Chapter 5: Rising Resentment

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It is dark inside your room. You light the fire, and open the windows.
It's raining, nice...
You look at the sun and guess what time it would be:
Not 10 AM, so time enough.
You pick up your ocarina, and play a song you always hear at the stables.
The raining stopped, and you walked outside to do your daily training: A knight has to stay focused.

After the training, you were very hungry.
Well, I'll have breakfast without Zelda then...
As you are walking towards the big table, the King walks towards you:
"Goodmorning, Link! Where is my daughter?"
You kneel:
"Goodmorning, my lord. Zelda is in her room, she wanted to be woken up at 10 AM today."
He laughs:
"Rhoam, Link, not my lord. And is she really thát tired? She never sleeps 'till 10!"
"It appears she is, Rhoam. If you excuse me, I have to eat, because otherwise I won't be able to wake her up."
He laughs again:
"Sure, Link, sure! Just... protect her. She can be quite unreasonable sometimes!"
You nodd:
"I'll protect her with my life."
You sit down and have breakfast. Finn wasn't there, but the other one was. He sat next to you.
What was his name again... Gregor!
"Goodmorning. Gregor, wasn't it?"
He looks up, and answers with his mouth full of bread.
"It is. Is it the famous Link, our lord and saviour?"
You laugh:
"It isn't. It's just Link."
Gregor shakes his head:
"The man who's strong enough to defend our beautiful Princess... you don't look that strong to me. I should be the one to protect her, not you. Only because you have a shiny blue sword. It ain't right, it ain't fair, it ain't proper!"
It wouldn't be proper to stick that shiny blue sword through your throat, that is. But I'm not going to make quarrels here.
"Yeah, you do look strong! Perhaps I'm stronger than I look."
You were almost finished, and you couldn't resist to tease him a bit for his words:
"You know why the Princess chose me, and not you?"
He looks angry:
"The looks, my friend."
And you walk away before he could anwer.
Your answer wasn't exactly true, because: 1: the King chose you, not the Princess, and 2: you don't think you're that beautiful(Although you are).
One truth is that sir Gregor is pretty ugly, that's for sure.
It's 10 AM, and you go to Zelda's room. You knock on the door 3 times. You wait for someone to open the door.
She's probably dressing up, I'll wait.
You wait for 5 minutes.
If I knock a second time and she opens, she's most likely going to be angry for my impatience...
After 5 minutes, you dare to knock 3 times for a second time. Nobody opens the door. You wait 1 minute and knock again. Still no one.
You walk a meter back, run towards the door, and kick it in.
A maidservant screams, only one, and no Zelda.
You walk towards her:
"Sorry to have scared you, Misses, but where can I find the Princess?"
She keeps quiet.
"Hey... I'm not doing this for myself, or to hurt her or something. I'm doing this to protect her."
She keeps quiet.
You shake your head:
"Would you like a dead Princess?"
A tear appears in her eye, but she keeps quiet.
"Just... tell me where she is, or I'll-
No, I'm not going to hurt you..."
She lets the tear flow:
"The Princess... she told me not to tell you where she went... I'm doing this for her, and I will do whatever she asks."
You throw your arms in the air in frustration:
"Well then... just think about-"
A loud and deep voice echoes through the room:
"ZELDA?! ZELDA?! Link! Where is my daughter?! Is she safe ?! I heard a loud smack, and the door is broken!"
You kneel again:
"I went here to wake her up... but she's gone! It was I who kicked down the door. Her servant here doesn't want to tell me where she went."
He walks slowly towards the servant, and he's angry:
"In the name of your King, stop this madness and tell me where my daughter went."
She's crying now:
"She... she went to the Tena Ko'sah shrine... it's just across the Tabantha Great Bridge, at the Ancient Columns. She said she didn't need an escort this time..."
You nodd:
"That's all I needed to know. I'll get your daughter, my liege."
You ran to the stables, took Epona and galloped away.

Zelda's POV

*Note: I just wanted to clarify things a bit, otherwise you  guys wouldn't be able to read the whole story. So I'll sometimes do a Zelda's POV when I think it's necessary.*

9 AM... perfect. Now I'll quietly go away, so that Link doesn't follow me and I can research some things on my own.
I saddled up my horse, which doesn't obey me very well, and leave for the Tena Ko'sah shrine. I wanted to test if my Sheikah slate allows me to enter these so called 'shrines'.

I press my slate against the stone, but nothing happens.. I start talking to myself a bit:
"Nothing... just as I thought.
Hmmm... it appears that this structure  was designed to be exclusively accessed by the sword's chosen one. But designs can always be worked around, at least I hope. How do I get inside? I need to activate it somehow..."
I suddenly hear the sound of a horse and loud galloping.
I sigh.
Of course, it's hím. Why does he always follow me?!
He dismounts, and I walk over to him, frustrated:
"I thought I made it clear that I am not in need of an escort. It seems I'm the only one with a mind of my own."
He keeps quiet and bows his head, that hurt him though. But I go on:
"I, the person in question, am fine, regardless of the King's orders."
He's still quiet:
"Return to the castle, and tell that to my father, please."
I walk away, but after a few seconds, I already hear other footsteps.
I turn around:
"And stóp following me!"
He nodds now, mounts his horse, and rides in the direction of the castle.
I mount my horse as well, and go to Urbosa, in Gerudo Town.
She has always been kind to me as a mother, as my mom died when I was 6.

It was a long ride, and sometimes I felt like I was being watched, but when I turned around, there was nobody as far as I could see...
I was welcomed kindly by her:
She immediately ran over to me, asked me what was wrong, and I told her about the whole day and my frustrations.
She shushed me and put me in a bed.
"Just close your eyes. I'll show you around and let you relax a bit tomorrow. Sleep now."

Link's POV

Gerudo Town...
I'll sleep here tonight.
Zelda went to Gerudo Town, a woman-only town. You are allowed to go inside by Urbosa, because you were the chosen one, but the other Gerudo don't like it at all, and you don't want all that troublemaking today.
That's for tomorrow.
She'll be safe there.
You made your "bed". This time, it was just sand, with a pillow, a sheet and a blanket.
It's going to be very cold tonight...
But I don't mind: I like the fresh breath of the wild...

Chapter 5 is done guys! I'm sorry for uploading this story so slow, I'm just more into My Shining Sun at the moment XD
Anyway, see you guys soon!

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