty harmless unless provoked. Then we walked around the village we were at, laid on the beach, and we went a few days in the main city of Greece seeing all the sights and monuments. Car you wouldn't believe how beautiful the statues of the god/goddesses are and the art. You would be heaven." Yet another reason I was jealous of their honeymoon. Although Gage and I's honeymoon was amazing.

"It was just how I wanted my honeymoon to be." Macey gushed. We got interrupted to order and after we did we went right back to talking.

I told her about how well the business was going, how Gage's gym was doing great and so many kids were coming in. I filled her in on everyone. Dylan was currently dating some girl but I knew it wouldn't last. She was too...different from him. He couldn't seem to find someone but I had faith someone would come along that was perfect for him.

Ethan was...well he was Ethan. Still most eligible bachelor in New York. But he has stopped his womanly ways at least. I just hoped he would find someone to make him settle down and stop him being at work twenty four seven.

As for Amy well she was still in Australia working. When I last talked to her she was thinking of moving back and being the head of the sea and wildlife conservation here.

I also filled her in on some of our other friends before our food came. I looked down at the hamburger I ordered and felt my stomach squeeze. It looked good, really good, but the smell was starting to get to me.

As Macey talked I grabbed a french fry and took a bite. The moment I swallowed it I quickly stood up. I briefly heard Macey asking what was wrong but I was already running towards the bathroom.

I barely made it to the toilet before I threw up. Behind me Macey came and grabbed my hair, pulling it back. I ignored the fact that the toilet was disgusting here as I continued on throwing up.

When I was done I stood up and went over to the sink. I quickly washed my mouth out and my hands. I didn't even have to see to know Macey was leaning against the counter, staring at me.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Must just be something I ate earlier." I said. The past week this has been happening to me. Everything I eat I end up getting sick and it was starting to annoy me.

"How long?"

"What?" I looked over at her as I dried my hands.

"How long have you been throwing up?" Macey asked again, crossing her arms and staring at me. I thought about lying to her but thought better of it.

"About a week." She was quite for a minute before she sighed.

"Okay, come on."

"Wait? What?"

"We are going to the store and then home. Come on." I opened my mouth to ask what she meant but she grabbed my arm and tugged me out of the bathroom with her.

"Macey." As we passed by our table she dropped some money on it and kept on pulling me after her. When we got into the car I finally was able to talk.

"What are you talking about Macey?" I was confused although deep down I knew what she was talking about.

"Carter come on, use your brain." She sent me a look as she drove. "It isn't a hat holder my friend."

"Hey!" She just smiled.

"Carter, I am saying we are going to go get a pregnancy test." At those words I paused.

"Pregnant?" I chocked on the words. I leaned back in my seat processing the words. I couldn't be pregnant. No I can't be. Gage and I were always safe.

The whole ride to the store to pick up a test I was silent. Inwardly I was freaking out. Sure I was 27 years old and married but was I even ready to have a kid? Was Gage even ready?

Macey went into the store for me and grabbed a few tests while I sat in the car. When I was finally alone I sat there staring out through the front window. The idea of being pregnant never really crossed my mind over the past week. I kept that idea way back because I wanted it to be something else. I wanted it to be just some bad food or I had the flu, even if I wasn't sick. The idea of being pregnant scared me.

I wasn't sure what to think as Macey got back in the car and drove towards my place. Gage wouldn't be home for another few hours so it wasn't like he was going to come home and find out what we were doing. At least I didn't have to worry about that.

It was almost like I was in a fog when we pulled into the parking lot and entered my apartment building. If it wasn't for Macey making sure I got on the elevator I probably would have turned around and ran. A part of me didn't want to find out if I was or not.

The two of us were silent during the elevator ride and when we got inside the apartment. I stood in the doorway, my feet firmly planted on the ground.

"Car are you okay?" Macey asked.

"I...I uh I don't know. I am pregnant Mace." My voice sounded distant to me.

"Carter you don't know if you are yet. Just take the test. Who knows maybe it is just a bug, but better be safe and take it." She shoved the box of pregnancy tests at me. I stared at the box with wide eyes.

"I'll be right outside the door. After you pee on it open the door and I will wait with you." She placed a hand on my arm in encouragement. I gave her a shakey smile as I grabbed the box and headed for the bathroom.

