Part 7

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"finally it finished..."swara closed her sketch book and put it on side and steps down from bed and goes to change so that she can go out.after coming out she picks up her and other things and goes out quickly and starts waiting for driver.she looks at her wrist watch then goes to parking area to see what is taking so long.she looks inside the car,key was present but driver was missing.she bites her inner cheek and thinks for a minute then opens door and sits inside.she puts her bag and other things on passenger seat and starts the engine.


Instead of reverse gayer she puts pressure on speed peddle and hit car to the front.

"i hit his car...."swara covers her mouth with both hands and cursed herself badly.

"what will he say?..."swara thought worriedly,picked up her things,quickly opened door and ran inside.



Snaksar opens door of the room and enter inside at the mean time,swara strikes with him but instead of stopping,she runs outside without saying anything.sanskar saw her climbing down the stairs in running manner and vanishing.

Sanskar gets a little confuse at her behavior then shrugs and stepped inside.before going to take shower his sight fell on paper which was placed on dressing table.

"why she always leaves notes...."sanskar muttered then picks it up and reads it.


sanskar chuckled after reading the note and understood why she ran out when he entered inside.he goes toward a specific drawer then comes back after picking something and places it on swara's side table with a note.


Swara slowly opens door of the room and peeks inside.she released a deep sigh seeing no one.

"he must be working in study..."swara said and entered inside.she went toward her bed to sleep and saw note and picked it up.


swara reads the note and giggled a little then looks at a car key and smiled fully.


"can i also have a cup of coffee..."sanskar said,seeing swara making coffee for herself as he entered inside the kitchen.swara looks at him and nodded.sanskar sits on chair around a small table in kitchen and starts looking at swara who was walking around in kitchen.she was wearing a blue colored frok which was reaching to her feet.

"drink it here....take small break from work."Swara said,keeping mug in front of him and sits on chair opposite to him.sanskar picks up cup and takes small sip from it.

"why don't you finish your work at office?...always busy"swara asked in annoyed tone.

"if i will not work extra then my company will be closed in a week...."sanskar said with smile.

"no wonder you don't have girlfriend."swara thought while making face.

"should i give you a advice....."


"make some time for your personal life....your wife will get mad in this empty house."swara said in very concerned tone,making sanskar laughed a little.

"i am serious...whole day you are in office then after coming you start working in this your wife will run away in few months"swara annoyed with his laugh.

"in that case i will bring someone like you....who will watch movies with maids in my absence and when i will come home,she will spend time with me when we are having dinner together or cup of coffee."sanskar said in deep tone while drinking last sip of his coffee.swara's heart beat increased at his tone

"thank you for coffee..."sanskar said, gets up and leaves.

"someone like me?.....why did he say like this?"swara muttered and felt her heart beat increased more.


"sanskar wake up.....khan will come and start banging the door."swara said in sleepy voice with closed as she was in deep sleep.

"sanskar!..."swara turns to other side and keeps hand on side when she didn't get answer.she traces her hand on bed then raises her head a little and looks at it,there was no one on her side then realization stuck her,she was at gaddodia mention.she moves her hand back,keeps it under her face on pillow and stares at empty space.


"sanskar get up man...."khan shouted while banging the door.

"it was so nice when you were waking up yourself..."khan said to sanskar when he opened the door.

"swara wakes me up...because she didn't want you to shout in morning,neither i like to wake up because of your shouting"sanskar said in annoyed tone,remembering swara's soft tone.

"really?...she did such a noble job,i also don't like to shout in morning,now will you get ready we are already late."khan said in more annoyed tone than him.sanskar glares at him and goes to get fresh.



"whats wrong with the lights?..."sanskar said,seeing the house in darkness.he locked the car and walked inside,he gets more worried,seeing no lights on inside the house.he takes out his mobile and turned on the flashlight.

"swara! when did you come back?..and why lights are off?."sanskar asked,seeing her sitting on couch.swara looks at him,gets up from couch,runs and hugs him.sanskar gets surprise with her sudden hug.

"why are you coming so late?..."swara asked in scared tone,hugging him tightly.


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