Part 10

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Swara entered inside the room and flashes about kiss passed from her brain.she takes deep breath,keeps bag in cupboard then comes back and sits on bed and looks at wall clock.

"there is still time...."swara muttered and lay down on bed but gets straight quickly after hearing door sound.

"he came so early?..."swara thought worriedly but sigh in relief seeing shomi.

"mom you here?..."swara said in surprised tone,gets up and hug her.

"why can't i come here?...did you husband told you to not let me come?"shomi said in serious tone.swara breaks hug and blinks at her.

"no...he never said anything like this.i am happy you came."

"i am kidding...."shomi said and laughed.swara smiles and makes her sit on bed.

"i will bring something for you...."swara said but shomi stops her.

"not needed....i am in hurry,i just came to give this file to you."shomi said giving her a file.

"what it is about?..."swara asked in confused tone.

"nothing just business related....actually i went to meet sanskar in his office twice but he was busy so thought to give you this....take his signatures on this when he is free...."shomi said.

"mom give this file to him yourself......its business related"swara said,feeling uncomfortable after the kiss.

"i already told you...i went to meet him but he was busy."

"but can i?"swara said,getting worried with thought that she have to go and talk with him.

"whats difficult in taking signatures and if i am not wrong,he will not ask anything from you."shomi said in meaningful tone but swara didn't listen to her,she was only thinking about sanskar.

"can't you do this much for me...."shomi said and kept hand on swara's hand.swara looks at her and nodded slowly.shomi smiles at that.

"i will leave now..."shomi said while getting up.

"why?...just now you came,didn't even eat anything."swara said,getting up herself.

"its okay....i have work,i will come some other day.don't forget to take his signatures."shomi said in sweet tone and left after patting her cheek.

"what is so important in this file?...."swara said in irritated tone then gets up,keeps it in cupboard and goes to get fresh.

After taking shower she walks out from the room and strikes with sanksar at doorstep.both looks at each other for second then swara quickly avoids eyes from him and leaves hurriedly.



Sanskar was sitting across his study table,keeping both elbow joints on table,thinking about swara.he was not able to work because of her thoughts coming in his mind continuously.he gets up from chair,picks up his laptop and few files and goes to his room.

Swara was standing in terrace and her back was facing the room.she didn't see him coming and sitting on bed and started working.

After an hour,swara turns back and gets more shock and less surprise seeing,sanskar working in bedroom.she quickly turns back and closed her eyes.

"why is he in bedroom today...he always work in his study.what should i do now?"swara thought and cursed her faith.she turns back,goes to bed,lay down and closed her eyes without looking at sanskar for a second.

"why am i not getting sleep today?...."swara cried in her mind and turns to other side,as her back faces sanskar and opens her eyes.sanskar attaches his bak to the head of bed and stares at her,feeling bad after seeing her ignoring him.

Whole night swara spent her night with open eyes because of the thought he was sitting close to her and sanskar spent his night starring at her.



"swara why didn't you wake him up today?...we will be late for meeting."khan said in irritated tone.swara stares at sanskar who was sleeping in sitting position and leaves from there silently.

"sanskar get up...."khan shouted,tired of waking him up but he was not budging a little.

"sanskar!...."khan shouted at top of his lungs.sanskar opens his eyes at his loud shout and looks at him angrily.

"you are fired....."sanskar said angrily.

"my get up,i will do some breakfast,swara must have prepared something delicious."khan said with smile and leaves.sanskar digs holes at back of his head.



Swasan enters inside,walking at small distance from each other,shomi walks toward them and welcomed and takes swara with her.sanskar takes one drink from waiter and start taking small sips,seeing swara moving around and talking with different women.

Sanskar released a suffering breath,seeing her smiling as he didn't get to see her smile after that day and should i say he didn't get to see her face.she was hiding from him with all her efforts.

Meanwhile his mobile starts ringing,he takes it out from inside of his coat,looks at the screen,attends call and goes to a corner.

"swara come with me..."shomi said to swara,she excuses swara from women and takes her out by holding her arm.

"where is file?....did you get his signatures?"shomi asked impatiently.swara bites her bottom lip.

"sorry mom....i didn't get time to give him file,sorry"swara said in apologizing tone

"one week passed and you didn't get time to take a small signature?..."shomi said in deep angry voice and her grips on swara's arm tightened.swara stares at her with scared eyes because of her anger.

"such a useless girl you are....can't even do a simple work."shomi said in loud scolding tone,leaves her arm and walks out from there.

Tears starts rolling down from swara's one ever said anything to her in loud at her father house,shouting and scolding were far.swara had spent her whole life at shekhar's house and everyone gave her so much love that she never felt she don't have her own blood relative.

After sometime,some puts umbrella on her head.swara looks up then back.sanskar was standing there with annoyed face as swara was half wet because she was standing in rain.

"come inside you will get sick...."sanskar said in calm tone,gives her umbrella and was about to go when swara holds his arm,keeps head on shoulder and starts crying silently.

Sanskar gets worried,seeing her crying all of sudden but keeps hand on back of her head.when she stopped crying and moved back,sanskar looked at her face deeply,swara was not looking at him.

"i will not ask anything don't worry....."sanskar said in soft tone while wiping her tears with his thumb.swara gets relieved after hearing that as she didn't want to tell him about it.

"let's go...."sanskar said,picks up umbrella from ground as she had dropped it a while ago and keeps on her head again.swara walks forward and sanskar walks beside her,holding umbrella on both of them.(imagine like profile pic just replace snow with rain drops)


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