It wasn't that I didn't want kids, no. I have always wanted to have kids but was I ready? Was Gage? Kids were a lot of responsibility. The two of us were busy with work so how could we take care of a child?!

Peeing on the stick was a lot harder than it sounded. My bladder wouldn't listen to me, so I literally sat there for a good 10 minutes turning the tap on to see if that helped, before I was finally able to go. Once I did I opened the door to reveal Macey standing there, nibbling on her thumb waiting for me.

"Did you do it?" She asked.

"Yeah." I held the stick up with toilet paper on it. I moved past her to the living room. I need space to pace to for a minute.

"The box said it will anywhere from 5-10 minutes to get a result." Mace said as I placed it on the counter. Immediately I started to pace.

"Oh god Macey what if it is positive?" She sat on the edge of the couch as I paced in front of her. "What if Gage isn't happy about it? What if he leaves me because he doesn't want kids?" My hands made their way into my hair and tugged hard on it.

"God, Macey Gage is leaving me and I am pregnant. I am going to be a single mother. I am freaking pregnant and my husband is leaving me for some blonde bimbo. What am I going to do." I was starting to freak out now. 

"Carter." A strong pair of hands grabbed my arms and pulled me to a stop. I looked over at Macey, my eyes starting to tear up.

"You don't know if you are pregnant yet, and Gage isn't going to leave you. The two of us know that boy will do anything for you and won't leave your side. Remember when we went to that club and all those guys kept looking at you, Gage almost fought them and kept his arms around you the entire time; and Carter we were there for 4 hours."

"I know Mace but what if he really doesn't want kids?" That was my worst fear.

"Haven't you guys talked about this?"

"We have but we never really said when we would start to think about having kids. And how do I know if he was serious? I know he didn't have the best childhood and doesn't want anything like that to happen to his own kids, so what if he doesn't want any at all? What if he changed his mind?" I chewed on my bottom lip.

"Trust me Carter, Gage wants kids, especially kids from you. Everyone sees the way he looks at you, even after all this time. He would be an idiot not to want any."


"No buts. We are going to look at the test and see what it says. From there we will work through it." She squeezed my hands and I nodded. I took a deep breath to relax myself. I couldn't go freaking out. If I was pregnant we would just have to work with it. If not then maybe Gage and I need to have a talk about our future.

We waited for 5 minutes before we decided to check the stick. Clenching Macey's hand tightly I reached for the stick. Closing my eyes I stilled myself before I opened them and read what it said.

I was rooted to the ground as I read the result. Beside me I could tell Macey was wondering what it said. I moved it so she could see before turning to look at her. Both of our eyes were wider than saucers.

"You....you are pregnant."

* * * * * *

Waiting for Gage to get home was the worst. I couldn't tell you how many times I paced the living room or how many times I ran a washcloth over the kitchen. Macey left not too long ago and right now I was wishing she would have stayed. I had no clue how to tell Gage he was going to be a father. Do I just spit it out the moment he walks in? Do I wait and after dinner tell him? Or do I wait until I become so big he finally notices and asks?

I finally decided to stop pacing and start dinner, at least it would take my mind off of it for a bit. I was about halfway done with dinner with Gage walked through the door. The kitchen was wide open so you could see the living room and front door. I looked up to see him setting his briefcase down and loosening his tie.

I watched him hoping and praying he wouldn't freak out on me when I told him. When he turned to face me I plastered on a smile so he wouldn't know anything was up.

"Hey babe." I greeted him. He came into the kitchen and planted a kiss on my lips. I smiled for real this time as he wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his chin on my shoulder.

"What are you making?" He asked, looking over my shoulder into the pan.

"Balsamic chicken, with some vegetables and some yellow rice." Over the years I have gotten even better at cooking. I didn't want to eat out every meal with Gage so I learned more recipes and I had to say I was pretty darn good. Plus it was nice to have something made for when Gage came home from a long day at work. And it was surprisingly soothing.

"Mmm sounds good. Let me go change and I will come back and help you." With a kiss to the top of my head, he unwrapped his arms from me and left to go change. I smiled after him. I really did luck out with that one.

About 5 minutes later Gage came out now dressed in a pair of sweats and a white t-shirt. I could see his abs through his shirt, making my knees weak. The man gets better with age I tell you. Sending me a sly smirk, knowing exactly what I was thinking, and came around to the kitchen.

