Chapter 1 : Problems here and There...

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A.N: Okay so, I hope you like this chapter? Wait- what's with the question mark? Eh- oh well! My main character-Peyton- Was inspired by my millions of characters and one of my dearest friends! I hope you enjoyXD Oh and I will be updating-or trying to update- Every Friday. Around the last week of May, I might miss a lot, because of exams and stuuf- So.....Yah! Onto the CHAPTER!!!!!! (Picture of what Peyton roughly looks like at the top(;


He pulled his bow and aimed for the spruce tree. His eyes narrowed at the center, as he pulled it back further, anger clearly on his face. "I hate you..." He barely spoke; as he pulled it as far back as it would go, without it snapping. "I hate you!" He yelled as he let go of the string, and the arrow went flying. Water trickled down from his eyes as his face scrunched up and shot another arrow.

"How could you..." He then shot another and another and another arrow at the spruce tree, the arrow striking deeper each time. "YOU KILLED YOUR OWN DAUGHTER!" He exclaimed as he shot one right in the middle.

As he reached for another arrow, the 14 year old noticed that there weren't any left. He wiped his eyes, and didn't bother to take some from the tree to see if they were any good -they usually weren't anyways...-

As he walked out of the forest, and into his village, he noticed his mother, in the doorway. But as he neared, her smile disappeared. "Peyton, sweet heart, why are you crying?" She asked in a sweet yet sad tone.

She went to give him a hug-a shoulder to cry on- but he simple shrugged it off. "Stop it mother." He told her blankly as he walked into the house and upstairs to his room.

His mother walked in the house, to find her husband sitting on the couch. "What's the matter with Peyton, Arianna?" He asked her as he stood up and walked her back to the couch.

"I don't know..." She stated with a hand on her forehead. "Well, Aria... he's going to be an adult next year...and we're going to have to marry him off, to a beautiful young lady...maybe he's upset about that?"

"John, if that's the case then why don't you bond with him? I have nothing to teach him..." He nodded and walked up the wooden stairs to his son. He knocked on the door.

"What?" It was a low growl from in the room. He opened the door to see his son, starring out the small window. "Son, I was wondering if you'd want to go hunting with me tonight...?" The brown haired boy gave off a loud sigh.

"Sure." His father smiled at him before leaving his room, but yelled up at him from the bottom of the stairs. "We leave as soon as you're ready!" he exclaimed. Peyton rolled his eyes.

From under his bed, he pulled a brown button up shirt, and some loose pants. He changed and walked downstairs. "Come on son! Lets get going!" Peyton groaned.

"Yah...." He sheathed his sword, and pulled his bow over his back. "Lets go..." Peyton walked outside to find his grey horse -Nightmare- saddled and ready to go.

Peyton sighed as he cantered off into the woods with his father, and his horse, following behind. Giving his son some space.


As Peyton walked into the woods, his father followed close behind him. "showing me your favorite spot to hunt son?" Peyton, grunting and turned towards his father.

"No." He started. "I am trying to get AWAY from you!" His father frowned. And got off his horse, Peyton followed this action.

"Son...are you upset because next year you'll be married off?" Peyton rolled his eyes. "No Father. Im not upset because of that. Im upset because my best friend was murdered by her own damn father!!!!" He exclaimed.

"Peyton-" John started, only to be cut off by his son. "No. Don't 'Peyton' me. I know how this works. You and mum have done it over a million times!" He started as he paced side to side in front of his father.

" 'Peyton, I know your upset.' ' Peyton we're only doing this for your own good.' Or better yet!" He started again in the mockingly bad impression. " 'Peyton I'm sorry.' " His father didn't even try to respond to his raging son.

"Well yah know what? IM the one who's sorry. Sorry that I'm not worthy of your love. Sorry that I wasn't the little GIRL you wanted. Sorry for being ME!" His father walked up to his son, and placed his hands on his shoulders. He looked Peyton in the eye.

"Peyton Temth, our amazing son who deserves better parents, who deserves to be royalty, who deserves to be treated with proper respect..." Peyton looked as if on the brink of tears.

When your angry, and you yell, scream and shout at your parents, and say things that you would regret later. And then they say the same thing back to you, in a nut shell, and you feel guilty, and start to cry. That's how Peyton felt.

"Leave me alone you dirty bastard..." Peyton's voice was low, as he starred down at the floor. His father let go of his shoulders and attempted to look at his face.

"Peyton, son, what did you say?" Peyton growled.

"I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE YOU BASTARD!" And with that he ran off deeper into the forest, leaving his speechless father.

"Peyton!" he yelled, hearing no response. "PEYTON!!" John, jogged back on his red horse - Pine - and rode back to the small village on the outskirts of the kingdom.


Peyton wasn't sure how long he'd been walking for, when he found out that he had been walking in circles.

"Why do I keep going in circles..." He muttered.

"I should find shelter..." He groaned, as he spotted a grey mount of rubble. He walked over to it and brushed the leaves off, to reveal a crumbling cave.

Peyton walked in and began searching for the end. When he finally reached it... His heart felt like it skipped a beat.

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