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Hey guys! I know you are all disappointed in this not being an update and I am so sorry! I need your help though!!!!! 

So you all know "Something Inside" (Layla and Ashton's story) is getting published. I just learned that my agency wants to split it into TWO books just like with my other published book. This means I need NEW TITLES!!! I can keep one book 'Something Inside' but have to make the other one similar to it. Or just new titles all the together! This is so hard but I could really use your help. 

It will be split up from Chapter1-16 (book 1) and Chapter 17-end (Book 2) 

Chapter 16 ends when Layla is getting ready to get everything ready for the Gala as well as showing up. That will end book 1. It will contain the beginning where Layla meets Ashton and gets to know him, works for him.

So the second book will have the gala scene, her getting together with Alex and fighting with Ashton. Then of course the end and bonus chapters. This will be book 2. 


I decided that because I am asking for your help I should have a reward as well. SO the person or person's that come up with a title name that I use will get A FOLLOW, DEDICATION, and A REVIEW ON ONE OF THEIR BOOKS! This means that if you write stories I will read one of them and let you know what I think and promote it on my profile :) If you don't write stories I will do something else for you!

So if you know of any good title names that would fit the plot of "Something Inside" comment! It can literally be anything! I don't care at all. Below is the summary to the story so you can get a small review of what the story is about to refresh your memory. 

* * * * * * * 

Ashton Miller was the richest, most powerful and sexiest man alive. Being a multimillionaire, he had everything he could have ever wanted; girls, cars, and so much money he didn't know what to do with. As the biggest playboy in New York, Ashton jumps from girl to girl breaking their hearts as he went along. He didn't care about anything other than his company and himself.

Layla Kingston. Layla was NOT rich, actually Layla was basically broke. She worked as a waitress. She didn't have guys all over her, in fact she's only had one boyfriend and that didn't turn out well. Layla didn't have it all, in fact she's had a very hard life, and just when she thinks her life is finally starting to turn over it turns out way different than she thought.

A story about two wounded polar opposites crossing paths. 

* * * * * * * * * 

ANY suggestion is wanted! Whatever you think would fit, you would like the stories to be called. Anything works honestly. Just remember! Because Layla and Ashton's story is getting published THIS Story is bound to get published as well. That is why I want all of your opinions and help on this. It would mean the world to me if you could help out!!

If there are multiple titles I like I will give the prize to MULTIPLE PEOPLE! So comment some good ones and if you like certain ones comment on it so I can see it. I will be watching the comments for the next few days so don't worry, I will see all of your suggestions. 

THIS MEANS THE WORLD TO ME! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR HELPING ME OUT! I love you guys so much and I want you all involved in this process. You guys are literally the best fans ever and I can't thank you enough for being so supportive of me. 

THERE WILL BE AN UPDATE IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS! I am working on it right now and should be done soon. Got some inspiration yesterday so I am so excited to post it and have you all read it. I will let you know of course when I post it. Make sure to add me on Snapchat so you can see everything about that and about my published books! Username: OutOfMyLimit17 !!

Thank you guys once again! I can't wait to see what you guys come up with!!!!!

<3 <3 <3 


P.S to make it up to you here are some yummy pics of Gage ;) 


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