"What can I help with?" He rubbed his hands together. Over the years Gage has gotten better at cooking as well. He now can make french toast on his own, of course after a lot of fails on his part.

"You can stir the rice. It is almost done." I instructed. When I took him to stir the rice he took his job seriously. He focused hard on the task making me laugh as I moved to set the table.

With Gage's help I made plates and we sat down to eat. My stomach had settled thankfully so the smell of the food didn't bug me. My stomach was in knots though thinking of how to tell Gage this big news. We made small talk as we ate, telling each other how the others day was.

"Are you okay? You aren't eating?" Gage asked, making me look up from my plate. It was true I was pushing my food around my plate, having only taken a few bites.

"I'm okay." I smiled softly at him.

"Are you sure? Do I need to take you to the doctor?" Here comes his over protectiveness. Now was the best time to tell him. I just had to do it. Like taking off a band aid, quick and painless.

"I have something I need to tell you." I said, placing my fork down. I fiddled with my napkin in my lap, mentally trying to get all the words I wanted to say in order.

"Hey, whats up?" Gage dropped his own fork and reached out towards me. I was scared he wouldn't want anything to do with the baby. That he didn't want to be a father right now. I don't know what I will do if he isn't ready. My hands shook and my eyes started to burn from tears.

"I-I'm pregnant." I finally just said. I kept my eyes down in my lap. When Gage made no sound or movement I dared a glance up. He was staring at me with his eyes wide open and his mouth parted.

"Y-you are pregnant." He got out after a full minute of silence. He was definitely in shock.

"Yes." My voice was soft. I kept my eyes on him wanting to see if he freaked out.

"Okay. Wow." He leaned back in his seat. I let him have a moment to process everything. When he didn't say anything for a few minutes I started to worry. My mind went from one thing to another.

"Gage you have to say something. Please." I pleaded when yet another 3 minutes passed of pure silence.

"I'm the father." He said it almost like a question. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Yes you dimwit you are the father." Like I would cheat on him. It seemed those words woke him up. I watched with baited breath as his face slowly started to light up. A bright smile over took his features and he jumped up out of his chair.

"I am going to be a father!" He yelled. I stared up at him as if he had gone crazy. "We are going to be parents."

Seeing me still sitting there he dropped down into a squat in front of him. He grabbed my hands and looked right into my eyes.

"This is the greatest news I have ever gotten." He beamed at me.

"You aren't freaked out?" I asked. I was still scared he would change his mind.

"No. I have always wanted to have kids with you. It may seem like it is too soon but it feels right." Upon hearing that I let myself relax and smile.

"We are going to have a baby."

"Hell yes we are. We are going to be the best parents ever." Both of our excitement filled up the room. Gage pulled me out of my chair and wrapped his arms around me, twirling me around. I hugged him tightly and felt myself starting to cry. He set me down so my toes touched the ground and held me tightly to him.

To think I was scared. I should have known Gage would be happy about this. He was happier than I thought he would ever be and I was glad. I couldn't do this without him. Now we were going to have someone that is the perfect mix of him and me. Something that will be ours forever.

* * * * * *

5 Years Later....

"Gage can you make sure Aiden isn't doing eating the cake!" I yelled from bedroom.

"On it!" He yelled back. He went to make sure our oldest, Aiden Harper, didn't get into the birthday cake. Even at the age of 5 he was just like his father. Besides the fact that he had Gage's dark brown hair and brown hair, he acted just like him. While he did that, I focused on getting the other two dressed. Having twins is fun they said, you'll love it they said...yeah right.

Trying to get two, three year olds dressed was a work out itself. One was busy messing with the pillow on the bed and the other one was squirming in my hold, not letting me put their shirt on.

Yes twins were a handful but Charlie and Julian Harper were the light of my life. They were two peas in a pod I tell you. They always stayed by one another and if one was doing something the other was bound to be doing the same.

Little Charlie Harper was the exact replica of me. She had lighter brown hair, bright blue eyes that I fell in love with the moment she looked up at me in the hospital. She was gorgeous even though she was just three. Her dad definitely had a lot of fending off to do later on.

Julian Harper was definitely going to have girls chasing after him. With dark brown hair, almost black, and a pair of stunning green eyes he was very handsome. Somehow he ended up with green eyes, Gage and I having no clue how that happened.

Once the two of them were properly dressed I let them go. Immediately they scattered and headed for where their older brother was at. I sat on the edge of the bed taking a moment.

Having three kids was a lot of work. At times I wondered why I even had kids but then I would look at them and know I had them for a reason. I'll admit, and I think Gage will too, after having Aiden I didn't plan on having anymore children; especially soon after. But of course the universe had other plans. About a year and a half later I found out I was pregnant. And more of a shock to us two I found out I was going to have twins. Definitely the shock of our life. I could not see my life without them though.

"Mommy!" I heard Aiden yell downstairs. Sighing I got up and headed out of the room; there is no rest with kids.

Coming down the stairs I noticed there were people coming through the front door. Seeing who it was I smiled widely. I barely reached the bottom step before I was almost knocked down by my son, who was running towards his uncle.

Luke leaned down and lifted Aiden up in the air. Next to him Macey let her three year old daughter, Adeline down. Because she was the same age as my twins, of course Charlie and her were already best friends. They even had secret 'talks' together. It was beyond cute to see.

"Hey." I greeted her, stepping over the kids and pulling her into a hug. "How have you been?"

"Pretty good. Hopefully I am not so sick this time around." Macey rubbed her slightly big stomach. She was only about 5 months along and barely showing.

"Do we know the gender yet?"

"We decided to wait but I am pretty sure it is a boy. He is a little kicker."

"Just like his father." I grinned. She moved past me to pull Aiden into a hug. I turned to my brother.

"Hey there old man." I greeted him and hugged him tightly.

"I am two years older than you Car. I'm not old." Luke pouted pulling away from me.

"You better not be too old for when that baby comes." I teased.

"Don't I know it. Adeline is enough to take care of." Shaking my head at him I stepped to the side so he could pass through. Everyone made their way to the kitchen and backyard.

"Where is the birthday boy anyways?" I asked, going over to the cake to make sure none of my boys took a swipe of it. I really shouldn't trust Gage to not let Aiden touch anything.

"He should be here soon I think." Luke answered, popping a grape into his mouth. All along the counter I put little snacks for everyone. Dinner wouldn't be for a while and I knew everyone would be hungry, kids included.

The door bell rang a second later. Leaving Luke, Macey and Gage to talk and watch after the kids I went to get it.

"Hey honey!" I was greeted with the moment I opened the door. My mom came barreling through the door and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Glad you guys can make it." I said smiling at her as she pulled away.

"Where are my children?" My mom demanded. My mom was almost kid hungry now a days. I guess it didn't help she looked after the kids quite a bit. Especially lately with all the art galleries I have been invited too and all the work at the photography shop.

"In the kitchen or out back." I gestured behind me. I didn't even finish my sentence before my mom was gone in a flash. Shaking my head I turned to my dad who was caring food in his hands.

"Your mom made Ethan's favorite cinnamon rolls." He said before pulling me into a hug. Even at the age of 32 I still loved my dads hugs. I got them a lot more since we lived only three blocks away from them.

"You can go set that in the kitchen dad."

I went to go close the door when a hand stopped me. In walked no one other than Dylan Stiles, aka one of my best friends. And on his arm was someone I have come to be familiar with, his new girlfriend Maisie Grey.

They started dating about 5 months ago and she was pretty great. She owned an amazing restaurant near the waters edge. She was perfect for Dylan. She knew what she wanted in life and went for it. She can be just as hard-headed as him and she kept him on his toes, something he dearly needed.

"Hey you two." I grinned at them.

"Hey Car-bear. Wheres the food?" Dylan instantly asked. Nothing changes with him. Laughing I directed him to the kitchen.

Everyone was here now besides the birthday boy. Of course Ethan would be late to his own 35th birthday party But knowing him he either did it on purpose or was staying later at work. Over the years he has become quite the workaholic. He didn't seem to mind staying late to finish up work Gage didn't have time for, but I worried about him.

Fifteen minutes passed with all of us talking and watching the kids play. I watched my dad play with Julian, picking him up and swinging him through the air. Aiden was currently crawling up Gage's back, trying to get a piggy back ride. It was chaotic but I loved it.

Right as the kids started to get fussy I heard the front door open followed by a "hey'. Coming through the doorway to the kitchen was the man of the hour. Surprisingly he wasn't wearing a suit, instead he was wearing regular jeans and t-shirt. He actually looked a little flushed and his hair looked messier than normal but I didn't comment. But something was up especially with the way his green eyes were sparkling, something they rarely did now a days.

"Ethwan." Aiden scream bloody murder. I cringed as he ran towards his other uncle and launched into his arms. Ethan being the best uncle ever, didn't let the scream bother him as he grabbed him and swung him in the air. I smiled at the sight. Sure Ethan has become quite secluded and a workaholic but he was a great uncle to my kids.

He came around weekly to see them and play. He never once complained about getting climbed on like a horse or made to play barbies. I actually think the kids made him feel better.

Once Aiden had his turn with Ethan we all went around and hugged him, wishing him a happy birthday. Now that he was here I started on finishing the meal. The kids were starving and I knew the rest were too.

It wasn't long before we were eating and then getting ready for the cake. Even though Ethan told me no cake, that he just wanted a little dinner with everyone, I still made him a big cake and everything. When I brought the cake out with candles, he let the little ones gather around him and help him blow them out. It was the sweetest thing ever, of course until Aiden almost put his entire face in the cake.

After I served desert, I sat there with my daughter in my lap, asleep. Gage next to me with Julian asleep in his arms as well. I watched everyone talking and laughing. Luke was holding his own daughter in his arms, looking down at her frequently with a loving smile. Aiden sitting in-between Ethan and Dylan as they told him inapporiate stories I bet. Everyone was having a good time.

The past five years has been crazy but they have been the best five years of my life. I had a wonderful family, great friends, a dream job; literally everything I could have asked for.

It was right then I finally realized something. The princess doesn't always have to end up with the prince to be happy. She doesn't need the perfect life nor the perfect guy. All she needs is someone to love her with everything they have, to give her the simplest of things.

I didn't need the perfect guy to make me happy. I just needed the guy that put me above himself, put our kids above everything. Sometimes all you needed was to bump into someone in the middle of the night to open your eyes. To make you see that something you want can be right in front of you.

You just need to look hard enough to see it.

The End. 


It is over guys!! OVER! And no I am not crying...I just have allergies. 

I cannot believe this is the end of "Silent Love". This book has been the best thing I have written so far. I love each of these character as if they were my babies. Watching them grow up and have kids, is actually heartbreaking.

 It has been well over a year since I came up with the idea to do a sequel to "Something Inside". It took me a while to finally decide to do it and come up with the characters. A full year of updating and developing these characters to make you love them as much as I do. It has been a hard year for me, 2016 had a lot of great moments (getting my book published) but there were some hard moments for me, and without this book I would have been very lonely and sad. This book really did get me through some hard times. 

I am sad to see this story end but that doesn't mean it is the end for the characters. I have plenty of bonus chapters coming your way but who knows maybe someone is getting their own book....

I want to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart. Without you I would not have written this book. It would literally not be what it is today without you guys. You are incredible! You are literally the best readers ever and I cannot thank you enough for what you guys have done for me. I wish I could hug you all right now but I guess I will settle with a virtual hug. 

Thank you for taking time out of your busy days to read this book and for being so patient with me when I didn't upload. I know I probably upset you guys a few times with not updating but I hope it was well worth the wait. 

I am thinking of entering this book into the Wattys this year. Maybe we can win something! Or maybe we can get this book to be ranked #1!!! That would be incredible too!

So now that this book is done I will now be focusing on my new story "The Hidden Shadow". It has officially been started and the first THREE chapters are up if you want to go check them out. I will be updating it weekly so stay tuned for another chapter this week. I hope you guys enjoy the book, because it is going to be amazing!

So...one last time. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!


<3 <3 <3


P.S There are going to be quite a bit of bonus chapters. They are going to be anything from Kinky sex scenes, Layla and Ashton povs, Gage and Carter dates, Luke and Macey, and maybe even a few Amy ones too. If you have any ideas you want to see make sure to leave a comment or message me!! <3 

P.P.S Some covers sent to me I am not sure I ever used. I may have but I love all the ones you guys sent me! <3 

I love you guys so much!!

If you read this comment....Cage is life <3 

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